20 weeks!
Finally was the day to see what gender our sweet baby was. The tech was nice but man it took forever to check all the normal things they need to do so poor Spencer was stuck with the two boys for 30 plus minutes until we could call them back :/
I have an anterior placenta, and she is curled in a ball low. He had to push really hard a few times OW to move her to see different angles.
But all is good and healthy! Doesn't matter how many kids you have these ultrasounds are so amazing!
Ta Da it's a girl! I should of recorded Isaac's reaction he was SO excited he was right! It was super sweet. And as we left he said he was going to feed her, cuddle her and change her. He is going to be such a great big brother to a sister. We asked what her name would be and he says "sister". lol
Oh she is measuring 19 weeks and 2 days but tech said at this point it goes more by how your other babies etc are so he wasn't worried or moving the date.
Half way! It felt like it was going to be forever until I got here. Now i'm here...oh snap!
I knew it was a girl and not because I did kind of want a girl, I just knew it and no matter how hard I worked at being neutral (friends will attest I worked hard at being neutral) I just had a gut feeling.
I'm still in a bit of shock, like is it really a girl? it will probably become more real once we have girly things in the house, which will really only be clothes because all the items we get like bouncers etc will be gender neutral. I'm more of a purple fan then pink but i'm sure we will have a mix of things for her.
I'm excited to know and now plan for a girl. =]
We have 2-3 names in the works and once we have a solid decision I will share it.
I also realized i'm not a huge bow person for babies but there are these ones one pinterest I've seen that I like and seems I could make them easily too.
I didn't realize until my 20 week picture that I am carrier higher and straight out with this baby more then the boys, I didn't even realize it. So interesting how your body carries babies differently.
I'm kind of ready to be done with the pregnancy, its better then it was but I'm still feeling blah and just would rather her be here lol but of course I want her to be developed all the way and healthy.
I don't crave tons and still have to force myself to eat all the time but we survive with rough days here and there. I am getting bigger and realizing more and more things are going to be difficult to reach or do so it will be interesting as we continue along.
It's been so sweet to hear the excitement everyone has for me with it being a girl and just another cute baby, its amazing. Both grandmas reactions were awesome!!!
On a random note I've been surprised about a few things that have happened with people, details don't matter. But In all of it I've realized how much I've grown as a person and that makes me feel great because there are things that truly would have bothered me but now I feel mature and grown up to totally be fine with certain decisions that would of upset me. Which also makes me realize how much Spencer and I have been growing together and I love that, that's always the goal for me.
Happy New Year (late), I have a few resolutions, mostly to get back to where I was before I got pregnant with every category lol But i'm just not myself with this pregnancy so I take super baby steps and look into other things to try spiritually and physically etc to still make me feel like i'm making progress.
We have a lot of exciting things happening for us this year and i'm excited!
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