Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Monday evening-
I had a lot of trouble with my work computer. When I would click to open a document or open the internet it wouldn’t come up. So I had out Tech guy work on it. We got it working fine and than around 4:30 it acted up again. I’m not sure what’s wrong. (So far the computer seems fine today so we shall see) Than after work Spencer and I went grocery shopping! I love grocery shopping. And I ate my WHOLE dinner for once, it felt nice. Then Andrew came over to talk with Spencer so I watched some TV and read my book. I’ve been watching this TV show on Netflix called “The killing” its kind of like a crime show only the first 4 episodes have been about one crime so I’m not sure if the whole season is about it or not. Either way its fairly good and interesting.

This morning I watched Matilda while I got ready for work. I love that movie expect for some parts. Than I cleaned the house a little bit.
Now at work I plan to finish the SD project, we are almost done. Than type up some pages, read my book, maybe watch some TV episodes an email some relatives. =]

Then when I get home tonight I am going to clean clean clean so the house will be ready for the book club that’s coming over tonight! I’m really excited to finally have a lot of people in our home. Or in general to come over and visit.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Spencer is gone pretty much all day for school or church. So we mostly have Monday & Friday’s together (on the weekdays that is). I sure hope this school semester goes by fast!

I was looking at a picture of me when I was about 3 years old and MAN I was so cute. I would totally be okay with having a little girl that looked just like me =]
For Mother’s Day we are redoing cute pictures from when we were younger. I’m really excited; too bad my hair isn’t blonde like it used to be.

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