Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Call on the Lord

Help me Lord

I feel a pressure I can’t explain
In my heart that’s full of rain
It builds up until it pours

Tears stream down my cheeks
For I cannot speak
My heart is heavy

As I lay on my side
I just wanted to hide
From the world around me

Then I got on my knees
To say “Help me, Lord, Please
Take these burdens from me”

As I finished my prayer
I thought that was all I could bare
When I struggled for air

The Lord is my rock
When I couldn’t talk
All I had to do was knock

Now this poem is just an example of when we are down and can’t handle anymore all we need is to kneel and call on the Lord.
It’s a little rough around the edges so I may come back and change it.

But lately like I have said I’ve been reading the book “21 days closer to Christ”, and it’s been getting me thinking.
One point it says I should journal about my spiritual experiences and what not and I would rather write them down in a book. Only I haven’t gone to the store yet to find a little journal. My goal is to journal about Christ’s hand in my life more than anything else. It’s really easy to get distracted though, especially since I love TV shows so much.
But so far I’ve done day 1-5.
The invitations were
  1. Come
  2. Covenant
  3. Keep
  4. Search
  5. Discover

Each day I try to read one day which is kind of like a chapter.
At the end it will tell me scriptures to read and something I should ponder on or do that day.
  1. Determine what fills your nets. Are everyday challenges such as time constraints, demands from work or home, or feelings of inadequacy or fear holding you back from developing a relationship with Christ?
  2.  Today bring honor to Christ’s name by exemplifying him. Reflect on how each name of Christ describes a way that He blesses your life.
  3. Keep a journal of your relationship with Jesus Christ. The pages could contain attributes you admire in Him, lessons He has taught you, or moments when you have felt His love. Have a written copy of your testimony and journal about this journey through these 21 days coming closer to Christ.
  4. Think back on a time in your life when you had to search for the Savior to find strength. Try to remember the process: scripture study, more meaningful prayers, etc. Stretch again.
  5. Prepare to receive a simple learning moment as you go through out your day. Let your search be constant. In every hour find some heavenly blessing that will bring you closer to Christ.


  1. I guess feelings of inadequacy and fear of not knowing. More than anything I just get consumed by the world, TV shows, and other things in my life. I just never really focused much on the spiritual side. I did know it was there and there were times I did focus on it.
  2. I thought of protector as a name. I am easily scared of going outside in the dark sometimes and I know He is with me and it sometimes lessens the fear. Exemplar, He is someone we can look to as an example of how to do things or who to be. Healer, He can help heal a broken heart or help us over come sicknesses and pain. Listener, sometimes especially we girls need to talk and when we don’t feel like anyone in this world is there to listen to us we can talk to Him.
  3. I’m just going to write down a few things not a lot. The love He has forever one is pretty spectacular. The patience He has and He doesn’t get angry.
  4. Well I can’t remember much but one time when I was a senior in High School, I had sinned. Now it doesn’t matter what I did because in the end I repented for it. But the repentance part really does bring you closer to Christ and feel His love. I do remember kneeling on my bed and crying and praying so hard because I didn’t want to feel this guilt that I felt inside. It was so much weight on my shoulders and I needed His help and forgiveness. It was a stretch for me.
  5. So far I have learned the constant looking takes time. I know that the flavor can run out of something if you don’t keep it fresh. So to me that’s like not constantly keeping the gospel fresh in my life would make it not taste as well and I wouldn’t be nourished.

Constantly searching and looking for the gospel more in my life is tiring. But in the end it will make me stronger. And I try not to say I/we will do it tomorrow because tomorrow may never come so we need to do whatever it is now. =]

Anyways have a great day.


  1. Love the poem! Sounds like you are making good progress with the 21 days closer project. Keep up the good work :)

    Love Mom
