After work I went to a car wash. That was TERRIFYING! I don’t like those at all, but it did make our car super sparkly clean and I’m very happy about that. I used their vacuum to clean out the floors and seats too and now it’s amazing! Just need to wipe the inside of the windows down and some of the dust too.
After that I got my new Sing It game!! Then got on Skype with Suki. We didn’t really talk a whole bunch though because she was busy with some tax things. After we were done I watched X Factor! Carly Rose was AMAZING; here is the link to see her sing!
What a voice and personality she had, I hope she wins the WHOLE thing! Anyways she was fantastic.
Then I watched some of Glee, and then started to clean the house. I like the feeling of a clean house but it takes effort to get it there sometimes. But now I can relax a little bit.
I’m always exhausted by like 9pm but then I go to bed at 1030 and my mind starts thinking about everything and I worry I will forget things. Eventually I go to sleep and I’m OUT. I even write in my journal before hand and that used to help but when busy days are coming up I think I stress more because I worry I will forget something.
Other than that just stressing about a few things that I can’t really do much to fix them.
Oh the ER place finally called me and all tests were negative. She said that normally after a week if we don’t hear back it’s because everything is okay. Well how was I supposed to know that! I’m just now glad it’s all over and done with.
This morning I woke up and watched Grey’s Anatomy of course. Then I slowly got ready for the day. Then I took forever to decide what to wear. No reason I just felt like dressing a little different today. Then I think later today I will be watching Acacia’s cute little kids. I’m pretty excited, it will be fun. (But not sure if the plans are still a go yet).
Saturday we get Cache for the weekend! I can’t wait, he is so fun! We will probably take him to the fair, and Stephanie is going to come too and maybe Jessica. Then there are a few other things we might do with him.
Sunday back to Nursery, I’ve missed those kids and hopefully I am more relaxed and patient this time.
14 days until
38 days until Taylor Swift’s Album RED comes out
68 days until Thanksgiving in
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