Friday evening-
I did my rainbow relaxation and then Spencer came home earlier than planned but we cleaned up the house a little bit. Then we made a batch of brownies and watched a movie on TV and I believe we also played Rumikub and ate popcorn but I’m not positive. And I Skyped with Channelle for a little bit going over some of the baby shower details.
Baby Shower day!! I was really excited and nervous about it all. I had about 4 people cancel that had planned to come but that was to be expected. I slowly got ready for the day and then we headed over to the church to set up everything. Channelle was wonderful to put it all together and her roommate Heather came and helped. Of course my mom was there to help us get things all together as well =]
The time came and lots of people were like 30 minutes late but that’s also to be expected. We had some yummy treats and had papers for others to fill out for Isaac and people got to guess when he would come. The funny thing is most people guessed he would come later, which I was kind of surprised at. We played a celebrity baby name game and then we opened up some presents. Miss Evia was my helper when it came to picking and opening up the gifts. I will post close up pictures down below and I don’t want to forget anyone so I won’t be writing descriptions on the pictures. But in general I am grateful for all that did and were able to come and support my journey into motherhood!
Afterwards Spencer and I headed home and opened all the gifts and put things together and took pictures for others to see. Later on we bought some picture frames and went to McDonald’s for a quick dinner meal while we watched some shows on TV.
We woke up and headed off to church. We had another musical number but this was a violin player and it was beautiful and touching! Then off to nursery I went and WHAT A DAY! There were 3 of us leaders and about 10 kids, 4 being young ones. We weren’t told the other leaders weren’t coming so we weren’t able to prepare for that. Now it wasn’t bad and I kept my patience but I did want to just pass out afterwards. We had some really good kids but we had some with an attitude today and some that really needed a nap. I had to hold about 4 or 5 different kids in 2 hours. The leaders are always like you shouldn’t be holding them but it’s not difficult for me and its practice for when I’m pregnant again and already have kids to hold and take care of. But I know they are just looking out for me and I appreciate that. It’s also if there is a kid crying I’m not going to not hold them if they need me to. We’d all be holding a little one and then there was one kid that was pulling hair and being VERY rude so you had to constantly be watching that child. It was rough and does make being pregnant in nursery a little difficult but we manage. Afterwards I went home and did my rainbow relaxation and then we headed out to Jessica’s. We did alka seltzer rockets with J, and I think he had loads of fun! Then we watched some movies on Netflix and ate some dinner while we did laundry. Once we headed home we put away the laundry and cleaned up a little bit here and there. Then I read a chapter from President Monson’s book that Spencer wanted me to read and I liked this line from it.
"One cannot forget mother and remember God. One cannot remember mother and forget God. Why? Because these two sacred persons, God and mother, partners in creation, in love, in sacrifice, in service, are as one."
-President Thomas S. Monson
This morning I woke up and watched Emma Stone on Kelly & Michael’s morning show and of course watched some Rachael Ray as well. I made myself a smoothie but they only seem to fill me up for 5 minutes so then I have to eat something else. Then I got ready for the day and headed out to work. It’s a little chilly this morning but not too bad. We have our next birthing class tonight which I’m excited for but also dislike the long class period.
29 weeks- Isaac is the size of a butternut squash! I am about 39 inches around now and I haven’t weighed myself but I’m probably around 129-130 lbs. TMI but I have started leaking but only at night on occasion nothing crazy but that’s normal. To be honest it scared me at first because I’m like did I drip water on me or something. Just a funny moment. A couple nights ago I kind of had a mommy moment. I just had my hand on my belly and could feel his usual pushing or in general that there was something solid right there. And in my head I’m like wow I’m so close to touching him, it’s crazy! I mean technically I am touching him in my belly but not my hands, just kind of a cool moment.
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Yummy treats |
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blankets, a book, and dinosaurs |
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All our bathing, and safety things we need |
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cute outfits |
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My little helper Evia |
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Cute shoes and more cute outfits |
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a peacock blanket and a bath sponge (i can't remember the name but cant wait to use it) |
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our cute bouncers!! one for upstairs one for downstairs, the teddy bears love them |
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and beautiful paintings we will frame in the nursery |
11 days until our maternity photo shoot!
47 days until the Tooele baby shower
75 days until Squirt’s due date!
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