Tuesday evening-
After work I hurried and cleaned up the living room and then headed to Acacia’s. We got some of the laundry done. Just glad to have great friends and we ate some food and watched Hotel Transylvania. I of course held Emerson a little bit and love that sweet baby. Then played a little bit with Evia. Around 8 I headed home and we waited for our home teachers. They gave a pretty good lesson, and gave us a challenge which I hesitantly accepted because being in my pregnant stage I’m emotional and I really don’t want to step out of my comfort zone at this time. He asked us to pray about people we know that are none members and maybe say something church wise to them even if it’s just saying what we learned over the weekend from church. The main people I know that aren’t Mormons are those I work with and I don’t feel comfortable about doing those things at work because I don’t feel it’s the right place to do so. 1. Because I am nervous of what they will think of me and 2. Because I don’t think religion should be brought up at work for several reasons unless of course your work environment is all the same religion (like Spencer). I just lead by example, people here know I’m Mormon or at least most do and they respect how I am. They know I don’t swear, or watch rated R movies, and they know I don’t drink coffee or alcohol, also they know I don’t participate in drama or speak unkindly of people. I think that’s good enough for the time being and safe because I don’t want to risk crying at work which is what would probably happen so I’m hesitant. I could maybe find someone outside of work but I never go anywhere and like I said most of my friends are all Mormon.
Anyways afterwards I still had this sharp pain in my back, and I just wanted to cry because it was so constant all day and I wanted it to go away. And I had a moment of “I can’t believe they said that to me” but I wont say who and what because I guess it would just be best that I didn’t. Once I went to bed my back didn’t hurt as bad. I do rotate from my back, to my left side, and to my right side. I know back sleeping isn’t good when pregnant but sometimes I just need to lay on my back and it’s never for longer than 30 or 60 minutes I’m sure.
This morning I got up and watched some hulu shows on TV. Another day of not wanting to get up and go to work. Or at least wanting to wear PJ’s or sweats to work. Everything is just starting to get uncomfortable but probably could be fixed with stretching here and there. In general things are getting closer to the end so I’m hoping and praying I don’t forget anything I need for when Isaac decides to come. Which things will be fine if I forget something but I still don’t want to forget anything.
On Goodreads.com I enter to win a free book when there are new releases of a book that sounds good, and today I WON!! So when I get the book I will read it and then give it a review and most likely i will win others. The book is called "If you find me" By: Emily Murdoch
Then I stopped by to say hi to Spencer for a minute then headed to work.
Nothing much happening at work, I kind of needed some good smells to relax me at work so I put in Be still from Scentsy. I love smells like candles and perfumes but not food smells.
Tonight hopefully we will be going to Coldstone & bowling with Channelle and her roommate. I’m kind of excited, just want to go bowling before it’s too difficult.
Pregnancy is starting to get uncomfortable for me, but that probably can be fixed once I get off my butt and do some stretches to prepare my body for more belly expansion. Last night I got a pain in my right abdomen for a couple minutes, that kind of hurt but then it slowly went away. My thought is Braxton hicks but I could be wrong.
19 days until Demi Lovato FINALLY releases her new single!
26 days until our birthing classes start
31 days until the
44 days until our maternity photo shoot!
80 days until the Tooele baby shower
108 days until Squirt’s due date!
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