I meant to write this earlier but now I have a newborn baby and time just slips away from you so lets hope I don't forget most of this story.
Around Sunday, June 2nd at midnight I started getting contractions. Nothing too serious and nothing super consistent to call my doctor over. So I stayed up and then would try to sleep through them but on occasion one would be bad that I just had to take some deep breathes. Around 4am I decided to wake Spencer up and let him know what was going on. He decided he wanted to get up and get everything ready just in case everything became more consistent and we needed to leave. We sat around and watched some shows on TV and I ate a little here and there. Then I around 630 I decided to call my doctor and we headed out to the hospital around 7am. They checked me out and I was only 80% effaced and 1 1/2 dilated so they had me walk around for an hour and would check everything else out again. So we strolled the halls and after the hour the contractions were getting closer and closer together and things were starting to hurt. They checked baby and all was going well so they wanted me to walk another hour. About half way through that I just was starting to give up on walking because I was having to stop so often and it was very uncomfortable. Then they checked me and said you are now 2 dilated but that's still not what we want to see you at. My doctor came in and wanted me to walk more but I said I just can't it hurts too much. But because I wasn't making progress he was saying it could be a day or two more before he comes so he was going to send me home. I was so close to wanting to punch him because I was in pain and I wanted that medicine that I could get through this. All the nurses were trying to convince him to let me stay because they knew what my situation felt like. But Spencer went to get pain medicine for me (I always forget the name of it) and my mom took me home.
Once I got home things just got worse. It was around 1 now and I was getting a contraction every minute that lasted for about a minute and then in between I had the shakes SO bad! Spencer finally arrived with food and I tried to eat it fast so that I could take the medicine and it could kick in. Once it finally kicked in the shakes weren't as bad but I could still feel the contraction pains. My doctor told me to rest so I tried lying down but it still just wasn't relaxing me. So we called the doctor and said we are coming back.
Once we arrived back all the nurses were like we are so sorry he sent you away and were hoping you would come back soon. By now it's about 2 or 3pm. I FINALLY get admited and then put my gown back on (with everything they needed to do I wasn't able to wear the one I made) They hooked me up to fluids and put monitors on me. About an hour later the anistesialogist came to give me my epidural. Giving you the epidural is more painful then you would think, jeez! So my legs were numb but I could still feel them, once it kicked in the contractions were nothing! I still had the uncontrollable shakes but I couldn't help it. lol I felt like I was having seizures though it was intense sometimes.
So we all just relaxed and waiting for things to progress and very slowly they did. But not fast enough so the doctor said how about we give you some patocin to speed things along. That helped a little and then later they ended up needing to break my water (if my water had broken soon Isaac would of been here a lot faster) Once my water was broken I dilated 3 cm in about an hour or more. Around 11:45 we decided to do some pushing. My mom held one leg and Spencer held the other. The pushing wasn't too big of a deal because I couldn't feel anything but I felt enough to know I was pushing towards the right area. The doctor said Spencer could look at the top of the head so he did but that probably wasn't a great idea. He had to leave to take a break from it and I totally understand, I wasn't going to look down there either! But he was such a great partner through all of this.
About 40 minutes later cute little Isaac was here! I thought I would cry a little but MAN did I cry like a baby, this baby came out of me and Spencer and I made him. The first thing I said was he looks like me, his face fits with almost exactly how mine did when I was a baby. He was just so perfect in my eyes and that love just poured out of me.
He came out all pink, no cone head, and his cry was quiet since I had them leave the umbilical cord attached until it had stopped pulsing. Which is a prety cool experience to leave the cord attached. Then a little later the placenta came out, Spencer kind of saw that and he said it looked so weird, almost like a brain. lol
They took and measured him and did a few tests and my mom noticed that he has my webbed toes which is totally cool while my doctor stitched me up =[ I just barely got a 3rd degree tear. My first set of stitches.... I just try not to think about it because it's weird to think i'm all stitched together down there, ugh.
Isaac Charles Peacock
Monday, June 3rd 2013 @ 12:23am
7 lbs 8 oz 20 inches
My mom got to hold him a little bit then had to leave to head back to Tooele. Then after a little bit they got me in a wheelchair and took us to our room. It was very tiny but we fit in. I had a few nurses on and off. There were some that were okay, now the aftermath is not the best part. I couldn't feel if I had to go potty or not and I couldn't feel my legs. I felt so helpless.
I tried breastfeeding and that took some help and sometimes we got it to work and sometimes we didn't. And they give you ice for down there and that sure makes everything better, I suggest using ice as long as possible especially in the first 24 hours. I bleed for a little while but by the time we left (a little over 24 hours) I wasn't bleeding too much but there will always be some until i'm completely healed.
Let's just say we certainly didn't sleep very much especially these past couple nights but it's so worth it in the long run.
More then anything I would love to express the love I have for my husband, Spencer. He has been SUCH a rock for me and so helpful. I never would have known how amazing he would be in all of this. He helps me with breastfeeding when things aren't going well (right now pumping because he won't attach anymore but that's for another time), he was there to hold Isaac when all he would do is scream and I just couldn't handle it. One of the sweetest things is the love he has for Isaac and whenever he burps, makes a messy diaper, eats, or even cries Spencer is always there giving him positive feedback even if Isaac has no idea what he is talking about. I always here him say "your doing a great job, way to go Isaac".
It's just the sweetest thing and you end up loving your husband even more then you already did.
Now we did have a scare once at the hospital and Isaac started to choke really bad and the nurse was luckily there and took him to the nursery RIGHT away but she didn't tell us what was happening fully before she left. I just started crying, I just gave birth to him less than maybe 12 hours ago and something could be happening to him right now. It was the most terrifying experience and shows you how much love a mother has for her children. Thankfully all was fine, he had choked on amniotic fluid that was stuck in his lungs and so he was a little purple and blue. I couldn't hold him when they brought him back because I was just so upset and couldn't stop crying. Eventually I did I was just so terrfied it would happen again and I wouldn't know what to do. And it did again a little later but not as bad and once again Spencer took action and got it all under control. But ahh a mother can only take so much.
We finally left the hospital Tuesday around 12 to head to our home (my parents basement for now) in Tooele.
I can blog a little bit more later about life with having a baby but for now I can say little things like it's tiring but when you look at his face it just melts your heart. You just want to do anything you can to make them happy. A lot of things have happened since we've brought him home, some good, some bad but I will blog about those a little later on when I get a chance.
For now we are all doing fairly well and slowly adjusting to one another. I will post a few pictures below =]
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Isaac's first picture =] |
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Look it how CUTE he is =] Chubby |
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In the carseat on our way to Tooele, he actually fit in it quite nicely |
You are so right about how much you love that baby immediately, and how seeing your husband in his new role as "Daddy" touches your heart so deeply. I felt the same way. You just can't put it into words.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has a unique experience with breastfeeding, but two things I would advise you: 1. If he's not latching, have him checked for tongue-tie, just in case, because that can be fixed and make a huge difference. and 2. Don't give up! It is hard and it hurts but I'm sure you know it is SO good for the baby and you, too!
Congratulations on a beautiful baby! He really is adorable, and you are doing great!
What an experience! One thing I really want you to know is to do what I'm sure your doctor told you to do - take it easy! I got a 2nd degree tear with Avery and I thought I was taking it pretty easy, but I wasn't. Two weeks later I was told to re-do what I was told to do (sitz baths, resting) so I could heal correctly. I know it's terrifying to think that you have stitches down there and the possibilities of it not healing correctly, but just take it easy and take care of it and you should be fine! It's great that you're living with your parents so your mom can help you.
ReplyDeleteAnd as with the breastfeeding, I totally understand those who feel like they can't go on because of the emotional stress or actually physically not able to do it, but if you can, do it! It's so worth it and it does get better. I know it may feel like your breasts will never be the same and will never quit hurting, but it will get better and it will get easier! It's heart breaking to hear that he's not latching very well, but there's help for that! I fully recommend seeing a lactation specialist. They're all over, and if you're on WIC, they can be a good resource for helping you out. I went to a few to get help and second opinions on what was going on. I don't know what kind of resources are out there in Tooele, but Google it or ask around. Pumping can be really hard and time consuming! I just hope the best for you and your family and want you to get all the resources and help that you need!