Friday evening-
After work I packed up a few things then headed to the movies to see “The Host” with Channelle. Once again crazy parking because we forgot about the Jazz game. Oh well we made it there in time. We got some treats and watched our movie. There were like 3 parts where I almost cried. It was pretty good but I could see how some people might think it’s weird or lame. Then we talked for a little bit. I stopped off at Smith’s to get some more packing tape. Spencer is kind of sick and has allergies, poor guy. So we just kind of chilled on the couch before heading to bed.
Spencer and I got up and he started packing up boxes and the van and I did the dishes. Then we quickly left to Tooele and listened to General Conference on our way there. Then we finished watching at my parent’s house. Then we hung out with Jade, Stephanie, Rick, Jessica, and my parents. Then we girls went to look at some places for Jessica to rent in Tooele while the guys went to the storage unit. Later I got to see the cool electronic park in Tooele; I had lots of fun at it. Then we ate dinner and the girls went shopping at Maurices where I got a pretty cute dress and Downeast Basics where I found my first Peacock shirt! The guys had Priesthood session to go to. Then we ate ice cream and watched some TV.
Didn’t sleep fantastic last night but we woke up in time for breakfast and then the next session of Conference. I do love Conference but I will admit it’s been hard staying awake lately to listen. We snacked and played some little games on and off. I do love President Monson’s stories because they are interesting and his facial expressions are great. After the first session we went to eat some food and pretty much just sat around and talked.
Then we went back downstairs to watch the next session. I did find out an old friend of mine became a dad and he sent me a picture, it melted my heart for a few reasons. One main reason is because soon that will be Spencer with our son and what an amazing moment that will be and I plan to capture that on camera.
Isaac was moving around and would bulge one area so Spencer would poke it and then Isaac would either move to the other side or bulge right back out. It was just kind of funny because Isaac doesn’t usually play like that with me. It was just making me laugh.
A few quotes from Conference I did catch or get from others were:
“Imperfect people is all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating, but he deals with it.” –Elder
“Nothing is going to startle us more than when we pass through the veil to the other side when we realize how well we know our Father in Heaven”
“Never apologize for only believing” –Elder Holland
“Pray and seek for strength to change our circumstances rather than pray for our circumstances to be changed” –David A. Bednar
General Conference was pretty good as always. This Conference not much stood out to me which doesn’t mean there wasn’t much for me but we do plan to go back and watch a few talks here and there. We are also getting two more temples.
On a side note I would like to add I’m disappointed in those women that are trying to get the church to let Women have the Priesthood. The Priesthood is for the men and that’s their responsibility, we don’t need that responsibility. I personally wouldn’t want to have the Priesthood, if the Prophet told us we needed to then I would but if I had a choice I wouldn’t chose that responsibility. There are reasons why it’s for men and maybe you need to go back and relearn about the Priesthood.
Also the women prayers were nice but honestly I don’t think it was THAT big of a deal that woman hadn’t given prayers in Conference. They give talks and it’s not like they aren’t allowed to give prayers it just didn’t happen for some reason. I did think the two women that gave prayers gave THEE LONGEST prayers I’ve heard in Conference. Just my two cents.
I slept fairly decent, just now starting to have to get up a lot to pee but I’ve been able to fall back asleep pretty fast. I woke up around 8 and got ready for the day. I came in to work around 10 since Heather had an appointment at 11. Another rainy day but that’s alright I don’t really mind too much. Just going to keep busy at work, and still counting down the days.
After work I have to drop off keys to Jessica’s place and then I don’t really have many plans. I might pack up some more boxes of things we don’t really need and take to my parent’s house or our storage unit. It’s hard to decide what to keep or put in storage sometimes. Also may clean up the house a little bit in some places.
On a side note I really just LOVE this version of the song “Ho Hey”
These two sisters are AMAZING, and if they ever came out with a CD I’d probably buy it! Their voices are very unique and some songs make tears come to my eyes.
Week 32- Isaac is the size of a Bok Choy/Large Jicama
He is starting to push on me more and more. It doesn’t really hurt but the best way I can describe it is that it’s like someone punching you in the stomach but you don’t have time to brace yourself. Lol I’ve also been starting to feel really thirsty and more tired sooner. They really do kind of suck the life out of you which is fine but it drains you. I’m just grateful I’m able to sleep longer than most people get to and I have a pretty low key job.
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Start of 8 Months, crazy!!! |
1 day until the heart attack music video comes out
26 days until the Tooele baby shower
36 days until Demi’s Album comes out
46 days until my last day at work
54 days until Isaac’s due date!
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