Thursday, October 18, 2012

Almond Dental =]

I notice that I can get moody lately. More than anything I get angry at people. There were some people I just wanted to punch or slap some sense into them. Haha So I did some visiting teaching or more talking with Margret for a little while. Then I headed home for The X Factor…. After 45 minute BAM the mindy project starts playing. I was pissed! 1. The mindy project wasn’t even supposed to be one tonight 2. it’s not even on an hour mark. Later Fox writes on facebook that because of the rain delay with the stupid baseball game it got first dibs apparently even though The X Factor has a SCHEDULED time frame! The only positive to all this is that it happened all over the USA not just Utah. But man I was mad because that was really stupid to do. They rescheduled the whole show for Tuesday which I can watch but I’m still mad at them for that. They could have at least warned us somehow. So after that stupidity we just watched some Netflix and relaxed.
My wedding ring is starting to do flips around my finger again… I can’t wait for chubby fingers just because my wedding ring might actually fit my finger better.

This morning I slowly got ready and headed to my dentist appointment. No x-rays for me! They did say everything looked good, better than usual. But let me just say how much I LOVE my dentist office! It is the best dentist office I’ve been to ever! Almond Dental is the office name. The dentist is great, and all the nurses? I’m not sure what you call them are amazing. They talk to you and get to know you and they feel like old friends or family. I really wish I could work there just because the environment is fantastic! One of the nurses her name is Jessica, she is my favorite. She said everyone time we get a pregnant lady in here I like to look at the Chinese chart to see the gender, so for me it says boy. So she writes it down in my file so by the time I know we can see if it was right or not. Other charts I’ve looked at have said girl but I’m really okay with either. I’d go there everyday just to have nice friendly faces and people to talk to.
I don’t like the news but they have this one news channel on that is things all over the world. And its super interesting to watch but there are some stories that make me so sad. A 19 year old father killed his 6 month old daughter and is only get 90 days in jail! Then there was a story about how in schools they are now getting rid of the hot cheetos. I don’t like the hot kind but they are saying they are addicting and have too much fat and all of that. What chip is good for you? And another school isn’t letting kids wear their Halloween costumes which I kind of get but I also think its kind of silly.
When I left I got some food and packed my snacks for work and off I went. Not too much happening at work which isn’t a surprise. I really feel I need more than this.
After work today I just plan on relaxing and cleaning up a few things around the house. Also need to make a few phone calls tonight and decide what hospital that I want to deliver at….complicated decision!

A little nauseous but nothing new. I think I’m going to do a program called nuMoM2b, basically you get 3 extra ultrasounds, and they do blood tests, urine samples, ultrasound videos, and 3D ultrasound (which I think look weird). And that’s it and you get $50 dollars from them for doing this. But you have to go before your 14 weeks along and it has to be your first child. It’s to figure out why some mom’s deliver their babies early, develop high blood pressure during pregnancy, and deliver infants of low birth weight. I figured why not it couldn’t hurt anything to get paid extra and see more ultrasound pictures! =]


4 days until Taylor Swift’s Album RED comes out
34 days until Thanksgiving in California
226 days until Squirt due date!


  1. I'm glad you like your Dentist & his staff that makes going to the Dentist a lot easier!
    Did the dental hygenist tell you how accurate her chinese chart has been for other patients? It'll be fun to see what happens.
    The nuMom2B sounds like an intersting study.

    1. Oh yeah she said most of the time it is right but there were a couple times it was wrong. It will be cool to see. But really it is a 50/50 chance on guessing.
      Cynthia my friend did the nuMom2b study and she said she loved it so I asked her a little bit more before i decided.
