Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Not so natural

I'm probably going to get a lot of crap for this blog post but I think it's something that needs to be said so deal with it. Don't bother to comment on this because even if you do I wont read them or reply to them.
It's in regards to breastfeeding.
I think that people should stop saying breastfeeding is natural... that's a butt load of crap! There are some people that it does just work out great and easy right away for the. If that's you, fantastic!
The information that I hear from friends is it took like sometimes 4 months until all went smoothly with breastfeeding. That to me doesn't sound like it's a natural thing.
I find MOST people struggling with breastfeeding so why would you still call it a natural thing? I've heard this saying from a few people "Breastfeeding is the most unnatural natural thing"

From a mom who tried breastfeeding, I can tell you that saying "Breastfeeding is natural" kind of hurt when it wasn't working for me. Made me feel like I was not a normal person.
There are several reasons that make it not so easy (it's still not easy even if you don't have problems)
Your child is lip or tongue tied
your nipple goes inside (yes nipple shields can help with this but who wants a piece of plastic to help)
your milk stops or doesn't come in

I'm sure there are even more issues but that's frustrating to a mother no matter what the issue might be. I definitely didn't think i'd be so frustrated by it. Then you hear have patience... sometimes a newborn is hard enough to just get enough sleep let alone having patience to try and feed a crying child.

With my first baby I didn't try really hard but did go to someone for help and her response was "oh this will be an easy fix" it was like a slap in my face because it wasn't easy to fix, it took a lot of work that I didn't have help to do so I quit and just pumped for 6 months.
Then baby number two I really wanted to try harder but my first born was only  17 months and would of gotten in a lot of trouble. I did ask for more help and I tried an SNS (I think that's the name) and that was kind of helpful (along with a nipple shield that was annoying) but I tried giving him my own milk and he ended up liking the formula from the SNS he was getting instead so instead of forcing it and having crying fits trying to make it work. We decided to go all formula this time around.

Am I still kind of bitter over not being a natural breastfeeder... yes I am! It could be fixed by a nipple shield but it just reminds me that oh my body was made different so breastfeeding was harder.

And I don't agree with breastfeeding in public without a cover. Breasts may be natural but that doesn't mean I want to see you feeding your baby with it. It doesn't matter if your family, friend, or a stranger. Will I say this to someone's face, no because it's not my place. But I do think it's respectful if you at least TRY to cover up...even if your toddler fights the cover. I don't think breastfeeding people need to be placed in a corner or anything but I do think it should be a private thing between a mother and her child. And if I ever get breastfeeding down with another child, i'm going to be covered and or go in a private place because that's what I believe.

This came out of no where but for once I felt like I wanted to state my opinion on the matter. Because breast or formula fed babies are all still healthy as long as they are getting food, and that's enough for me.

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