Wednesday evening-
After work we had dinner. Than he went to church for meetings. I stayed home and watched some TV. A little later the TV and everything on that outlet shut off. It’s happened before so I tried what I normally do to fix it but this time it didn’t work. But I needed to meet up with Spencer to clean the bathrooms at church. Which wasn’t too long of a process but who ever wants’ to clean bathrooms? Lol Afterwards I ran to Smith’s around 10pm to get a new plug extension since the one we had was the problem and then sour cream for Spencer. Then he had a lot of homework to do but didn’t stay up super long, instead he got up earlier.
Today I got up around 6am. I am working this first part of the morning. It was going to be a full day but I could only really do a half day but I have little time tonight that I could complete everything I needed to do. And so I needed some of the afternoon as well.
- work out (20 minute ab & 40 minute stretch)
- clean the house
- do the dishes
- pick up dry cleaning
- drop off a letter to someone for Spencer
- pack for our short trip
- visit teach Margret
- and manage to eat somewhere in there
With work full day that would limit my time. So she will get here around 1 or 2pm probably.
I tried to attempt to braid my hair in the back instead of a side braid but that is super hard to do on yourself, my arms just don’t stretch very well and I like to see myself braid. So it’s just a plain ponytail. Someday I will get better at it. I just need to practice. Then I dropped Spencer off to school. So far work isn’t bad but it is the early morning right now. I’ve been sneezing a lot and we ran out of Kleenex up here. Other than that I just plan to read my book and type up some papers. Maybe watch a show or two to make the time go by.
Other than that I am super excited for the long weekend I get to spend with my husband in Park City and for the time off. Too bad it’s not longer. But such is life.
Our friend Bonnie found out she is having a boy, I really don’t know anyone that is having a girl so far. So it’s been interesting.
(The only bad thing about my jaw splint is the inside of my cheeks have scars all over them from pinching. And what’s weird is I wake up with my bottom far right tooth hurting like it’s been pushed and pulled on but my jaw splint doesn’t even touch it. Weird)
1 day until our anniversary weekend in park city!!!
17 days until our one year anniversary!!!
61 days until something awesome!!!
89 days until
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