For those of you that don’t know, I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Also known as LDS or Mormons.
Recently I’ve been thinking about a few things church wise and just two weeks ago I gave a talk about Optimism, and I really struggled with it. One of the main reasons was everything I read and heard from other people was that you need Faith in Christ to have Optimism. I just didn’t really understand that.
After reading a few more articles, I knew that quoting our Prophets and Apostles would be the best way to explain Optimism church wise through them. Ever since my talk I’ve been thinking that the reason I probably didn’t understand that you needed Faith in Christ to have Optimism was because I probably didn’t have as much Faith in Jesus Christ as I needed.

My life has been really good and I have made mistakes like everyone and repented for them. Lately I’ve just been feeling like something was missing from my day to day life and I think that’s Faith.
Now like I said earlier I was raised in the church and I guess in a way because of that I never really looked for my own answers. I know the church is true and I know that burning feeling I feel when the Holy Ghost is with me. I knew that doing what I was asked to do or follow was the right thing to do but I never understood it all but I knew it was right.
I’ve decided to start a journey of finding Faith in Christ and believing in Him more than I ever did before. I think one thing that a lot of people struggle with is the not seeing Him, so you have to trust that He is there and that no matter what He will do what’s best for you. I believe that but don’t think I 100% have faith. It’s really hard to trust in something you can’t see, you feel like everything will just fall through your fingers and that there is nothing physical you can actually grasp on to.
In a way this is actually hard to admit, that I don’t have 100% faith in Christ. But I’m owning up to it and finally going to do something about it. I’m not sure where to start but it’s always good to read articles from the Ensign, personal scripture study, personal prayer, and temple attendance.
There is a book I have called: “21 days closer to Christ” By: Emily Freeman. That is one thing I’m also going to start with.
Lastly, I just wasn’t putting my whole heart in to things and I think now I really need to. Also I need to trust in His timing, He knows what’s best for me when and where. I need to stop thinking I know best for me because I don’t see the whole picture of my life and He can.
I’m slowly getting emotional about this so I better stop here since I’m at work and I don’t want to cry here. This is going to be hard I’m sure, but it will be worth it.
Thanks for reading.
Have a lovely day
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