Thursday, March 3, 2016

A moment of Zen

It's interesting how making some of the littlest changes in your life can change your attitude about things.
I used to love finding those articles that wrote about the crazy life of being a mother and how crazy kids are. I've probably even written one myself. I loved seeing that I wasn't the only one struggling.
But there are some articles even though their posts may be right they always make it seem like they don't even love their kids. Or that motherhood is such a drag and frustrating.

I do understand the moments though, for example I have one child that has been constantly whining over everything the past couple days and I really rely on those Zen moments.
I got this idea from the article I was talking about but I will list my Zen moments. It's different for every mother but list and find your Zen moments.

For me:

1. My number one is nap time!!! But I always prepare for not as long of a nap so that i'm not disappointed in case they don't sleep as long as they should have.

2. When I really need a moment I give in to tablet time because sometimes maybe you just need a moment to breathe, go to the bathroom, eat a meal.... alone! =]

3. Bath time, that's a hit or miss but they are contained to one spot and they cant get out so the only struggle is making sure they don't dump water all over the floor.

4. A walk outside. I strap one to my back and strap one in the stroller, sometimes we all could use some fresh air. For at least a few moments we are all calm and refreshed and mommy gets some exercise that always helps.

5. Snack time, it may cause a mess sometimes but they are focused to stuffing their face that I could have a minute or two to myself if I needed it.

6. Of course bedtime!! I have an instant weight off my shoulders once they are sound asleep in bed. Bliss =]

Always prepare for those times where you know to expect them to act out or being whiny. One of those for me is when I make dinner the kids ALWAYS come up to beg for food or want to help or want to be held. Without fail! I haven't found a toy or anything that helps but I know to prepare for it. It's also learning to know your children, One of mine isn't as easily distracted as the other so I have to work harder on knowing what works for them.

My kids have made me who I am, a mom. And they bring me so much joy! And I used to see the frustrating moments more then the good moments. We have our days of course, no one is perfect =]
A few of my favorite things as mother is seeing their faces of joy when I surprise them with taking them out for lunch or a treat. Also when I see they are learning something good (giving hugs and kisses to their brother when they are crying, or cleaning up without asking them too, or saying sorry or thank you etc...)

I've been stepping out of my comfort zone to get to know new people, writing a book (even though its very stressful) but also really exciting, trying something new. A lot of these things are things I have loved but just never thought I could do. There is more on the list but we will just do a few things at a time =]

When you view the world differently it changes your perspective on things.

"The only thing that's constant is change" we've had plans and things are always changing. Our lives are always going in different directions then we have originally planned but when we follow those changes we come to find we needed those changes in our lives.
I'm really excited for all the new plans we have made! While we wait on those changes I am loving the progress I have made in these past 6 month.

Find your moments of Zen in your crazy life and take those moments to breathe and be grateful for all that you've been given. Pass on the love and kindness to others.

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