Welcome back to another week, Happy Monday!
Friday night Spencer and I just relaxed around the house and enjoyed each others company.
On Saturday we got up and ready to go to Orem to my friend, Tiffany’s, baby shower.
It was really exciting to see her; it’s been about 2 years since we’ve seen each other face to face. It was a couple’s baby shower so we could bring our spouse. It was a nice day for a get together.
When we got there eventually 3 other couples arrived and we played some normal baby shower games and some PS3 games. Whoever won each game got a gift card. Spencer and I won one game and got a Best Buy gift card. It was fun and entertaining.
When we got home we stopped at a grocery store to get a journal for me to write down a pattern of my life to see if there is anything I see in the pattern. Then ingredients to make a golden graham dessert. It turned out really well. Then Spencer worked on some homework while I watched some TV Shows. Around 7pm we walked to Village Inn to get some food. I had chicken noodle soup, country potatoes, and blueberry pomegranate limeade. Spencer had chicken strips and fries, and vegetable soup. The only sad part about the experience was they sat us RIGHT next to a bunch of high school students that were loud and inappropriate. There place was not that full so I’m not sure why we got seated by them of all people. Other then that everything tasted well.
Sunday off to church and learned some pretty good things in a sacrament talk. Too hard to explain on here. Then off to nursery! It was a CRAZY day but it all turned out pretty well. We had 8 children and they were running all over the place and I felt like once I took care of one child another one needed assistance. But they are such a joy to be around. I’m really excited to be in nursery.
After church we went to Tooele with Jessica & J to visit with my parents. We had a roast meal with potatoes! Yummy! Then we just kind of played around. Spencer and I did some much needed laundry and watched a movie/TV show here and there. It was a great day.
When we got home Spencer made the bed and did all the dishes. It was really nice of him because I knew he had other things he needed to be doing and I didn’t besides the things he did for me. It touched my heart; he is so good to me. =]
Now I am back to work and shredding more paper. We are getting closer to the bottom of the stack thankfully! It keeps us busy so I’m not complaining much.
We have lots of holidays & birthdays coming up so I’m trying not to use my credit card but things have come up but I am trying to be better with my money but its hard when you want to get a gift for everyone who is having a birthday because I think they deserve a gift from Spencer and I. Money will just always be a little challenge for me. Hopefully we get our school papers so we can get our taxes done soon. I’m sure we will get a lot more back than I did last year. That was the lamest tax return I ever received.
21 days closer to Christ
Day 14- The better part
Invitation: Do your best
Scriptures: Luke 10:38-42
* Remember who you are. What are you best at? What gift can you offer? How can that gift bring more joy to the people around you? Choose to give the better part today. Find one way that you can use your gift to serve someone else’s need.
-I will have to pray and ask what gifts I have because I’m not really sure. I know a few little things but should know a little more before I can strengthen and use that gift.
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