Thursday he was hungry so I fed him a bottle but 2 wasn't enough but I hadn't pumped more yet wo we decided heck why not try the old fashion way. And he latched and ate for like two minutes.
So we try here and there and he latched 3/4 times.
Saturday he ate for ten minutes! I was a proud mommy! I don't know if it will last cuz I'm constantly worried I won't have back up in a bottle if he doesnt latch.
He smiles more but still has fussy moments. I realized if I put him in his crib when he naps he sleeps better and longer so that's our new thing.
He goes to bed around 10 ish and sleeps until around 3 ish and then sleeps until either 630 or 830 :)
He likes tummy time a little better but still doesn't last long.
He likes sucking on Fingers like ours not just his own.
Almost every single time we lay him down to change him he screams. It's so frustrating but I know it can be normal.
We finally got his newborn pictures and so I made an amazing baby announcement!
Sometime we will try and put him in his crib to sleep....
We tried it once and after an hour he screamed. I just hate leaving him alone in a room :(
Monday was his appointment. He is now 10 lbs and 11 ounces. He was in the 50th percentile but now down to the 12th so it causes concern but he is healthy so if by his 4 month appointment he isn't bigger they will have to change something. He is now eating 3 ounces or more but I did read they should be up to 4-5 ounces. At least he is healthy.
He is now 22 3/4 inches long!
All looked and sounded well then came the shots :'( I hate being a mother in cases like this. I know shots will keep him healthier but the painful process kills me. I hate seeing him cry like that. It shows how much I love and care for him though.
Also his doctor is leaving so he will get a new one :( which I'm sad about because dawn Powell was a great doctor, hopefully this guy will be too.
Oh and can't do half formula half breast milk if I don't make enough because Isaac does not like the formula, he can tell the difference even if he is starving so that means I might have to start pumping more and making sure I'm making enough food for him. Oh boy
I have an ear infection, I have no idea how I got it. And it has messed up my jaw so now its hard to eat things. I'm putting drops in my ears until Thursday, hopefully when the swollen goes down it will put my jaw back together. So I'm kind of deaf in one ear which helps when he screams lol
Our closing date has moved to September 10th, ahh we are so close but so far away.
I'm still waiting to kind of feel back to normal but that may never happen lol
I could start working out again but I worry about it. When Isaac has a better napping schedule I will be able to plan my workouts a little better.
I have a list of things I want to learn and I'm really excited but not sure how to go about it yet and where to start.
I dont want to sit around and watch tv all day but its easier then keeping a house clean lol
It's harder to keep things organized right now since we are so close to moving and getting things a little better organized there. Sigh I'm bad at cleaning. I have no drive 75% of the time. Also the day is over before it begins sometimes. It's hard enough eating every meal. But I'm slowly getting better at that.
And need to do more church things as well.
We are surviving I think... Lol
I said I would add more pictures from last post since they were't loading but... that wont happen cuz i can't remember what ones they were, sorry.
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this is kind of his new nap time place plus still bedtime place (he is getting too long for it) |
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the puppy he got from J |
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he likes sucking on our fingers lol |
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he smiles are adorable! |
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he is so precious when he sleeps |
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he likes looking at the sky |
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he looks so pissed lol |
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Happy 2 months! |
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he loves the mobile in his crib |
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we will be taking a monthly picture in this chair! (we dont have a newborn pic but htats okay) |
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My happy boy! |
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