Monday, October 15, 2012


Friday evening-
After work we went to Subway for dinner, yummy! We saw our friend Mariah there and talked to her for a little bit. Then we headed over to the temple and we decided to do sealing’s instead of a session. It was really nice and I learned a few new things. Then afterwards we went home and watched Dirty Jobs and relax. I was very glad it was the weekend! I love sleep so I was excited to sleep in this weekend!

I took my sweet time this Saturday morning and watched some of my shows. Spencer had to do some tithing things at the church and that took a long time. I figured out how to get YouTube songs to mp3. Now I only did it to songs that you can hear anywhere else and can’t buy so I didn’t steal a song. Then I made salmon patties to eat around lunch time. I also slowly cleaned up the house. When Spencer got home he did the dishes and then he went for a walk. He bought us a cool plant that I totally forgot to take a picture of! I started reading a book I’ve been struggling to read for awhile. It’s called “vanished” and man it is really good in my opinion! Then later we watched some Myth busters and I got the finished onsies from Acacia. 

Today we met as a stake to get our new boundaries… we are now in the 10th ward. I don’t mind being in a new ward, it will be weird but some friends are going to be in the ward with us and I’m close to my other friends so it’s not like I will never see them again. But I was mostly sad because I really never got a chance to be nursery leader and that makes me sad. I mean who knows I might get the same calling in this ward but you never know. I am kind of happy that Spencer doesn’t have his calling anymore because now I get him for Wednesday & Sunday’s more! But it seems like were moving to a new place too even though we aren’t. I did have to hold back tears when they told us. Afterwards I took a short nap than we headed over to Jessica’s to do some laundry. My parents stopped by to get their van from Jessica. So we got to see our world travelers, glad to have them back. Then after we did the laundry we went home and did some crafts that I will post later on in the week. Our sink is full of dishes again!! Blah, we really need a dishwasher.

This morning wasn’t too bad. I didn’t feel so good at one point but now I’m a little better =]
But welcome to another boring Monday, I will be getting a caramel apple so hopefully that will be great! But this morning I mostly just watched Bobby’s World on Netflix, what a good old show! I like my job but lately it would be nice to take like a month break and just catch up on things, or go outside in the evening, and rest in the mornings. Hmm that would be the life too bad you don’t get paid to do that!
After work we will stop by the church to get some of my things from the nursery closet that are mine and later on Spencer will give back his church keys.

This is a taggy toy my friend made for my sister's baby

This is the front of one

here is the back which i think i already posted

A cute paited on necklace with a flower

i made the grey flower, yay


2 days
7 days until Taylor Swift’s Album RED comes out
37 days until Thanksgiving in California

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