Thursday, June 2, 2011


I am on Birth Control, not like it matters if you know or not. This is the first time I’ve ever been on it and I started about 3 weeks ago and man my emotions are ALL over the place. I cry at almost everything. After a month or so it’s supposed to settle down a bit.
1. This cute marriage proposal I saw online
2. A little stupid fight that really was pointless to get upset over
3. Thinking about my future
4. When I saw so and so have her baby on Bones

I mean really stupid things. And weirdly enough I hate being alone now. I used to LOVE being alone. But my parents always are gone somewhere over a holiday and I’m left at home. Then Spencer and I have crazy schedules and are so far away from each other. It’s ridiculous but life.

Music makes me happy.
I love listening to songs while driving, with the windows down on a nice summer day. Don’t forget singing at the top of your lungs to the songs you know every word to! =]

Here are a few that make my day:
Suddenly I see
Only girl
(Jeez my mind just went blank but mostly oldies songs too)

Today is a pretty good day! =]
Yesterday my boss at work told me I was doing better in some areas which made me relax a bit because I was worrying about that.
Then I decided to take Spencer out on a date. I think it’s nice to take your man on a date sometimes and change things up a bit. I surely do love him. First we went to Target and bought puzzles to do when we have time. Next we went to the dollar theater and watched Mars needs mom in 3D. It was pretty darn cool once you got into the movie and forgot you were wearing funky glasses. Next I dropped him off to his house and off to Tooele I went. It was SO windy on my way home (especially with my car having some windows that don’t shut all the way) I had to go 60 instead of 65 or 75. It was crazy and dusty. Ahh

The weather has been looking up but I know it won’t last… its Utah! =]
I am getting really excited for my wedding. 16 days today! To be honest though I am also quite nervous, but that is normal.

I always say this but man things are sure working out for me. I feel so happy and excited for the future. Doesn’t mean everything will work out but it’s nice to have a plan and some ideas to throw around.

Random side note I love curling up reading a book in the summer too! =] Oh happy day!

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