Just some thoughts:
Friendships change- I know there are some friends I’ve had for awhile and then you’re not as good of friends. But the thing that means the most is that they still care. I talked to a friend a few days ago and helped them realize something and they liked that I cared. We’ve never hated each other really but we just never talked as much. But I knew there was a struggle going on and they needed to know someone cared. Yes, friendships change but you will always be “friends” with that person. Let me also add that sometimes even though you have a “best friend” and you talk to them about EVERYTHING. If days go by and you guys don’t talk as much there is nothing wrong with that. Just being with them is enough, I feel. There are times when you just don’t need to say things.
Time flies- You’ve always heard the saying “time flies when your having fun” or maybe also about getting older times starts to move faster. Holy Crap is it true! I’ve always thought my days went by SO slow. Lately now that I have a pretty busy life it’s a surprise to me that it’s already the weekend or already Monday. I am keeping myself busy, and yes at work sometimes it’s really boring and slow but I try to keep myself busy. I suggest keeping yourself busy, having fun, but take time to rest so you don’t wear yourself out.
Memories- I try to always take pictures or videos to keep memories. Now if you watch “Raising hope” then you will understand this post. Do you remember those moments when you looked back on a picture from like 2 years ago or a video from when you were 4? And then you start going “Oh I remember that, what a great day.” Or “I was so cute!” You have the flash back on all the good times or even embarrassing moments. I love that! Now we also have those times, especially girls, when we say “I was so skinny back then, what happened” or the simple “I used to be so tan!” The simple fact of it all is memories! We live for awhile but we don’t always remember things until we have a trigger of a video or a picture. I honestly LOVE going back and looking at the memories I made with others. Or the changes I can see from then and now. It’s such a blessing to have deceives like video camera or a camera to capture those.
Growing up- We are constantly growing up and changing. We all grow up at different times and from different situations. I know I had to grow up a little faster than the rest of my siblings but that’s because my parents weren’t around as much so I had to learn to make choices on my own. They were there when I needed them but I was on my own a lot. There is nothing wrong with growing up; it’s actually nice to some advantage. I do have a hard time with my siblings sometimes thinking I am super young when in reality I am not that much younger because of situations I ended up falling into and had to get myself out of. But being the younger one they will always think of me as such. I love how adults think they are all done growing up. Let me tell you a secret… your not! There are some adults that are even more immature then a 16 year old. We are always learning new things and growing from hard situations. Don’t ever think you’re done; there is something new always to be learned.
Confused/lost (drunk) - Now I am not saying I got drunk. I am just saying how there are moments when I or maybe someone else I know is lost. Not really lost from the path but where we are just confused. We don’t understand what’s going on and we feel we should. Maybe it’s because there is a missing piece to the puzzle. Either we didn’t listen the whole time or that it wasn’t ever said. I don’t like feeling confused. I relate it to being drunk because there are moments we wake up and do not remember the day before. How confused and lost must people feel when they are drunk? It must be nice to not remember what happened but also terrifying, having confusion I think is the worst though! I don’t like being lost in what’s going on.
Forgetful- Oh man forgetfulness sucks! If it’s a bad memory I understand why anyone would want to forget it but what if its not. At work for example I have things I need to remember and learn but I seemed to ALWAYS forget and maybe it’s because it only happens every now and again. It’s really embarrassing though. I have a really good friend that is very forgetful and I can see how frustrating it is. It kind of connects with being lost and confused. I remember I learned something but I always forget how to do it or why I need to. I always have to put calendar events on my phone or else I will forget something. Once again it’s just really embarrassing but you just hope people understand and give you time.
I think this is all I have for now. Anything to add or if you want my thoughts on a situation let me know….. =]
I love just thinking about these things sometimes. It keeps your brain moving and going.
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