Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Day

If you voted for Obama and like Obama you might not like this post but my mood is ALL over the place. So if you don’t like my post DON’T comment because it’s my own opinion and I don’t feel like fighting with someone over it.

Tuesday evening-
I cleaned the house and got everything fixed while I put the Presidential voting on TV in the background. Now this is going to be A LOT of back and forth because I am a hormonal pregnant woman. At first I was so upset that Obama was voted president for a second term but after awhile I got tired of so many people bashing on him.
I voted so the way I felt was if the person I voted for didn’t win it was like I had put the wrong answer on the test. I know that sounds funny but that’s kind of how it felt. Romney was always 10 or more above Obama for quite some time. I wasn’t too worried but then I started to get worried. They would guess on how things were going what states each were probably going to get and Obama was going to get a lot more.
My opinion is 1 popular vote SHOULD count now a days and 2 we shouldn’t do 270 anymore it should be until ALL votes are counted! That might take awhile but if we don’t do it that way then I see it as not all voted really count. It almost makes me not want to vote again. And at one point they gave Ohio to them but when they said that Romney was actually winning Ohio and then just bam Obama is reelected. Which fine whatever but what if Romney had ended up getting 270 or more too but because Obama got it first he just gets it all! But that’s not how it should work. I also don’t think they ended up telling us who won Florida, Virginia, or Colorado which isn’t fair because you need to finish the count and it’s almost like their vote didn’t even count! It just really upsets me. It probably wouldn’t as much if I hadn’t voted but I HAD to go vote. Man was it so close for awhile.
NOW people keep bashing on Obama. I don’t know enough about what he has done that’s bad or the things he is planning on doing but he is our president so deal with it. It’s rude to bash on him because he is a person like everyone else and he has a BIG job to do and honestly I don’t think anyone is fit to be the president of the United States. I liked what some people were saying that our real President is our Prophet or in general God. God has a plan and apparently this was part of the plan so deal with it and be the best you can for God’s judgment.
Now I did always say that if you voted you did have a right to complain or be upset because you did your part. Right now it seems like there is too much complaining and I’m about ready to punch someone that’s how annoying it is.
I’m just glad it is over and we will do what we need to these next 4 years and I don’t think we are going to die because Obama was reelected so chill! Sigh I think that’s all I wanted to say, I needed to let it all out somewhere! Man what a night I was almost in tears and I didn’t think I was going to be that upset over Romney winning.
I also had a MAJOR headache that was just killing me and I can’t take anything for that so I just drank water and put a rice pack on my forehead.

I watched my TV shows this morning and ate my breakfast. Now just at work not doing a whole lot. Spencer was sweet and wrote me a note saying he is doing dishes tonight. Yay what a great man =]
Other than that it’s The X Factor and I will be able to vote for my favorites tonight! =] Woot Woot

I felt pretty darn good this morning and that is about all that has happened lol


10 days until 12 weeks
14 days until Thanksgiving in California
206 days until Squirt’s due date!

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