Wednesday evening-
After work I headed over to Spencer’s work. I could NOT open the car door
from the inside which is a dilemma sense the automatic lock button doesn’t work
and there is no lock tab thing to automatically unlock. So I had to climb over
to the other door to open that one. This car is having fun making me upset.
When I finally got out of the car I waited in the lobby until Spencer was done
with work. Then we headed over to Subway for some dinner. Then we walked over
to the Energy Solutions Arena for Disney on Ice: 100 years of Magic! We bought
some Cotton Candy and had some pretty good seats =]
There was this cute little boy who was maybe 2 sitting in front of us and he
just did the cutest things and he sat very still! Then there was this big guy
that sat next to us and he was by himself maybe 50 years old or so and he was
falling asleep and I was just wondering why are you here? Maybe he is a big fan
but I was curious.
I didn’t really take any pictures except two because it’s hard when they are
always moving. They didn’t have Princess Aurora which I thought was kind of
weird. They all did pretty good though. They had each Disney couple dance to
their main love song one right after the other and I almost started to tear up
because it was so beautiful.
Afterwards we headed home and just relaxed and got ready for bed.
I missed The X Factor performances BUT I watched clips so I will kind of
give you my opinion. This was Diva Theme Week.
Arin- Crazy for you, they are
making a whole love thing with him and one of the girls from fifth harmony, oh
joy! He has a great voice but I’m still not feeling it. I liked what LA said,
he didn’t feel Goosebumps.
Beatrice- Time after time, she
can’t sing as high of notes as a lot of the others but I still think she has a
great soulful sound and I’d be sad to see her leave.
Tate- From This Moment, such a
pure voice, he can bring tears to your eyes. What a man!
Carly Rose- My
Heart Will Go On, her gowns lately
have been amazing! For 13 she has such an amazing voice.
Diamond- Halo, I’m so glad they
brought her back she is just amazing and such beautiful vocals.
Jennel- Big Wheels Keep on
Turning, she is just such a rock star!
CeCe- All By Myself, I was
looking forward to this performance because she was just going to stand there
for once and sing and not be doing way too much at once. But her vocals
disappointed me but she looked more like herself for once. I’m tired of the too
fierce look.
Fifth Harmony- Hero, They are
getting better I will admit that but I don’t see their amazing friendship
lasting for very long but I could be wrong. They are defiantly some that sing
better than the others so sometimes it doesn’t mesh very well.
Paige- Last dance, her outfit was
weird. Vocally I don’t think she did very well with the song she was given.
Lyric 145- ET (from Katy Perry)
mixed with we will rock you, they used to be really good but they’ve slowly
been declining and they are performing their normal stuff. They were rude to
Demi though. Simon kept saying they only had a few hours to perform, well then
why did you change the song at midnight and give them less time? I would be okay if they went home.
Emblem3- No One, I just think
they are great. I was surprised that they were #6 last time, but I think they
do pretty good every week.
Vino- Stay Together, He can sing
and he might win but he just doesn’t have it in my opinion. Seems like a very
nice guy though.
This morning wasn’t too bad but I felt sick on and off. I watched Bones
episodes while I slowly ate some food and got ready for the day. I’m just very
glad tomorrow is Friday! Other than that I’m at work and a lot of people are in
a meeting and that’s about it. Just kicking back and watching my TV shows!
Now just plan on posting a lot for this
contest!! I would like to be the #1 winner, so I will be posting it until the
th when the contest ends!
Tonight is a double elimination on The X Factor!!!! Ahh Other than that I
will be cleaning and doing dishes probably.
So I’m not surprised that I’m easily annoyed by things that come with
pregnancy. Meaning people’s opinion’s I just didn’t think it would start so
soon. I just am probably going to stop posting Squirt’s heartbeat on Facebook
because people keep saying Squirt is a girl based on a heartbeat. 1. That old
wives tale is NOT true and I’m tired of people saying Squirt is a girl. If you
think Squirt is a girl that is fine, I wouldn’t mind if Squirt was a girl but
being that it’s my body and my baby I feel Squirt is a boy. I’m perfectly happy
with either gender but NO one has said Squirt is a boy and I’m tired of hearing
girl, girl, girl! THE OLD WIVES TALE IS NOT TRUE so PLEASE stop guessing the
gender based on the heartbeat. I’m going to snap and maybe I already have. But
I feel sad that there are something’s I can’t announce on Facebook because
emotional I will go crazy from the comments. If you don’t agree with me that’s
fine but this is how I’m feeling right now.
What it looked like before it all started |
the ending of the show =] |
2 days until 12 weeks
6 days until Thanksgiving in
48 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
198 days until Squirt’s due date!