Friday evening-
At work someone came up to me and said is the blue car with the dent in the side of it yours? And I said yeah. He goes you have a flat tire. UGH! That makes 3 in the past 2 years or so. I’m glad he told me and thankfully I have great guys here at work and one of them went out and put the donut on it for me so I could get home. So I didn’t end up going to Channelle’s =[ because I wasn’t going to drive to bountiful with a donut on my car. So when I got home we decided to order Pizza Hut and then walked to Smith’s to get a Redbox and a few small groceries that were needed. Spencer played with Isaac for a little bit but for the most part a fairly decent evening.
Week 34. It was raining on and off pretty much all day but that was fine because we do need the moisture. We went to the church around 9 to help clean. I finally saw the cool safe we have in the basement of the church (picture below). Our building really is pretty cool even though it is also kind of weird looking. I then took the car to Big O Tires and read some magazines while they fixed the tire. It had a LONG nail inside of it. The sad thing is you can’t avoid nails because they hide so well. Afterwards we loaded up the car and headed to Tooele to unload some boxes. My mom bought a few little outfits for Isaac and a cute mobile and mattress set that she found from a friend. =]
Then we just hung out and talked for a little bit and did one small load. Then Jon & Mallorie were coming down to get a car and weren’t going to have Cache but ended up they did bring him. My parents couldn’t meet up with them but we didn’t have any plans so we decided to instead. Before we left Brother Oliekan surprised us all by stopping by. What a great guy and a nice family, we sure have missed them. So we stopped and chatted for a little while. Then we headed to Ikea to meet up with Jon, Mallorie, and Cache. When we saw them Cache came and I picked him up and he gave me a BIG hug, it was the best hug ever! This was the first time Spencer got to see Ikea. He said it was nice but not at all what he had expected. He said it wasn’t as cool as people made it out to be which I can totally understand that. But we had some fun and saw a few things then got some food. He gets bigger every time we see him! Then after Ikea we headed over to The Aquarium. Cache LOVED the Otters and had fun for the most part. I always like seeing the jelly fish, they can kill you but they are just so beautiful and delicate. Then to make Cache stop crying when we were leaving Spencer took him and ran around the parking lot scaring a seagull, it worked!
Then we said our goodbyes and headed back home. We looked up a few cars on KSL to get a few more ideas on what might be out there for us to purchase. Then Laura who took my maternity pictures finally shared the final pictures with me =] So I will post a few of my favorites down below =]
This morning we woke up and heard that bird that won’t stop TWEETING, it’s so annoying! We then headed out to church and were late so we sat up in the balcony for the first time. It was hot up there and I really didn’t like it too much. In nursery there were 7 kids and 4 leaders, not too bad of a day. We got a new nursery teacher so now we are back to 5 of us when our leader is there. =] She is really nice and the kids seemed to like her for the most part. Nothing too crazy, had a few little crying moments but all was well. I lifted a few too many kids I think today so I over did it a little bit but other than that I’m fine. At home I took a short nap after lunch. Then we decided to play 5 different games and whoever lost had to do the dishes. It was a VERY close game, I lost but I didn’t mind having to do the dishes. Spencer cleaned up the living room a bit while I did the dishes. I made a yummy mint oreo shake! Then we watched Remember Sunday (Hallmark movie) on TV. It was a pretty cute movie, the ending wasn’t THEE best but it was fairly decent and a cute storyline.
I’m stuck on level 65 on Candy Crush… ah!
This morning I woke up to that lame bird tweeting again, gr!!! I watched a Jessie episode and did a few things on the computer quickly. Then I got ready for the day and actually did something with my hair for once. I headed to work and nothing exciting happening as usual so I will just try and keep myself busy. I got a bagel though! I love when they have leftovers at work I actually like eating.
After work we will do some dishes and probably watch a General Conference talk for FHE, maybe even box up a few more random items we don’t need.
On a random note since I don’t take my prenatal vitamins but I take these other vitamins instead, Spencer said well if you aren’t going to eat them then I will. And technically he can eat them but I just find it funny, oh yeah my husbands taking prenatal vitamins. lol
Week 34- Isaac is the size of a cantaloupe. I’m up to 136 lbs and still 40 inches around. Let’s see he moves on and off and still REALLY favors my right side. I don’t mind I just find it kind of funny. I did find out that I do have the linea nigra line on my belly. I’m not sure how long I’ve had it but it’s under my belly button so I could never see it myself but Spencer said yeah you’ve had that for awhile. Well man I had no idea! It’s not super dark and it’s a little crooked but it’s there. I got a really bad Charlie horse in my foot Sunday and it’s slowly getting harder to sleep but not too bad, just hard to roll over to the other side with a big belly in the way. And I get acid reflex depending on what I eat but it’s not too bad. One trigger is Pizza Hut (no matter what time I eat it the acid comes in the middle of the night) darn it.
So some repetitive things really annoy me. 1. This bird outside our window that is ALWAYS tweeting the same tune 2. A co worker as their phone on vibrate and it’s constantly vibrating EVERY time they get a text or something and it’s pretty often.
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Cache with Uncle Spencer |
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The pictures are kind of blurry but here is the safe |
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The first one opens with no combo but the second one you need a key for |
12 days until the Tooele baby shower
22 days until Demi’s Album comes out
32 days until my last day at work
40 days until Isaac’s due date!
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