Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day weekend!!

Friday evening-
After work we hurried and took then and now pictures. They turned out okay but you’re never as cute as you were when you were younger. But we had fun for the most part. I did some “Sing it”, I love singing but it’s not always fun with just me singing by myself.
Also I made some goals:
Read a chapter from my scriptures every day
Say my morning and evening prayers
Read one Ensign Article a week at least
Take walks with a group of friends in the evening when possible
Eat 1 vegetable & 1 fruit every day
Workout in the mornings at least 20 minutes a day
Learn how to do something new. (Now I’m not sure what I want to learn yet, I could get a psychology book and learn more or learn how to cook a new food, or make a craft…..)

Then we plan on making a few couple goals as well sometime.

We relaxed a little bit. Spencer caught up on homework. Around 10:30am I went to Walgreens to make prints of the pictures for my mom. Than I went to my massage appointment at 11am. It wasn’t too bad; it was done by a guy. Which I’ve had done before but I knew the person, so it was a little weird just because I didn’t know the guy. It was a much needed massage though I had HUGE knots on both my shoulders; I really need to learn better posture.
Afterwards I came home and caught up on the dishes. Than we went to the church for a little bit so Spencer could catch up on church things. Than we took a needed nap especially me because when you get a massage it makes you so tired. Than around 3:30 we left to go to Tooele for the weekend.
My dad & Spencer went to see Avengers together. I met up with an old friend, Megan, and we talked for a little while. Than my mom and I went to Maurices for a little bit. I found modest shorts I’ve been wanting and I bought two shirts, they were having a Bogo sale. I learned something about a new friend but I’m not sure if I should write it on my blog even though a lot of people don’t read it and those who know her will find out really soon anyways. Mainly what I want to say is “I don’t love her any less than when I did before I found out.”

Mother’s Day!!! I hope all the mother’s out there had a great Mother’s Day. I had a lot of pain from cramps and things but other than that I had a good time with my family. We went to my parents ward and I held a super cute baby. Aw babies are just so adorable. After church we had hamburgers and hot dogs when Jessica & J got there. Then I took some pictures of Jessica & J together, they turned our really good! We had a kitty come in our backyard and we played with her, I love kittens!!! I was super exhausted but got some much needed sun on my legs. We finished laundry and got it all folded. Around 7pm Spencer and I came back to Salt Lake City and put everything away. Then we watched Once upon a time. We went to bed around 10pm because we were tired.
It was great to spend time with my mom and my family!!! Mother’s are the best =] And someday I will be a mother when the times right. And I will love every minute of it no matter what people say.

We both woke up later than we meant to. And I’m already lacking a little on my goals, it’s hard when cramps keep you down. Either way I’m really going to try my best once I commit to them. But I did edit my sister’s pictures, and other random ones are on Facebook.
I’m going to do a Scentsy basket party at work sometime to help out Jessica with her Scentsy business.
Other than that it’s a slow day at work so far. I am just going to type up a few things and read my books =]

one of my favorites of Jessica & J

Here is them goofing off!

One of my favorites I took of J

I love bubbles in pictures

My handsome husband =]

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