Thursday, May 17, 2012

Keeping the door shut

Wednesday evening-
After work we had Chili in the Crockpot. Than he didn’t have to really go to the church for long so we watched some TV while he did some homework. While he was gone I watched some TV and than when we came back we played a game! Jewels in the attic, it’s super fun but I’m sure when we have 8 year old kids they will enjoy it better. Than we read a little before going to bed.
Before we fell asleep Spencer brought up is it really that big of deal to close the bedroom door all the way….. Yes it is to me. As far as I’ve remembered I’ve ALWAYS had my door shut. 1. Its double protection, a second door they have to get through 2. If someone goes in and out of the door I will hear it and wake up, it’s a signal to me. I don’t think it’s that big of deal to shut it, I can still hear through the door if it’s closed. So if we have kids I could still probably hear them through the door. I just don’t feel super save in a house ever so closing the door is comforting. Maybe someday I can get over it.
I have also noticed though that I haven’t really had any bad dreams lately and not even a lot of dreams I remember. But I am alright with that =] The bad dreams were beginning to become too much.

Oh boy does sleeping after starting to workout make me SORE! Other than that I was just SO hot I couldn’t comfortably sleep. We are using our air conditioning thing but it’s just not perfect yet for me. After Spencer left for school I went back to bed for longer than I meant to, it’s hard to get back out of bed. And I was going to just workout tonight… but I got up and did a core workout. I’m glad I did it but wish I had done a little more.
I watched the movie 9; it was kind of weird but cute. Than on my way to work, talk about an impatient driver. Honking at me to go at a stop sign but it was the person across from me’s turn. He was there before I was, so that car can just hold on to their horses…. Jeez
Other than that my back in tight/sore in some places. I finished reading a book yesterday now on to another one for now.

Not too much going on at work. Just the usual. Than after work I will do the dishes, and go on a walk probably while waiting for Spencer.
His parents are stopping by tomorrow morning to go have breakfast, so I’m not sure when I will get a workout in because that night it’s our 11 month anniversary (already lol) so I will be going out to dinner & a concert with the husband. Maybe I will get up early and do it but I don’t see that happening so maybe I will do it on Saturday….
I’ve just kind of been keeping it a secret: 1. no pressure from others 2. It’s a surprise 3. I just like doing it when I want to do it by myself
So he doesn’t know I’m working out because I haven’t said anything, he sometimes reads my blogs but not really so just who reads my blog knows.

I think we are going to need to go grocery shopping again… I love getting more food but don’t like the hole it leaves in my pocket.

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