Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Birthing Class # 1

Monday evening-
After work I went home for a couple minutes then headed to the school to pick up Spencer. Then we were on our way to Murray for our first birthday class. There were 9 other couples in the class and our instructor was very happy and bubbly. Which I’m okay with because it makes me excited about my birth and at least she is fun to listen to. She did a LONG slideshow about everything I pretty much already read and knew but it was good for Spencer to learn about it all too. We did do a few breathing and script reading and that was pretty fun. We did this one experiment where we held our hands out in front of us and closed our eyes and she read about our right arm having a balloon tied to it and made our arm lighter and lighter and we had a heavy bag of sand in our left arm that made it really heavy. So when we opened our eyes you could see whose imagination was better by if your right arm moved up and your left arm down. Mine did pretty darn good, but Spencer’s didn’t… he needs a better imagination lol There is one thing they suggest that I’m not good at and I don’t like myself for it but its easier said then done. But they have like a list of 10 healthy things you should and shouldn’t be eating and I’m bad with pretty much all of them like I prefer white foods not grains and I’m not good with leafy greens but I am pretty good with drinking water and eating fruits. There was more but I don’t have the list with me.
It was really fun though, and then 9:30pm finally rolled around and we headed home.

I ended up having to change my OBGYN appointment to Thursday morning cuz my doctor had a surgery today. So this morning I went to get my oil changed instead. I went there and asked for a standard oil change instead of premium like I usually do because Spencer didn’t like that I was paying extra but I had good reason for it. So later I gave them my punch card that says I get a free oil change on this visit. He goes that’s only for the premium oil change, but he let me do it anyways.
1. The card never said it had to be premium
2. what did it matter what I did on the free oil change because I paid for 4 premium oil changes so free shouldn’t matter because honestly since I wasn’t paying I made them have to do less work.
Anyways it made me a tad frustrated but glad he let me do it anyways. With premiums they then tell me everything that is wrong with my car which is nice but I didn’t feel like dealing with that today because it’s an old car so I know things are wrong with it but it runs fine. But hopefully by the next oil change we won’t have this car anymore. The next oil change is June 1st which I thought was kind of funny.
Anyways so I came home and did some things on my tablet and watched some TV before getting ready for work. Another nice day outside so I only brought a sweater with me.
There were a few little complications at work today but nothing too extreme. Today I just plan on looking at some wedding pictures I took and looking up a few things here and there.
Tonight I’m going to start my rainbow relaxation Hypnobirthing, it’s like 30 minutes long and they say to do it once every day so I figured after work is a good time to do it. 

Nothing new to report except for I’m more excited about Hypnobirthing and how amazing our bodies are as women!


4 days until the Salt Lake City baby shower
17 days until our maternity photo shoot!
53 days until the Tooele baby shower
81 days until Squirt’s due date!

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