After work we made dinner and relaxed for a little bit. Then I went on an hour and a half walk with my friend Cynthia and her cute little boy Nixon. It was really fun to just walk and talk. It was a longer walk then we planned but it was such a nice day outside and I need to start getting back into walking a few days a week. By the time I got home I was exhausted but I stayed up and watched a few episodes and the X Factor before heading off to bed.
I’m not sure why but I feel pretty good today. Now I didn’t want to get out of bed but once I did I was good. I went to get my tires rotated at Big O Tires, went fairly fast and free of course! =] Then I stopped by Smith’s to get a few quick groceries to hold me by until tomorrow morning. Then I came home and watched some TV. I decided to get a grace adele bag (scentsy) finally, and I’m really excited about it. Then we got our electronic monopoly game in the mail!! I heard a dog or two barking through my kitchen wall that was coming from my neighbors place. So if I can’t have a dog or pet I’m not letting anyone else break the rules. Now I’m not positive if it’s one of her friends or if it’s theirs but I called the landlord to let him know anyways. And our neighbors will probably know it was us that called on them but I don’t care I’m not letting them break the rules. Because I really would like a puppy or a kitty but that’s not going to happen at this apartment.
Not too much happening at work at all but I’m okay with that. Because it’s my last work day of this week!
After work I plan to clean up the house and get it nice and tidy so we can come back to a clean house. Then I will watch the X Factor, pack, and talk to Suki on Skype!
1 day until
20 days
25 days until Taylor Swift’s Album RED comes out
55 days until Thanksgiving in
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