Friday evening-
It was a stressful afternoon but we finally got things agreed on. While I was locking the doors at work I smashed my thumb in the metal doors. Ouch! That moment when your body goes stiff because you weren’t expecting that pain. I have a few little red dots (broken blood vessels) but it didn’t hurt for very long and no bruises so I think I will be able to keep my nail! Score!
Then I went home and we loaded up the car with boxes and laundry and headed out to Tooele. There we looked at a car for sale but for the price it wasn’t worth the things you needed to get fixed. Then we went to the Elder’s Quorum activity out there “Minute to win it”, it was pretty fun! We won one of the games so that was cool! Then we grabbed a few things and headed back to
Week 35 of the pregnancy! We got up and got ready and headed out to the Front Runner. We took it to Ogden Station and took Caidan’s Bridal pictures, we were limited on time but I got some pretty good ones. I’m very thankful they have asked me to take so many pictures for them, it gives me practice! It was a hot day and Spencer got pretty sun burnt, I should have remembered sun screen (my bad!). Then we took the Front Runner back to our car and drove to
Another beautiful day outside, we’ve been having a nicer bird tweeting lately. It’s more musical and I’m defiantly okay with that type of bird. Our sacrament is kind of interesting, that lady that is a LOUD singer spoke and sang today. It wasn’t bad but just interesting. The opening hymn, not sure which one it was at one moment we all sounded like angels singing it together and it was just beautiful it almost made me cry. In nursery we had 6-7 kids but they were all pretty darn good today. It is starting to physically tire me out being there though. I do enjoy it but I’m ready to depart from that calling for a little while. I just have no energy to pay attention to them as much as I did earlier. But like I said they were good today so it wasn’t as bad as usual. Then we came home and I tided up the house a little and did the dishes. Then we watched some AFV videos and played Rumikub outside since it was such a beautiful day out. Then we took a short walk and came home and ate some yummy ice cream.
This morning I woke up and got ready earlier than normal. I am wearing
After work I’m going to pick up Spencer and we are going to
Week 35- Isaac is the size of a Honeydew melon! Next week will be the start of Month 9, kind of crazy! He has the hiccups A LOT, which some people find cool but they drive me nuts because I can’t make them stop. I know they aren’t hurting him, they are cute for the first few times but he gets them so much (which isn’t a bad thing) that it gets slightly annoying. That’s just my opinion. Other than that he goes a little crazy sometimes, and REALLY still loves my right side. I am still 136 lbs but now about 40 ½ inches around. I wake up STARVING at around 3, 6, and 8 in the morning and I’m just tired of trying to find things to eat at such an early time. I usually go for fruit snacks, jell-o, apple sauce, or yogurt but they don’t always keep me full for long but I’m not going to make a big meal for myself that early in the morning.
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here is what the car looks like, but this isn't ours |
5 days until the Tooele baby shower
15 days until Demi’s Album comes out
25 days until my last day at work
33 days until Isaac’s due date!
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