Friday evening-
After work I headed home and ate some dinner for a little bit. Then I headed out to get a pedicure with Katie! It was really nice and relaxing. My toes are light blue with 2 four leaf clovers! We sat and talked for a little while about a lot of random things. She showed me a picture of Liam, he is getting SO big, can’t wait to see him at the baby shower. Then we headed over to get some Coldstone ice cream which is always delightful! She had coupons and paid for everything which was really sweet of her. Then I headed home for the evening.
Week 27/7th month/3rd trimester! We woke up and got ready for the day and went to
And Spencer bought a tablet for my for my birthday, so we should get it in the mail Wednesday, I’m super excited!
I hurried and got ready this morning, it was raining so we decided to drive to church. Once again someone commented about how tiny I looked so all through sacrament I sat quite while I worried in my head. I eventually calmed down over it and went to nursery. Nursery is starting to be rough again. I’m losing my patience with the kids like I used to in the 1st ward. I am trying not to and of course I’m not mean with them but I wanted to scream in general. Being pregnant in nursery in general wears you out and you’re at your last nerve sometimes. It’s harder in my opinion now because we have two babies technically, they are coming in to nursery in about 4 wee k or so but they have been dropped off so that they get used to it. That is totally fine but because they are younger you have to kind of watch out for them more closely. Since there are two of them that’s 2 teachers who’s eyes aren’t on all the other kids. Who I think lately have been worse at sharing and won’t seat in their seats even more now than usual. Just one of those days where you feel nothing you teach is sinking in. I know they are at the age where sharing and staying seated is not easy for them but they usually are a lot better than this. I could never have like 7 of one age of kids I would lose it!
Afterwards we headed home and ate some food and then headed over to Jessica’s. We watched a few movies on Netflix then did laundry and ate dinner. At home we tried to watch 17 miracles and then the Playstation kind of stopped working…. Which we do use it a lot but sad day! So we unplugged it all and then decided to just play Rumikub and eat some snacks.
On a side note I will be doing Caidan's wedding pictures on Friday so I better get to setting up my camera right and practicing a few things.
This morning I read some articles in the Ensign and kind of relaxed for a little bit. And just did normal worrying that I’ve been doing lately. Tonight Spencer is going to give me a comfort blessing I think I could use some comfort. It’s fairly nice outside again today which I’m totally fine with!
At work I’ve been getting some comments on my hair which has been good for my self esteem I think.
After work today I have my LAST photography class, thank heavens. It turned out to be harder than I thought it was going to be, so glad it was only a few classes.
Then maybe seeing if our playstation will work tonight if not I guess its Netflix on the laptop or regular TV.
Week 27- Isaac is the size of a cauliflower. Pregnant wise I just feel weird today. I feel that I’m not really growing and I just feel weird I don’t know how else to describe it. I’ve been having a rough time because people keep saying I almost didn’t know you were pregnant because you are so small. And I know I’ve said this before that they all aren’t meaning to say oh no you are too small for being pregnant but my mind takes it that way and I worry that maybe Isaac isn’t doing okay especially when he doesn’t move like normal and I start freaking out. For example last night he didn’t move at all as much as he normally does or much at all this morning and so I’m worrying but weekends I think throw him off because my schedule is different and I don’t eat like I do on a week day. And I am starting to take my vitamins again and today went pretty good so hopefully I will do better with that. Right now he is finally moving around a little bit so I’m calming down. This was just my little rant because I don’t really talk to a lot of people about my worries. I have people I can talk to but texting is what it usually is and I would rather in person.
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the sunset on Friday, beautiful |
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my toes! =] |
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top left is the shaving cream one, top right is the liquid soap one, and bottom is the water one =] |
7 days until our birthing classes start
12 days until the
25 days until our maternity photo shoot!
61 days until the Tooele baby shower
89 days until Squirt’s due date!
I'm excited to see your hair cut! The nice thing about hair is it will grow back & it's fun to change it once in a while.
ReplyDeleteAs for your size you have to remember that neither you nor Spencer are big people plus everyone carries their babies differently. You also don't eat alot so you probably aren't putting on anything but baby weight.
The worries you are having are very normal & seems to increase as you get closer to delivery. It's just what moms do & I think it has a lot to do with hormones etc. & there's so much unknown about the baby all tucked away inside you.
Nursery is tough as well with all those activity little ones running all around. If you had a multiple birth the biggest difference would be that you'd grow up with them day by day & not just jump right in at 2 years old. They would be your children used to your rules & daily routines. The nice thing is you only have the nursery kids for a couple hours then you can send them home to their parents :P
Thanks, yeah I am glad hair grows back. It's a little longer than Stephanie's and Jessica's but not past my shoulders.
DeleteYeah I know that's what I keep telling myself cuz it seems i'm kind of around what Stephanie was belly wise but when you can't tell what the inside looks like twice a month then your mind goes nuts.
yeah and in general I worry so it's added when it's your job to keep this other life alive.
Yeah very true you can tell each parent teaches their kids differently. It's nice we have about 5 of us leaders but we are losing one soon but thankfully i'm not super uncomfortable that nursery is killer. If I was then I would asked to be released of course. Only once a week and I have about 12-13 more weeks left give or take a Sunday we won't be at church.