Thursday, January 19, 2012


It’s really helpful for women to talk to more women even if it’s not about anything important. It sure brightens my mood. After Relief Society Activity last night and talking to people I felt a little more alive. I need to get out more and do that.

We had a lot of rain fall last night which was much needed. When I walked out the door to leave for work the world seemed refreshed from the water it received. It felt really nice out. A lot of people are saying it’s going to snow but I don’t really think it will. If it does it probably won’t be a lot of snow.

When I was driving into work I was listening to the show “Still haven’t found what I’m looking for.” I love that song, makes you feel empowered I guess. Then I walked into work and was told it was time for my one year review for my work. I was a little nervous because the very first review I had was upsetting. Either way I improved. They all think I did pretty well which made me feel good. I received a 33% raise so that’s awesome!

Today is Thursday which means I won’t see my husband until about almost 9pm tonight. =[

OH also at Relief Society last night we got in a circle and wrote something nice about each person and put it in their envelope. I read mine later and it sure does make you feel good about yourself too. A lot of people commented about my shoes, I was wearing my Tartis shoes Dianne made me for Christmas!!! And a lot of people liked my hair. And there were a few other deep thoughts people wrote to me that made me go, “You think I do that?” It was really sweet though.

I also think me blogging is a way to get things off my chest when I can’t talk to someone so I’m not over stressed because I’ve let most of it out on here. =]

21 days closer to Christ

Day 7-
Invitation: Pray
  • Choose one step that you would like to focus on from Moroni 7:26. Either Ask, in my name, which is goo, in faith, or done unto you. (If you read the scripture you will probably understand the steps better)
  • As you kneel to pray tonight, thank your Heavenly Father for His son, Jesus Christ. Share with Him the reasons why you are grateful for the Savior.

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