Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stuffy nose

Monday evening-
After work I came home and we had tacos. Then we just kind of relaxed for the evening. This stuffy nose thing is driving me crazy but there isn’t too much I can do about it until it decides to go away. It might be allergies but I can tell. Then just researched a few things and just relaxed. Really not much else happened, we are home bodies lol

I didn’t sleep really well. I was hot and then I would be cold and my nose was just so stuffy! I just couldn’t get comfortable. I ended up falling asleep around 7 and woke up about 830. Then I picked up a few things and made a few phone calls and watched TV. Just trying not to forget things I want to do. Something happened on our street cuz I could see cones, a cop car, and a fire truck but not sure what happened.
Now just at work and trying to keep busy but that’s hard to do sometimes.
After work Spencer has school so I will make some food and clean the house and relax for a little while. We are running out of food for me to bring to work and I’m hungry but trying to make things work until we get back from our camping trip. I might have to buy 1 or 2 things though.


3 days until Bryce Canyon camping with the in-laws
27 days until Taylor Swift’s Album RED comes out
57 days until Thanksgiving in California


  1. You may want to try some vicks vapor rub under your nose at night to help clear the stuffiness.
    It's not bad to have some food in your house even if you are going camping as then at least there is some in the fridge when you get home so you don't have to head straight to the grocery store.

    1. Very true, today or tomorrow i will get a few things in our fridge.
      my one friend told me to try vicks so i might head out and get some soon
