It's been awhile on posts, sorry I've been bad at keeping up. A quick update
Isaac is learning new things always. He is now on hands and knees rocking back and forth trying to leap or crawl forward but not there yet
He tilts his was to the side when he looks at people
He wakes up every hour at night so we still haven't conquered sleep and he still eats some at night so I technically shouldn't sleep train yet. I'm sure a breakdown is in my near future with lack of sleep
Isaac had his first Christmas and was cute as always but of course didn't know what was going on
Oh and he likes pears and blueberries and his first love was sweet potatoes
He weighs 14.3 pounds and 25 inches and had his first stomach bug... Diarrhea only thank heavens nothin else but we are glad he is feeling better
And we did our first night away from him when he was sick an it was okay but probably won't happen again for awhile. That's about it I think
Usually I write a yearly review and I would love to but it's a lot of work and with a child, I don't have time to sit and go through journals. I like to cuz someday maybe I can print each year out and put it into a book for my great grand kids, I may still end up doing it. Also sometimes it's fun to keep track of the songs I likes monthly throughout the year
2014 New Years resolutions
It's always sad to me how hard it seems for us all to keep simple New Years resolutions. Maybe its because we have too many to try to achieve or we've made resolutions that are too high for us to reach so here are mine that I plan to keep or be in the process of working on always, simple but fulfilling and meaningful that keep me healthy and alive physically and mentally
1. Be there always for my husband and children for whatever they need. To teach them, or to listen, or provide a simple hug and a kiss when they've had a rough day
2. Keeping the gospel/christ always at the center of my everyday life not off to the side
3. Keeping physically active (which can be hard in winter months) but I'm not going to promise to "work out" every day but be active at whatever I'm doing not sitting around when I could be standing or walking
4. Being an explorer always seeing how things work and looking at things in a different light. So seeing how a baby/ toddler sees new things for the first time
5. Not being afraid to Try new things. That could be new food, new adventure, or something like that
6. Be helpful:kind to anyone you meet. Serve always and be a friend to everyone
7. Go to bed early and arise early, I love my sleep but I know this is best in the long run
And just the normal try to stay positive, keep the house clean, try to do better with money, not watch too much tv, read scriptures daily, or eat too much junk food
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Disneyland with Isaac
Sunday- last night was terrible because Isaac and I starting getting a cold so it was hard to sleep. Then we got out free breakfast and headed out for the drive to California. We should of left earlier in the morning because traffic has been HORRIBLE!!! And having a cold and being scrunched in the back and trying to keep Isaac entertained is taking a toll. I'm bored. I've finished a book in a half but this traffic is ridiculous and I just don't understand it. So we left at 930am (Utah time) maybe and we didn't arrive until 1000pm (Cali time) (we made a few short stops here and there to get Isaac out but nothing crazy)
Monday- we woke up and relaxed for a little while. I caught up on tv shows and we went to a restaurant called wing stop which was pretty good. Then packed up and headed out to Anaheim.
Tuesday- happy 6 months to Isaac! He is just the cutest! He does this growl screeching noise now and sits very well on his own. And full of smiles! He slept pretty good last night only woke up two times and that was to eat but I'm not sure if it's because he was sleeping with us or he is getting better because we switched his formula. And did introduce him to apple sauce and prunes lol
We headed to Disneyland! We were able to ride all the rides I wanted to except one. We took Isaac on a few rides, the first one being it's a small world. He only cried on one ride and I think it's because the person was really loud! We bought him a cute little Micky mouse outfit! And did pretty good at Disneyland! :) I love my sweet baby boy! It was a pretty cold windy day :( I'm starting to gain weight blah so need to get back into working out soon. Our hotel rooms adjoined so all of us were together.
Wednesday- off to California adventures today! I'm pretty sure my milk is almost all dried up yay i feel a lot better!!! Happy day! My legs are feeling sore today :( but not much we can do with Isaac here or that we even care to do. It's nice in the sun but there is some cloud coverage :(
Eventually we just ended up leaving around 3. We got back and just relaxed! Later we ordered Pizza Hut pizza and went to bed
Thursday- Isaac was a cranky baby today maybe cuz he was said we weren't at Disneyland anymore. We took our time today and just relaxed. We helped watch Logan and Lucas. I went to target for a little bit. Later in the evening spencer and I left Isaac with grandma and grandpa and walked around the mall. Then that evening we went to Denny's to hang out with Desiree
Friday- we were going to leave at midnight but our trip got cut short and we had to leave this morning because there is a snow storm coming to Utah and we don't want to get hit by it. :( I'm very sad to leave early and had to rush out. We made really good time only stopped twice and it was nice to be home
Saturday- we woke up and got ready. Isaac and I hit the road to go to jades first birthday! Not too bad of a drive. We got to see all the family on my side again :)
Then it took forever to get home because the snowy weather was pretty bad so we got home around 7 and left at 330. Then we just relaxed for the evening. And decorated our Christmas tree.
Monday- we woke up and relaxed for a little while. I caught up on tv shows and we went to a restaurant called wing stop which was pretty good. Then packed up and headed out to Anaheim.
Tuesday- happy 6 months to Isaac! He is just the cutest! He does this growl screeching noise now and sits very well on his own. And full of smiles! He slept pretty good last night only woke up two times and that was to eat but I'm not sure if it's because he was sleeping with us or he is getting better because we switched his formula. And did introduce him to apple sauce and prunes lol
We headed to Disneyland! We were able to ride all the rides I wanted to except one. We took Isaac on a few rides, the first one being it's a small world. He only cried on one ride and I think it's because the person was really loud! We bought him a cute little Micky mouse outfit! And did pretty good at Disneyland! :) I love my sweet baby boy! It was a pretty cold windy day :( I'm starting to gain weight blah so need to get back into working out soon. Our hotel rooms adjoined so all of us were together.
Wednesday- off to California adventures today! I'm pretty sure my milk is almost all dried up yay i feel a lot better!!! Happy day! My legs are feeling sore today :( but not much we can do with Isaac here or that we even care to do. It's nice in the sun but there is some cloud coverage :(
Eventually we just ended up leaving around 3. We got back and just relaxed! Later we ordered Pizza Hut pizza and went to bed
Thursday- Isaac was a cranky baby today maybe cuz he was said we weren't at Disneyland anymore. We took our time today and just relaxed. We helped watch Logan and Lucas. I went to target for a little bit. Later in the evening spencer and I left Isaac with grandma and grandpa and walked around the mall. Then that evening we went to Denny's to hang out with Desiree
Friday- we were going to leave at midnight but our trip got cut short and we had to leave this morning because there is a snow storm coming to Utah and we don't want to get hit by it. :( I'm very sad to leave early and had to rush out. We made really good time only stopped twice and it was nice to be home
Saturday- we woke up and got ready. Isaac and I hit the road to go to jades first birthday! Not too bad of a drive. We got to see all the family on my side again :)
Then it took forever to get home because the snowy weather was pretty bad so we got home around 7 and left at 330. Then we just relaxed for the evening. And decorated our Christmas tree.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Cousins for thanksgiving
Sunday- a fairly good nights rest. Church wasn't too bad. The jeopardy game went well in primary. Then had a short down time at home and later went to my parents for a little bit for dinner!
Monday- didn't feel like doing much but I accomplished editing photos so that was great! And cleaned up a bit. Mostly tried to keep Isaac from being fussy. Then yay we went to iggys for dinner and got lost finding the movie theater it's so confusing. Then saw the amazing 50 anniversary of doctor who, loved it! Thanks mom for watching Isaac :)
Tuesday- at one point I laid on the floor with Isaac and we sang and danced to nursery rhymes! It was lots of fun! Other then that I did a few chores and my milk is so close to finally being all dried up! Which makes me so happy but also kind of sad. Then we walked over to grandmas for a little bit. Then made dinner. I've realized Isaac is very whiny. I hope it's just a stage and he will soon be over it. I looked more into possibly getting a business license for my photography business. Had a fairly decent day
Wednesday- exhausted!! I was up until 1230 with Isaac. He woke up crying. He only would go to sleep on me a certain way and if I laid him down he would cry so it was rough. we got up and headed out to salt lake to meet up at IHOP for breakfast with a friend but sadly her son hit his head and we weren't able to meet up :(
So I called spencer and he took an early lunch to have breakfast with me. :) then I did a few errands and we went to my moms house to hang out with cache, jade, j, Jessica, Stephanie and grandma. We finally had all the Nielsen grand kids together for once! I brought over the kittens for a little bit too :) then went home to do laundry. Then later went back over to grandmas. We all had dinner then hung out for a little while before going back home.
Thursday- happy thanksgiving! We slowly woke up and got ready to head over to grandmas house. After a little while Jon and Mallorie arrived and we did Christmas presents. Isaac got some great toys! We all had lots of fun! And ate yummy food. I made a pumpkin poke cake. It was delicious!!! We took some updated family pictures! :) then later we all left to go home.
Yesterday I decided I won't pump at all anymore so I'm at the point where DO NOT touch me is said in my head, there is a bubble lol now Isaac I cant tell that too but we manage. Then we hurried and got everything packed up!
I'm thankful for my whole family and especially my little family. And for spencer and all he has had to put up with while being married to me. He is a thoughtful and patient man. And for our sweet baby boy, he teaches us so much! And especially for the gospel and the guidance and light it brings us in our life. The list could go on!
Friday- up early in the morning not for Black Friday shopping but to head out to Idaho to have all the peacock family together. We got there around lunch time. We pretty much hung out and didn't do a whole lot. Then later went to pizza pie cafe to have dinner together. Yummy
Saturday- rough night and spencer took Isaac after 12 so I could go to sleep. We decided since he hasn't pooped (just little pieces) in awhile and I haven't given him solid food that maybe it's his formula so we bought a different brand and got some prune food. Then around 12 we headed off to California. So we pretty much drove most the way and Isaac slept most the time and then we stopped at a hotel in beaver, the same hotel we stopped in awhile back
Monday- didn't feel like doing much but I accomplished editing photos so that was great! And cleaned up a bit. Mostly tried to keep Isaac from being fussy. Then yay we went to iggys for dinner and got lost finding the movie theater it's so confusing. Then saw the amazing 50 anniversary of doctor who, loved it! Thanks mom for watching Isaac :)
Tuesday- at one point I laid on the floor with Isaac and we sang and danced to nursery rhymes! It was lots of fun! Other then that I did a few chores and my milk is so close to finally being all dried up! Which makes me so happy but also kind of sad. Then we walked over to grandmas for a little bit. Then made dinner. I've realized Isaac is very whiny. I hope it's just a stage and he will soon be over it. I looked more into possibly getting a business license for my photography business. Had a fairly decent day
Wednesday- exhausted!! I was up until 1230 with Isaac. He woke up crying. He only would go to sleep on me a certain way and if I laid him down he would cry so it was rough. we got up and headed out to salt lake to meet up at IHOP for breakfast with a friend but sadly her son hit his head and we weren't able to meet up :(
So I called spencer and he took an early lunch to have breakfast with me. :) then I did a few errands and we went to my moms house to hang out with cache, jade, j, Jessica, Stephanie and grandma. We finally had all the Nielsen grand kids together for once! I brought over the kittens for a little bit too :) then went home to do laundry. Then later went back over to grandmas. We all had dinner then hung out for a little while before going back home.
Thursday- happy thanksgiving! We slowly woke up and got ready to head over to grandmas house. After a little while Jon and Mallorie arrived and we did Christmas presents. Isaac got some great toys! We all had lots of fun! And ate yummy food. I made a pumpkin poke cake. It was delicious!!! We took some updated family pictures! :) then later we all left to go home.
Yesterday I decided I won't pump at all anymore so I'm at the point where DO NOT touch me is said in my head, there is a bubble lol now Isaac I cant tell that too but we manage. Then we hurried and got everything packed up!
I'm thankful for my whole family and especially my little family. And for spencer and all he has had to put up with while being married to me. He is a thoughtful and patient man. And for our sweet baby boy, he teaches us so much! And especially for the gospel and the guidance and light it brings us in our life. The list could go on!
Friday- up early in the morning not for Black Friday shopping but to head out to Idaho to have all the peacock family together. We got there around lunch time. We pretty much hung out and didn't do a whole lot. Then later went to pizza pie cafe to have dinner together. Yummy
Saturday- rough night and spencer took Isaac after 12 so I could go to sleep. We decided since he hasn't pooped (just little pieces) in awhile and I haven't given him solid food that maybe it's his formula so we bought a different brand and got some prune food. Then around 12 we headed off to California. So we pretty much drove most the way and Isaac slept most the time and then we stopped at a hotel in beaver, the same hotel we stopped in awhile back
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Despicable me 2 w/ Isaac
Sunday- Isaac was up around 1030 and I didn't get him back to sleep until 130am. Lately he has been all sorts of fussy and crying. We try pretty much everything. And he almost passes out and then ten minute later he starts crying and won't take a pacifier or milk or anything. Then when he is exhausted I'm way past exhausted. To the point where I want to just drop him off with someone and leave for a week but probably just a day. Only then I feel bad cuz he is upset so I don't want to leave him but it is probably best if I do soon or else I'm going to go crazy. And I know this is nothing compared to other babies that scream and scream but this is close to the breaking point to what I am able to handle.
So today we went on a long walk until he fell asleep but that didn't last long.
Thankfully though once he napped once spencer and I got to have ice cream and play a game so that was nice
Monday- we went to Walmart today and got a few things. I figured out a great Christmas present for spencer, I'm pretty proud of myself! Then folded the laundry and did a load of diapers. My mom came over for a little bit. Isaac sucked on my apple and watched the fishes. Later we had dinner and I did the dishes. Then went over the love language book again.
Tuesday- I got a lot of things cleaned up around the house. Then went on a walk with Isaac and my mom. Then around 4 heard out to pick up aleshia from the airport. My friend Haley's best friend. She is going to the MTC tomorrow and I offered to have her stay the night. So we picked her up then walked around temple square (her first time in Utah) then we went to in and out and Isaac screamed his head off in the car cuz he was starving and I didn't have water for his formula mix so that was fun. Then we headed back to tooele.
Wednesday- we woke up and did a few quick errands then headed to Provo. We stopped to eat lunch then I dropped aleshia off at the MTC. She's going to be a great missionary. Then Isaac and I walked around the mall. I bought him a lion king onesie!!! Then did my best to not buy lots of other cute clothes. I ate a yummy cinnamon roll and we headed back. Thankfully he fell asleep but man I felt like I was going in circles and was pretty lost getting back. Eventually I made it to salt lake and picked up spencer. We got home and Isaac are pretty good and then we watched the X factor.
Thursday- we went to Walmart and bought some groceries. Then headed home and I put dinner in the crockpot, made red velvet brownies, and puréed bananas for Isaac to try. Then we headed to the church to hang with my mom. It snowed pretty much all day!! We picked up j from school and came to my place and I got some things cleaned up. Later we put Isaac out in the snow to take pictures. Then folded the laundry and tried to head to bed but that didn't happen until 1130... Sigh
Friday- I painted my toe nails and we hung out most the day. We went to the library and ran a few errands. Then later I did visiting teaching and then we took Isaac to see despicable me 2 in the dollar theater. With Jessica and j. His eyes were wide open for most of the beginning and he found our drink and took the straw out of it to chew on it. Then he fell asleep in my arms for about 30 minutes or so and was a little fussy towards then end but did pretty good!!!
Saturday- we woke up and started cleaning the house a little. Then later I ran some errands and took some pictures for a ladies family. Then later Isaac and I went to Applebee's with my good friend Kate! Love her to pieces! An we talked forever!
So today we went on a long walk until he fell asleep but that didn't last long.
Thankfully though once he napped once spencer and I got to have ice cream and play a game so that was nice
Monday- we went to Walmart today and got a few things. I figured out a great Christmas present for spencer, I'm pretty proud of myself! Then folded the laundry and did a load of diapers. My mom came over for a little bit. Isaac sucked on my apple and watched the fishes. Later we had dinner and I did the dishes. Then went over the love language book again.
Tuesday- I got a lot of things cleaned up around the house. Then went on a walk with Isaac and my mom. Then around 4 heard out to pick up aleshia from the airport. My friend Haley's best friend. She is going to the MTC tomorrow and I offered to have her stay the night. So we picked her up then walked around temple square (her first time in Utah) then we went to in and out and Isaac screamed his head off in the car cuz he was starving and I didn't have water for his formula mix so that was fun. Then we headed back to tooele.
Wednesday- we woke up and did a few quick errands then headed to Provo. We stopped to eat lunch then I dropped aleshia off at the MTC. She's going to be a great missionary. Then Isaac and I walked around the mall. I bought him a lion king onesie!!! Then did my best to not buy lots of other cute clothes. I ate a yummy cinnamon roll and we headed back. Thankfully he fell asleep but man I felt like I was going in circles and was pretty lost getting back. Eventually I made it to salt lake and picked up spencer. We got home and Isaac are pretty good and then we watched the X factor.
Thursday- we went to Walmart and bought some groceries. Then headed home and I put dinner in the crockpot, made red velvet brownies, and puréed bananas for Isaac to try. Then we headed to the church to hang with my mom. It snowed pretty much all day!! We picked up j from school and came to my place and I got some things cleaned up. Later we put Isaac out in the snow to take pictures. Then folded the laundry and tried to head to bed but that didn't happen until 1130... Sigh
Friday- I painted my toe nails and we hung out most the day. We went to the library and ran a few errands. Then later I did visiting teaching and then we took Isaac to see despicable me 2 in the dollar theater. With Jessica and j. His eyes were wide open for most of the beginning and he found our drink and took the straw out of it to chew on it. Then he fell asleep in my arms for about 30 minutes or so and was a little fussy towards then end but did pretty good!!!
Saturday- we woke up and started cleaning the house a little. Then later I ran some errands and took some pictures for a ladies family. Then later Isaac and I went to Applebee's with my good friend Kate! Love her to pieces! An we talked forever!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Meatballs 2 movie
Sunday- I'm okra when the rough nights come to an end. Today was stake conference! To be honest I was tired so I don't remember much at all. Then we went home and cleaned a little for a visitor. Later spencer did dishes then we walked to my parents house to have dinner there. Isaac swung on the swing outside. He didn't mind it too much. I think sometimes I push him to grow up and achieve new things which is good but maybe I'm doing something's too early. Who knows. Then we came home and watched another episode of haven... Love this show!! We bought tickets to see the doctor who special in theaters!!!! I'm so excited!
Monday- he didn't stay up at 500!! :) I started the pump only ten minutes... I just am hoping for very little pain with this process.
I got all the laundry done and put away! Then we went to sweet pea and I got a exercise saucer toy for Isaac, he loves it!!! He has been fussy today even though he got a few naps. I'm thinking his teeth are hurting him again. We made dinner and later I looked up a talk to visit teach with on Tuesday, not an easy task to pick one. Then just watching more haven. I'm thinking Isaac may be constipated from eating solids but not positive.
Tuesday- we got up and headed to target and costco with grandma. I spent more money then I should of. But I got cute things. Then later I went visiting teaching. It was great to get out and visit sisters.
We let the kittens sleep in our room, they did pretty good
Wednesday- today was our chill from chores day, which means I can have fun and be lazy, do a little catch up if behind in a chore, or do a chore early. I did the dishes. I tell you what, lately I just am always hungry and even if I eat a meal I want snacks and more snacks! Once I am done pumping I will start working out. Still watching haven it's so crazy!! Then dropped off some things to a person. My favorite part of the day is when Isaac wakes up from naps because he is so happy and just adorable and it only lasts for a short amount of time lately so I cherish that time. Then spencer got home and we did a few things and I ate ice cream and then hot chocolate
Thursday- today I called the lactation lady at the health department to make sure I was stopping right. She was asking why I was stopping and saying breastfeeding is the most healthy. I got defensive and said it's really non of your business why and that's it's just something that is going to work better for my family right now. And she said we promote health she that's why we ask. But for one thing she doesn't even know how long I pumped for! So for all she knows I could of been doing it for a yeAr or more. Either way I was very upset after that phone call. I've been blessed with getting milk and producing enough for my baby but I just can't keep doing this anymore.
And you have to pump less and less it's a slow process that's starting to drive me crazy!!! I want it done now!
Anyways I got the floors swept and mopped. Then later Hillary came over and we bought pizza and had Jonas sodas! And just talked about all sorts of things.
Later Isaac and I just hung out until spencer came home. I made dinner and he went out for the evening to talk to less active people and later we stopped by our neighbors home to introduce ourselves.
And Isaac woke up a lot before midnight so going to be a rough night
Friday- it snowed so we stayed indoors in our pajamas all day! I overloaded on the tv show haven and played with Isaac. Later we stopped by my moms for a little bit to have different scenery. Later fed Isaac carrots, I think he really likes carrots. Then gave him a quick bath. Hoping for a good night sleep for us all because I have a few things to get done tomorrow.
Saturday- rough night...
We went to the store and I got a chase account connected to Spencer's. Then later we finally put up some pictures on the wall! Later I went to see cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2, it was funny! Then I listened to my music while cleaning. I love doing that! Thinking of maybe doing the couch to half a marathon thing maybe
Monday- he didn't stay up at 500!! :) I started the pump only ten minutes... I just am hoping for very little pain with this process.
I got all the laundry done and put away! Then we went to sweet pea and I got a exercise saucer toy for Isaac, he loves it!!! He has been fussy today even though he got a few naps. I'm thinking his teeth are hurting him again. We made dinner and later I looked up a talk to visit teach with on Tuesday, not an easy task to pick one. Then just watching more haven. I'm thinking Isaac may be constipated from eating solids but not positive.
Tuesday- we got up and headed to target and costco with grandma. I spent more money then I should of. But I got cute things. Then later I went visiting teaching. It was great to get out and visit sisters.
We let the kittens sleep in our room, they did pretty good
Wednesday- today was our chill from chores day, which means I can have fun and be lazy, do a little catch up if behind in a chore, or do a chore early. I did the dishes. I tell you what, lately I just am always hungry and even if I eat a meal I want snacks and more snacks! Once I am done pumping I will start working out. Still watching haven it's so crazy!! Then dropped off some things to a person. My favorite part of the day is when Isaac wakes up from naps because he is so happy and just adorable and it only lasts for a short amount of time lately so I cherish that time. Then spencer got home and we did a few things and I ate ice cream and then hot chocolate
Thursday- today I called the lactation lady at the health department to make sure I was stopping right. She was asking why I was stopping and saying breastfeeding is the most healthy. I got defensive and said it's really non of your business why and that's it's just something that is going to work better for my family right now. And she said we promote health she that's why we ask. But for one thing she doesn't even know how long I pumped for! So for all she knows I could of been doing it for a yeAr or more. Either way I was very upset after that phone call. I've been blessed with getting milk and producing enough for my baby but I just can't keep doing this anymore.
And you have to pump less and less it's a slow process that's starting to drive me crazy!!! I want it done now!
Anyways I got the floors swept and mopped. Then later Hillary came over and we bought pizza and had Jonas sodas! And just talked about all sorts of things.
Later Isaac and I just hung out until spencer came home. I made dinner and he went out for the evening to talk to less active people and later we stopped by our neighbors home to introduce ourselves.
And Isaac woke up a lot before midnight so going to be a rough night
Friday- it snowed so we stayed indoors in our pajamas all day! I overloaded on the tv show haven and played with Isaac. Later we stopped by my moms for a little bit to have different scenery. Later fed Isaac carrots, I think he really likes carrots. Then gave him a quick bath. Hoping for a good night sleep for us all because I have a few things to get done tomorrow.
Saturday- rough night...
We went to the store and I got a chase account connected to Spencer's. Then later we finally put up some pictures on the wall! Later I went to see cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2, it was funny! Then I listened to my music while cleaning. I love doing that! Thinking of maybe doing the couch to half a marathon thing maybe
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Oreo marshmallow bars!
Saturday- woke up and hurriedly got ready to get the kittens! They seem pretty good and I think they were glad to be home. I need to give them a pill this time. Isaac was fussy a lot of the day but we did have some cute moments. We went to Walmart for a few items and then got a few chores done. So Saturdays I should look forward to but lately I don't because they are more stressful I think instead of relaxing. :(
Later we went to a ward meeting about visiting and home teaching. It came together nicely. And in the skit I sang and it went fairly well I think even though I was nervous. Then we came home and watched gnomeo and Juliet while eating popcorn and hot chocolate and looking through old church handouts I used to keep.
Sunday- Isaac is 5 months old and sadly we have more cranky moments lately then happy moments. Just another little bump in the road. And we gained an hour!!! Which doesn't matter much when you have children. Primary was okay today but blah! I am not feeling comfortable yet. I know the songs but it's hard to teach children songs and also I realized I know the songs but not always what the song totally means and I want the kids to know that. I feel inadequate at this callings sometimes but once I get the hang of it I'm sure it will be fun.
A lady at church asked me what happened to my eye and I said nothing she goes oh it just looks like you have a black eye in certain light which is because I look tired and I don't always wear make up. She meant it out of concern but in the end it hurt my feelings because now I think my eyes look terrible! Then she said yeah you must be tired but you don't know the meaning of exhaustion yet. I only have one child so far but I'm pretty darn sure I know the meaning of exhaustion!
Isaac wouldn't nap good again so we were up just watching some shows. Then we fed him some rice cereal which he didn't seem to like so we tried carrots... He liked them or I assume he did since he didn't spit them out :)
I also trimmed his hair because it needed it so I took matters into my own hands. It's not perfect but his hair is going to grow back and do lots of weird stuff I'm sure until it decides how to be.
Oh and it snowed so he got to see his first snow fall! Later we just cleaned up a little bit and then headed off to bed... I think maybe I should get a nap in tomorrow
Monday- lately I wake up with a super sore throat :( but I'm not sick sick so I guess that's good
I got all the laundry done, folded, and put away. Isaacs appointment went well he is not sick just learning new things. He weights 13.15 and is now 25 inches long. The doctor said I can let him cry himself to sleep now but I'm still not really ready to do that and he never really screams or crys a ton more just fussy. But now instead of rocking him I just lay him down with his pacifier and blanket and walk away. He are more carrots today. We went to see my mom for a little bit. I guess around where we love there have been thefts which is pretty scary. We don't have anything out in the open and all is locked so hopefully we will be okay but it still worries me.
I watched the movie now you see me, it was pretty good! Then I made chicken and dumplings and Oreo marshmallow bars and we had fhe then watched the croods! Isaac has been going to bed around 730 :) and stays asleep for a little while. I should go to bed with him but it's time for spencer and I to be together or for me to do the dishes. I love my baby!
Tuesday- we went to lunch at trio in salt lake with spencer. Yum! Then Isaac and I walked around target, I love that store!
Then I finished a few things at home and decided to go to the library. Our day wasn't super exciting. We bought a few Christmas presents for family and we made bacon cheeseburger casserole but I didn't like it very much but I could easily fix it I think. Then we struggled getting Isaac to bed. I do think I need to make a list of good peaceful songs and make a playlist for him on my iPod. Now going to bed early!
Wednesday- so Isaac got a Beth today and we sang nursery rhymes. I run out of ideas of things to do with him because he is still young and can't do much. I cleaned the kitchen and made a grocery list. I transferred some of my pictures from my phone to my laptop (trying to stay organized). I miss my old phone, sometime I may just switch back. We watched a movie on Netflix and then I took a nap when he did which was nice. Then spencer got home and we went to the dollar store to buy some candy to play candyopoly with real candy. I thought it was fun but I'm on this sugar love moment. I just want more and more lately. Need to substitute for fruit here and there probably. We then went to my parents to pick up some of my old things I've kept. I'm selling some now, or trashing or still keeping. I just can't give up my choir t shirts from school! Even though I will never wear them again. I wish I could lay in bed in the mornings all day and not do a thing but one Isaac likes to be up and play and if I didn't get up the house would forever be messy and I would fall behind. I can dream though
Thursday- Isaac thinks it's okay to wake up at 430 or 5 now for a little while. Hmm
We went to my parents house to get the rest of my things. Then I posted items online to try and sell :) a few things are pending a sell. Later Hillary came over and we went to subway and hung out for a little bit.
Then we picked up spencer and went grocery shopping. We bought a food processor and are making our own baby good for Isaac! We tried green beans tonight. He seemed to like them. At one point he had a delayed reaction and make a shiver weird face look it was funny! Then he ended up going to bed at 7pm. Woke up for food at 9 and fell back asleep in my arms :) aw love moments like that.
Friday- once again 430/5 am is the new morning for Isaac. And waking up every hour! I just don't understand and it's getting hard once again. I got laundry done but not folded, just was feeling blah today. I sold a few items finally! Organized the stuff for sale by putting it in the spare room. I got a few pictures organized. Went to my moms to use her copier. We put Isaac in the walker and he loved it but if you played the music he would start to cry. Really sad but also really funny, he loves music so not sure why that was happening. Started watching a new show called haven, it's pretty good. Then later we had some Oreo ice cream and watched tv. Isaac ate more green beans. I really need to be better at wearing my wrist band and taking the ibuprofen but it's hard to do things with it on and I have to worry about giving medicine to the kittens and Isaac and feeding them all so it just never happens. I just want them to get better now!!! Ahhhh! I'm just having a moment. I need another break from things
Saturday- up every hour again with Isaac.... Sigh
After doing a few things this morning I left Isaac and spencer and had some me time. Which consisted of looking around some stores and going to di and sweet pea to get 9 month clothes for Isaac. I love carter rompers :) I found more cute ones!!! I plan to have a monkey type one for each third month. I had a newborn one, he has a three month one and I just got 6 month now just need a 9 and 12 :) they are all striped with a monkey
Then relaxed a little bit and then headed to kellies wedding reception. She was gorgeous :)
Man our house is a mess I just have no desire lately to do something's. Isaac is defiantly in a leap stage.... :(
Later we went to a ward meeting about visiting and home teaching. It came together nicely. And in the skit I sang and it went fairly well I think even though I was nervous. Then we came home and watched gnomeo and Juliet while eating popcorn and hot chocolate and looking through old church handouts I used to keep.
Sunday- Isaac is 5 months old and sadly we have more cranky moments lately then happy moments. Just another little bump in the road. And we gained an hour!!! Which doesn't matter much when you have children. Primary was okay today but blah! I am not feeling comfortable yet. I know the songs but it's hard to teach children songs and also I realized I know the songs but not always what the song totally means and I want the kids to know that. I feel inadequate at this callings sometimes but once I get the hang of it I'm sure it will be fun.
A lady at church asked me what happened to my eye and I said nothing she goes oh it just looks like you have a black eye in certain light which is because I look tired and I don't always wear make up. She meant it out of concern but in the end it hurt my feelings because now I think my eyes look terrible! Then she said yeah you must be tired but you don't know the meaning of exhaustion yet. I only have one child so far but I'm pretty darn sure I know the meaning of exhaustion!
Isaac wouldn't nap good again so we were up just watching some shows. Then we fed him some rice cereal which he didn't seem to like so we tried carrots... He liked them or I assume he did since he didn't spit them out :)
I also trimmed his hair because it needed it so I took matters into my own hands. It's not perfect but his hair is going to grow back and do lots of weird stuff I'm sure until it decides how to be.
Oh and it snowed so he got to see his first snow fall! Later we just cleaned up a little bit and then headed off to bed... I think maybe I should get a nap in tomorrow
Monday- lately I wake up with a super sore throat :( but I'm not sick sick so I guess that's good
I got all the laundry done, folded, and put away. Isaacs appointment went well he is not sick just learning new things. He weights 13.15 and is now 25 inches long. The doctor said I can let him cry himself to sleep now but I'm still not really ready to do that and he never really screams or crys a ton more just fussy. But now instead of rocking him I just lay him down with his pacifier and blanket and walk away. He are more carrots today. We went to see my mom for a little bit. I guess around where we love there have been thefts which is pretty scary. We don't have anything out in the open and all is locked so hopefully we will be okay but it still worries me.
I watched the movie now you see me, it was pretty good! Then I made chicken and dumplings and Oreo marshmallow bars and we had fhe then watched the croods! Isaac has been going to bed around 730 :) and stays asleep for a little while. I should go to bed with him but it's time for spencer and I to be together or for me to do the dishes. I love my baby!
Tuesday- we went to lunch at trio in salt lake with spencer. Yum! Then Isaac and I walked around target, I love that store!
Then I finished a few things at home and decided to go to the library. Our day wasn't super exciting. We bought a few Christmas presents for family and we made bacon cheeseburger casserole but I didn't like it very much but I could easily fix it I think. Then we struggled getting Isaac to bed. I do think I need to make a list of good peaceful songs and make a playlist for him on my iPod. Now going to bed early!
Wednesday- so Isaac got a Beth today and we sang nursery rhymes. I run out of ideas of things to do with him because he is still young and can't do much. I cleaned the kitchen and made a grocery list. I transferred some of my pictures from my phone to my laptop (trying to stay organized). I miss my old phone, sometime I may just switch back. We watched a movie on Netflix and then I took a nap when he did which was nice. Then spencer got home and we went to the dollar store to buy some candy to play candyopoly with real candy. I thought it was fun but I'm on this sugar love moment. I just want more and more lately. Need to substitute for fruit here and there probably. We then went to my parents to pick up some of my old things I've kept. I'm selling some now, or trashing or still keeping. I just can't give up my choir t shirts from school! Even though I will never wear them again. I wish I could lay in bed in the mornings all day and not do a thing but one Isaac likes to be up and play and if I didn't get up the house would forever be messy and I would fall behind. I can dream though
Thursday- Isaac thinks it's okay to wake up at 430 or 5 now for a little while. Hmm
We went to my parents house to get the rest of my things. Then I posted items online to try and sell :) a few things are pending a sell. Later Hillary came over and we went to subway and hung out for a little bit.
Then we picked up spencer and went grocery shopping. We bought a food processor and are making our own baby good for Isaac! We tried green beans tonight. He seemed to like them. At one point he had a delayed reaction and make a shiver weird face look it was funny! Then he ended up going to bed at 7pm. Woke up for food at 9 and fell back asleep in my arms :) aw love moments like that.
Friday- once again 430/5 am is the new morning for Isaac. And waking up every hour! I just don't understand and it's getting hard once again. I got laundry done but not folded, just was feeling blah today. I sold a few items finally! Organized the stuff for sale by putting it in the spare room. I got a few pictures organized. Went to my moms to use her copier. We put Isaac in the walker and he loved it but if you played the music he would start to cry. Really sad but also really funny, he loves music so not sure why that was happening. Started watching a new show called haven, it's pretty good. Then later we had some Oreo ice cream and watched tv. Isaac ate more green beans. I really need to be better at wearing my wrist band and taking the ibuprofen but it's hard to do things with it on and I have to worry about giving medicine to the kittens and Isaac and feeding them all so it just never happens. I just want them to get better now!!! Ahhhh! I'm just having a moment. I need another break from things
Saturday- up every hour again with Isaac.... Sigh
After doing a few things this morning I left Isaac and spencer and had some me time. Which consisted of looking around some stores and going to di and sweet pea to get 9 month clothes for Isaac. I love carter rompers :) I found more cute ones!!! I plan to have a monkey type one for each third month. I had a newborn one, he has a three month one and I just got 6 month now just need a 9 and 12 :) they are all striped with a monkey
Then relaxed a little bit and then headed to kellies wedding reception. She was gorgeous :)
Man our house is a mess I just have no desire lately to do something's. Isaac is defiantly in a leap stage.... :(
Friday, November 1, 2013
6 hours without Isaac
Saturday- we got piano sheet music I needed. So my mom and I practiced for something next week. Then I was really busy getting primary music things together.
Isaac is hard to get to sleep now. He doesn't fall asleep in my arms. He is only half so you lay him down and rolls to his side, back,side, back and plays with his blanket all with eyes closed but not totally asleep. It's a little frustrating.
Nothing too exciting happening but not a relaxing Saturday. A busy one
Sunday- head shoulders knees and toes mix up was a big hit in primary! Other then that I'm not the best at teaching new songs but they looked at the pictures so they sung along
Then after church we later made baked ziti. It wasn't too bad but needed a little more flavor. Then cleaned up a bit and has a relaxing Sunday
Monday- Isaac lately has been up at 730 and doesn't go down for a nap until 9. He is starting to make his own schedule.
We went to salt lake with my mom so I could take family photos for a friend. Windy!!! But they turned out pretty good. Then chuck a Rama for a little bit. Then we stopped by desert book and picked up spencer. Isaac was just so tired and took us three hours until he went to sleep from 830-1230.
Around 9 I went to Applebee's with a few ladies from our ward. It was pretty nice. Man are my kitties cuddly, especially now almond is.
Tuesday- I had loads to do today and got at least have done. Folded laundry, vacuumed, picked up the house. We went to my moms she bought Isaac two cute outfits and a cat book for me! Then later Isaac and I went to the library I got a book and then a baby sign DVD. So maybe Isaac and sign before he talks. That's always cute.
He has been cranky on and off today. Now back to me needing to hold him to sleep. Babies are so back and forth. We got the fishes from my parents. The cats haven't really noticed yet. Which is good.
I finished the first season of beauty and the beast tv show.
Friday I'm leaving Isaac with my friend for 5 hours. That's the longest ive left him. I trust her but I'm freaking okay because I want him to be good and want all to go well for both if them.
Wednesday- we got a pumpkin from a sweet friend! We did some errands. Mom and j came by for awhile and we played a game. Later I practiced a skit for a ward thing on Saturday. Then we had pizza and just hung out
Thursday- TMI my period is coming back, I sure did not miss it when it was gone. I'm glad it took it's sweet time. Isaac has been a pain today. We have had cute silly moments but he has been really hard to get down for naps and they end up being short naps so I haven't gotten much done today because he wants to be held while I'm standing or moving. Days like these just drain me. We did go to GameStop and gave them our old ps3 games and our ps3 in return for 180 dollars worth of store credit!!!! Which will go towards our wii u when we buy it. I don't really want a wii but it's Nintendo so it has the Mario games that I want. Over time I'm sure I will end up loving it once we buy one.
I had to drive around to get Isaac asleep. The kittens have been driving me nuts lately too! I can't wait until tomorrow when they get declawed.
On another TMI moment, in 2 weeks I start the process of stopping pumping and giving Isaac formula, I'm sad but so excited because it takes up too much time and I'm constantly worrying about it.
Friday- we dropped the kittens off to get declawed. I got a few things done with the house! Isaac had a few fussy moments but somehow we just barely survive. Elora watched him for 6 hours while we went to the temple and got ice cream. I missed Isaac so much it was hard not to constantly think of him but he did great :) and we all survived but I don't want to do it again for a little while. Now I'm exhausted!
Isaac is hard to get to sleep now. He doesn't fall asleep in my arms. He is only half so you lay him down and rolls to his side, back,side, back and plays with his blanket all with eyes closed but not totally asleep. It's a little frustrating.
Nothing too exciting happening but not a relaxing Saturday. A busy one
Sunday- head shoulders knees and toes mix up was a big hit in primary! Other then that I'm not the best at teaching new songs but they looked at the pictures so they sung along
Then after church we later made baked ziti. It wasn't too bad but needed a little more flavor. Then cleaned up a bit and has a relaxing Sunday
Monday- Isaac lately has been up at 730 and doesn't go down for a nap until 9. He is starting to make his own schedule.
We went to salt lake with my mom so I could take family photos for a friend. Windy!!! But they turned out pretty good. Then chuck a Rama for a little bit. Then we stopped by desert book and picked up spencer. Isaac was just so tired and took us three hours until he went to sleep from 830-1230.
Around 9 I went to Applebee's with a few ladies from our ward. It was pretty nice. Man are my kitties cuddly, especially now almond is.
Tuesday- I had loads to do today and got at least have done. Folded laundry, vacuumed, picked up the house. We went to my moms she bought Isaac two cute outfits and a cat book for me! Then later Isaac and I went to the library I got a book and then a baby sign DVD. So maybe Isaac and sign before he talks. That's always cute.
He has been cranky on and off today. Now back to me needing to hold him to sleep. Babies are so back and forth. We got the fishes from my parents. The cats haven't really noticed yet. Which is good.
I finished the first season of beauty and the beast tv show.
Friday I'm leaving Isaac with my friend for 5 hours. That's the longest ive left him. I trust her but I'm freaking okay because I want him to be good and want all to go well for both if them.
Wednesday- we got a pumpkin from a sweet friend! We did some errands. Mom and j came by for awhile and we played a game. Later I practiced a skit for a ward thing on Saturday. Then we had pizza and just hung out
Thursday- TMI my period is coming back, I sure did not miss it when it was gone. I'm glad it took it's sweet time. Isaac has been a pain today. We have had cute silly moments but he has been really hard to get down for naps and they end up being short naps so I haven't gotten much done today because he wants to be held while I'm standing or moving. Days like these just drain me. We did go to GameStop and gave them our old ps3 games and our ps3 in return for 180 dollars worth of store credit!!!! Which will go towards our wii u when we buy it. I don't really want a wii but it's Nintendo so it has the Mario games that I want. Over time I'm sure I will end up loving it once we buy one.
I had to drive around to get Isaac asleep. The kittens have been driving me nuts lately too! I can't wait until tomorrow when they get declawed.
On another TMI moment, in 2 weeks I start the process of stopping pumping and giving Isaac formula, I'm sad but so excited because it takes up too much time and I'm constantly worrying about it.
Friday- we dropped the kittens off to get declawed. I got a few things done with the house! Isaac had a few fussy moments but somehow we just barely survive. Elora watched him for 6 hours while we went to the temple and got ice cream. I missed Isaac so much it was hard not to constantly think of him but he did great :) and we all survived but I don't want to do it again for a little while. Now I'm exhausted!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Wiggle worms
Saturday- I went over to our neighbors garage sale and lo and behold she was selling her breaker box which were the breakers we needed. Blessed!! Now we have heat finally
Sunday- primary felt like a disaster! They called the piano player out of the room right when it was singing time. I still don't feel like I fit this calling yet. They don't know a lot of songs but that taught me what songs we need to work
Monday- ta da I have a yeast infection. I personally think this is one of the worst things a women can get! I even caught it and got the pill soon but takes 24 hours to kick in, I'm dying!!! They make me want to punch a wall, not easy having one and taking care of a baby
I got better wrist supporters for my wrist, wearing one at a time. They are too bulky to wear both together
We went grocery shopping :)
Also got more meds for the kittens
Watched after earth which was pretty good. There was one intense scene and Isaac, almond, hazel, and I both were just starring at the tv it was hilarious but sadly I don't have a picture
Tuesday- spencer stayed home from work! My infection was just so bad I don't know how I would of taken care of Isaac alone. So I lied around a lot but missed taking care of Isaac. I helped a little here and there. Later we decided okay I'm going to insta care. The doctor does and check and says wow that looks painful. I said well yes it is. So I got cream which I wish there was a fix right away but never my luck so hopefully over night the cream and everything will kick in. Still not back to normal :( I hate this feeling of being uncomfortable and not being able to do things i planned!
Wednesday- by around 6am I was starting to feel much better! :) I sometimes think we get sick or have some kind if illness to make us appreciate being healthy. Because man I am now do glad I'm almost back to normal and can now do things!
I accomplished a lot of chores today. Spencer just worked from 7-1115 and I also watched this tv show called beauty and the beast it's pretty good!
The kittens are growing so much you can tell!
We then put Isaac in his elephant costume... He looked so cute! We went to jerimiahs Halloween carnival. I ran into one of the nurses that helped me when I had Isaac. I didn't expect her to remember be but she was a pretty good nurse and she missed Isaac being born by 3 hours so I showed him to her
Thursday- sadly I think I'm getting a cold. I will wake up with a sore throat and stuffy nose :( it's been awhile since I've had a cold and now I have a baby to take care of. Hopefully he doesn't get it.
I made chicken pot pie and Hillary came over and we hung out for awhile just catching up. :)
And my kittens are crazy! Almond loves the bumbo it's hilarious!
I'm finally getting a weekly routine down with chores it's so nice!
And getting primary things together!
Friday- we got up and ready. We headed to Walmart and then got the tires rotated. Kaylee and Kaidyn came over :) Isaac liked her. It was cute. I rocked her to sleep. Love holding a sleeping baby. And Kaylee played with Isaac. He is achieving so much. It makes me proud! :) he is growing up!
Then we took a nice walk when spencer got home. We then rented two redox movies and had fun with Isaac and the kittens. I love when Isaac giggles. I finished making the wiggle worms for primary they turned out fairly good :)
Sunday- primary felt like a disaster! They called the piano player out of the room right when it was singing time. I still don't feel like I fit this calling yet. They don't know a lot of songs but that taught me what songs we need to work
Monday- ta da I have a yeast infection. I personally think this is one of the worst things a women can get! I even caught it and got the pill soon but takes 24 hours to kick in, I'm dying!!! They make me want to punch a wall, not easy having one and taking care of a baby
I got better wrist supporters for my wrist, wearing one at a time. They are too bulky to wear both together
We went grocery shopping :)
Also got more meds for the kittens
Watched after earth which was pretty good. There was one intense scene and Isaac, almond, hazel, and I both were just starring at the tv it was hilarious but sadly I don't have a picture
Tuesday- spencer stayed home from work! My infection was just so bad I don't know how I would of taken care of Isaac alone. So I lied around a lot but missed taking care of Isaac. I helped a little here and there. Later we decided okay I'm going to insta care. The doctor does and check and says wow that looks painful. I said well yes it is. So I got cream which I wish there was a fix right away but never my luck so hopefully over night the cream and everything will kick in. Still not back to normal :( I hate this feeling of being uncomfortable and not being able to do things i planned!
Wednesday- by around 6am I was starting to feel much better! :) I sometimes think we get sick or have some kind if illness to make us appreciate being healthy. Because man I am now do glad I'm almost back to normal and can now do things!
I accomplished a lot of chores today. Spencer just worked from 7-1115 and I also watched this tv show called beauty and the beast it's pretty good!
The kittens are growing so much you can tell!
We then put Isaac in his elephant costume... He looked so cute! We went to jerimiahs Halloween carnival. I ran into one of the nurses that helped me when I had Isaac. I didn't expect her to remember be but she was a pretty good nurse and she missed Isaac being born by 3 hours so I showed him to her
Thursday- sadly I think I'm getting a cold. I will wake up with a sore throat and stuffy nose :( it's been awhile since I've had a cold and now I have a baby to take care of. Hopefully he doesn't get it.
I made chicken pot pie and Hillary came over and we hung out for awhile just catching up. :)
And my kittens are crazy! Almond loves the bumbo it's hilarious!
I'm finally getting a weekly routine down with chores it's so nice!
And getting primary things together!
Friday- we got up and ready. We headed to Walmart and then got the tires rotated. Kaylee and Kaidyn came over :) Isaac liked her. It was cute. I rocked her to sleep. Love holding a sleeping baby. And Kaylee played with Isaac. He is achieving so much. It makes me proud! :) he is growing up!
Then we took a nice walk when spencer got home. We then rented two redox movies and had fun with Isaac and the kittens. I love when Isaac giggles. I finished making the wiggle worms for primary they turned out fairly good :)
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Lost kittens
Each kitten took their turn at a cold, poor things
Hazel is getting used to us and loves getting attention. Almond is still not sure about us
All Monday I couldn't find them and I was worried
I looked everywhere finally looked in the bottom diaper drawer (where the extra pads were) and there they were snuggled up. I was very thankful they were alive and safe but felt terrible because I had shut the top two drawers which shut them in the bottom drawer so I cried out of relief and anger at myself. Ahh
The kittens got a check up, they do have some upper cold so I have to attempt to give them medicine twice a day. They did good at the vet though :)
Almond is nuts and he attacks his sister all the time and I feel bad cuz she is sick so I save her.
Hazel likes to come curl up in my lap when I'm sitting even if I'm holding a wiggly Isaac
I shut our bedroom doors and let the kittens roam Wednesday night
It's hard giving animals medicine, jeez
I was able to visit with an old friend today (Tuesday) it was really nice to talk to her again :)
Isaac now wakes up blowing raspberry bubbles. He is just so cute when he entertains himself like that.
Still have rough nights starting at around midnight now. I just don't understand.
Being a parent is do frustrating especially at night.
Tuesday- Isaac won't go to sleep for naps easily anymore, so 2 1/2 to 3 hours in between naps with a cranky baby
Going to try some doterra oils for Isaac to sleep better
Not sure if the doterra helped or not. He slept maybe a little better
He got his shots and handled it pretty good (Wednesday) I'm so proud!
We took a walk with my mom it was really nice :) I'm going to hate the snow weather cuz that means walls will probably be a no go
Spencer got more things for his asthma and going to get an allergy test soon, thinking i might do it too, I'm curious what I'm allergic to.
Spencer and I need a date night soon
I can't wait to buy first foods for Isaac to try, in a little over a month!!!
Wednesday I tried doterra oils on Isaac again in a few more spots, he slept from about 9-1130 and then I figured he might be hard to put down so I fed him and brought him in bed with us and he fell right asleep when I laid him down. It's 3 (I have to be up) and he is still sleeping! Going to try this again and keep him in his crib
Thursday night was terrible! He woke up crying/screaming every hour almost.and he would almost fall asleep then wake himself back up. I hope this isn't going to be an every day thing and be his four month sleep regression thing. :)
I believe Isaac has a yeast infection again ugh
Somedays I feel like I have this mothering thing down and then they grow up on you and change their routines and then I feel lost all over again it's crazy!
And hopefully Monday I can get my thumb muscles fixed somehow because I want my hands to feel normal again and to pick up Isaac with no pain or stiffness.
There are days where I really try to see Gods Hand in our lives and today is one moment I'm going to share.
One those times when Isaac miraculously takes a long nap and I get everything done I need to
And we've been trying to get new breakers for weeks so our heater will work but we kept being given the wrong ones. I was getting frustrated because I have a baby and we need our heat to work. Our neighbor across the street was having a garage sale and I thought I might as well go over and check it out. Older ladies always seem to have those usual items that look old and you wonder why they kept them and who is ever going to buy that but I tried to look at everything. Next thing you know I look down at her old breaker box.... Those were the exact breakers we needed! And ta da they worked so we now have heat, it feels so good and we've been blessed!
Hazel is getting used to us and loves getting attention. Almond is still not sure about us
All Monday I couldn't find them and I was worried
I looked everywhere finally looked in the bottom diaper drawer (where the extra pads were) and there they were snuggled up. I was very thankful they were alive and safe but felt terrible because I had shut the top two drawers which shut them in the bottom drawer so I cried out of relief and anger at myself. Ahh
The kittens got a check up, they do have some upper cold so I have to attempt to give them medicine twice a day. They did good at the vet though :)
Almond is nuts and he attacks his sister all the time and I feel bad cuz she is sick so I save her.
Hazel likes to come curl up in my lap when I'm sitting even if I'm holding a wiggly Isaac
I shut our bedroom doors and let the kittens roam Wednesday night
It's hard giving animals medicine, jeez
I was able to visit with an old friend today (Tuesday) it was really nice to talk to her again :)
Isaac now wakes up blowing raspberry bubbles. He is just so cute when he entertains himself like that.
Still have rough nights starting at around midnight now. I just don't understand.
Being a parent is do frustrating especially at night.
Tuesday- Isaac won't go to sleep for naps easily anymore, so 2 1/2 to 3 hours in between naps with a cranky baby
Going to try some doterra oils for Isaac to sleep better
Not sure if the doterra helped or not. He slept maybe a little better
He got his shots and handled it pretty good (Wednesday) I'm so proud!
We took a walk with my mom it was really nice :) I'm going to hate the snow weather cuz that means walls will probably be a no go
Spencer got more things for his asthma and going to get an allergy test soon, thinking i might do it too, I'm curious what I'm allergic to.
Spencer and I need a date night soon
I can't wait to buy first foods for Isaac to try, in a little over a month!!!
Wednesday I tried doterra oils on Isaac again in a few more spots, he slept from about 9-1130 and then I figured he might be hard to put down so I fed him and brought him in bed with us and he fell right asleep when I laid him down. It's 3 (I have to be up) and he is still sleeping! Going to try this again and keep him in his crib
Thursday night was terrible! He woke up crying/screaming every hour almost.and he would almost fall asleep then wake himself back up. I hope this isn't going to be an every day thing and be his four month sleep regression thing. :)
I believe Isaac has a yeast infection again ugh
Somedays I feel like I have this mothering thing down and then they grow up on you and change their routines and then I feel lost all over again it's crazy!
And hopefully Monday I can get my thumb muscles fixed somehow because I want my hands to feel normal again and to pick up Isaac with no pain or stiffness.
There are days where I really try to see Gods Hand in our lives and today is one moment I'm going to share.
One those times when Isaac miraculously takes a long nap and I get everything done I need to
And we've been trying to get new breakers for weeks so our heater will work but we kept being given the wrong ones. I was getting frustrated because I have a baby and we need our heat to work. Our neighbor across the street was having a garage sale and I thought I might as well go over and check it out. Older ladies always seem to have those usual items that look old and you wonder why they kept them and who is ever going to buy that but I tried to look at everything. Next thing you know I look down at her old breaker box.... Those were the exact breakers we needed! And ta da they worked so we now have heat, it feels so good and we've been blessed!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
We headed out to California with the in laws!
Isaac did pretty good in the car, he only had one screaming fit
We made the 10 hour drive in 11 1/2 hours which is pretty good with a baby
But we miss daddy but he has been fixing up the house a little bit
First night not great sleep
Tuesday we went to see the cooks where grandma works and they all swarmed to greet him so he got overwhelmed and cried the whole time
Then he took naps and I watched some tv shows
We went to target and he played with the kitty
I tried pumpkin pie pop tarts, not too bad
Then we had dinner for the missionaries
Realized I look a heck of a lot better now then I did when I first was married. I looked better when I was pregnant then I did when we first got married lol
Another rough night! Sigh
He takes great naps though
He had a really cranky moment today and nothing worked so I put water on in the bathroom and set him in the old carseat. He chewed on his pacifier strap I walked away then it was suddenly quiet, I go to check on him and he is asleep. It was hilarious. Then we want shopping! I got the last two flare jeans in my size at Aeropostale and a cute sweater and Isaac a cute outfit and his first Christmas ornament :)
Had yummy red robin
Cold and rainy today.
We stopped to see the johansons, love that family
Then I decided to put Isaac to bed in the old carseat (it reclines but still keeps him up right more) do not judge me because I just needed to try my options
Put him down at 9pm and woke up at 2. I fed him and he slowly fell back asleep and slept until 4 and then struggled a bit and went back to sleep until 6/7 =]
Oh my goodness. Which means I slept great and I need an old carseat like this.
My thought is the extra prop is what helps him (maybe his acid reflex is worse?) (even though we did just up his meds a week ago) a phone book under the mattress is not enough apparently
My poor baby, I should of realized but what's proped up more and safe for your baby at night?
I am so blessed to have an amazing little boy :)
We headed out to LA to the temple. Only they changed the times but didn't online so we missed a session (I have still yet to finally do one since Isaac) :(
So I was pretty upset and sad
Afterwards we went to try the ice cream sandwich place only we couldn't find parking since it was the time everyone was getting off work. Then tried to drive down a certain way but got lost and hit bad traffic so we were stuck in the LA area for longer then planned. Thankfully Isaac slept the whole time. Then Joseph came over and brownies were made. Isaac went and played with him no problem which was great. We all talked then had ice cream and brownies!
Thursday night.... Not a fantastic sleep night again. I can't wait to get back home so spencer can have a turn with Isaac. This has been great and I've done pretty well without him but now I need a break from Isaac. A vacation for me would be 4 hours or so without Isaac or even a full night sleep but I pump so that's crap. I can't wait until I'm done pumping, I'm so done with it all. I want my body back.
Sorry most of this post has been semi negative it's probably because most was written at night which is when I get frustrated.
Did I mention I have to give a tall Sunday? Yeah I'm not looking forward to it at all, I'm actually really upset about it which is not the right attitude but it's hard when your sleepy
Friday we got up and headed to Charlie browns. I love that store! So of course I bought a few awesome things!!! Then headed home and got ready for the movies with Erin. We saw gravity in 3d,amazing! It was kind of scary cuz you felt like you were in space ahhh but really great!
And nice to kind of have a girls evening.
Then I got everything packed and ate dinner and we headed out to the airport. Everything went fairly well. The flight was delayed a little while but Isaac did pretty good. And no crying when we took off he fell asleep off and on. Sat by a great guy who has three daughters and joined the church about 7-8 years ago. And he still has the passion which was inspiring :)
And spencer bought us two kittens! The girls name is hazel and the boy is almond. They are 3 months old. Poor almond is sick with a cold so we need to take him to the doctors on Monday. Poor guy!
Giving my talk on Sunday that I threw together. Probably need to take Isaac to the doctor again and I need a LONG nap
Just life taking it's course
You are going to have to deal with no pictures for a little while. My laptop charger stopped working so we are down a laptop.
Isaac did pretty good in the car, he only had one screaming fit
We made the 10 hour drive in 11 1/2 hours which is pretty good with a baby
But we miss daddy but he has been fixing up the house a little bit
First night not great sleep
Tuesday we went to see the cooks where grandma works and they all swarmed to greet him so he got overwhelmed and cried the whole time
Then he took naps and I watched some tv shows
We went to target and he played with the kitty
I tried pumpkin pie pop tarts, not too bad
Then we had dinner for the missionaries
Realized I look a heck of a lot better now then I did when I first was married. I looked better when I was pregnant then I did when we first got married lol
Another rough night! Sigh
He takes great naps though
He had a really cranky moment today and nothing worked so I put water on in the bathroom and set him in the old carseat. He chewed on his pacifier strap I walked away then it was suddenly quiet, I go to check on him and he is asleep. It was hilarious. Then we want shopping! I got the last two flare jeans in my size at Aeropostale and a cute sweater and Isaac a cute outfit and his first Christmas ornament :)
Had yummy red robin
Cold and rainy today.
We stopped to see the johansons, love that family
Then I decided to put Isaac to bed in the old carseat (it reclines but still keeps him up right more) do not judge me because I just needed to try my options
Put him down at 9pm and woke up at 2. I fed him and he slowly fell back asleep and slept until 4 and then struggled a bit and went back to sleep until 6/7 =]
Oh my goodness. Which means I slept great and I need an old carseat like this.
My thought is the extra prop is what helps him (maybe his acid reflex is worse?) (even though we did just up his meds a week ago) a phone book under the mattress is not enough apparently
My poor baby, I should of realized but what's proped up more and safe for your baby at night?
I am so blessed to have an amazing little boy :)
We headed out to LA to the temple. Only they changed the times but didn't online so we missed a session (I have still yet to finally do one since Isaac) :(
So I was pretty upset and sad
Afterwards we went to try the ice cream sandwich place only we couldn't find parking since it was the time everyone was getting off work. Then tried to drive down a certain way but got lost and hit bad traffic so we were stuck in the LA area for longer then planned. Thankfully Isaac slept the whole time. Then Joseph came over and brownies were made. Isaac went and played with him no problem which was great. We all talked then had ice cream and brownies!
Thursday night.... Not a fantastic sleep night again. I can't wait to get back home so spencer can have a turn with Isaac. This has been great and I've done pretty well without him but now I need a break from Isaac. A vacation for me would be 4 hours or so without Isaac or even a full night sleep but I pump so that's crap. I can't wait until I'm done pumping, I'm so done with it all. I want my body back.
Sorry most of this post has been semi negative it's probably because most was written at night which is when I get frustrated.
Did I mention I have to give a tall Sunday? Yeah I'm not looking forward to it at all, I'm actually really upset about it which is not the right attitude but it's hard when your sleepy
Friday we got up and headed to Charlie browns. I love that store! So of course I bought a few awesome things!!! Then headed home and got ready for the movies with Erin. We saw gravity in 3d,amazing! It was kind of scary cuz you felt like you were in space ahhh but really great!
And nice to kind of have a girls evening.
Then I got everything packed and ate dinner and we headed out to the airport. Everything went fairly well. The flight was delayed a little while but Isaac did pretty good. And no crying when we took off he fell asleep off and on. Sat by a great guy who has three daughters and joined the church about 7-8 years ago. And he still has the passion which was inspiring :)
And spencer bought us two kittens! The girls name is hazel and the boy is almond. They are 3 months old. Poor almond is sick with a cold so we need to take him to the doctors on Monday. Poor guy!
Giving my talk on Sunday that I threw together. Probably need to take Isaac to the doctor again and I need a LONG nap
Just life taking it's course
You are going to have to deal with no pictures for a little while. My laptop charger stopped working so we are down a laptop.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Rolling over
Isaac pulls his pacifier in and out of his mouth now, the little stinker
He is a lot better on his tummy!
He weighs 13.4 lbs and 24 inches long
His doctor moved so we have a new one, he is great but Isaac doesn't seem to like him yet.
We got a higher dose of reflex medicine so hopefully this helps with his issues at night or we will have to go back and talk other options.
When he is in his back he rolls to his sides
A few times he has rolled from his back to his stomach to his back and his stomach so an actual full roll :)
It is getting harder to change his diaper lol
His giggles are so cute! When spencer jumps towards him and says boo that makes him laugh
He now screams and yells a lot, getting to know his voice
He loves to watch tv, but I try to only have it on a few times in the day
I absolutely LOVE his giggles!
I put him in his side to sleep and lately he has rolled to his tummy and woken up lol we think sometimes he moves and bonks his head into the rails...
Still haven't got the breaker fixed in our home which has taken a lot longer then we thought
I wish I could get rid of all my clothes (except a few items) and start over with a new wardrobe and have money for that.
I always get rid of a lot but somehow I still have a ton of things. But I should down size again
We found our missing box but think we are missing one more still...
I really need to find time to ice my wrists...
Off to California with the in laws driving then flying back on Friday
I'm excited and nervous
My baby is growing up and learning new things. What a big boy :)
He is a lot better on his tummy!
He weighs 13.4 lbs and 24 inches long
His doctor moved so we have a new one, he is great but Isaac doesn't seem to like him yet.
We got a higher dose of reflex medicine so hopefully this helps with his issues at night or we will have to go back and talk other options.
When he is in his back he rolls to his sides
A few times he has rolled from his back to his stomach to his back and his stomach so an actual full roll :)
It is getting harder to change his diaper lol
His giggles are so cute! When spencer jumps towards him and says boo that makes him laugh
He now screams and yells a lot, getting to know his voice
He loves to watch tv, but I try to only have it on a few times in the day
I absolutely LOVE his giggles!
I put him in his side to sleep and lately he has rolled to his tummy and woken up lol we think sometimes he moves and bonks his head into the rails...
Still haven't got the breaker fixed in our home which has taken a lot longer then we thought
I wish I could get rid of all my clothes (except a few items) and start over with a new wardrobe and have money for that.
I always get rid of a lot but somehow I still have a ton of things. But I should down size again
We found our missing box but think we are missing one more still...
I really need to find time to ice my wrists...
Off to California with the in laws driving then flying back on Friday
I'm excited and nervous
My baby is growing up and learning new things. What a big boy :)
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Owning a home
This post is written daily so it's just random happenings in order. Slowly getting the house ready, finding things here and there we need to fix
Having carpet sure makes it feel more homey which I didn't feel with the hard wood floors
I defiantly need to be better with patience in all situations.
It's harder to be patient when you have lack of sleep because your baby can't sleep longer then two hours at a time at night. And seems to only sleep best when they are in bed with you (don't give me a speech on how babies shouldn't sleep in bed with you. It's my child and our decision)
I miss the days where he would wake up after 4 or so hours, I feed him and he fell back asleep for another 4 hours. I will take that back any day. I need rest.
I try to take naps with him but there are things I HAVE to get done while he sleeps and then I go to lay down and he wakes up.
He is taking better naps at least an hour now sometimes more.
Once we get into our house hopefully we can get on a better daily routine again and maybe then he will sleep better
I feel so scattered having things here and there but very soon all should finally be at our house
Isaac seems to laugh the most at night time. He laughs when we bounce him on the bed or when objects hit him in the face (soft ones don't worry)
He falls asleep almost instantly when I hold him in a certain position when he is ready for a nap or bed. I just have the mom touch. Other people can get him to sleep too but mine is almost instantly.
He is so peaceful when he sleeps
He loves being naked so each day we let him be for a few minutes.
When he is in his belly reaching for a toy he flips over onto his back lol not on purpose but I love it.
My wrists still hurt which haven't made moving very easy but pulled muscles take a long time to heal
The beginning of fall!! My favorite :)
We are getting everything moved in. Just a few things were left behind for now.
Now the fun if unpacking. I'm really excited but also nervous because this is the first time I will be living without my mom with Isaac. I know that's weird cuz most people are alone from the start and I know she is just a street away but I'm still nervous about leaving. So I will probably come visit a lot
Our ac and heater don't work sooooo it's 60 degrees in our house and I'm freezing!!!
We are missing a box of our things we have looked everywhere we can think of. I just don't know where it could be. It has some of our plates, cups, bowls and our microwave turn table (that's what we know we are missing)
And I go and lose the keys to our shed.... Nothing is in it yet but ah I don't usually lose things but lately I feel I'm losing my mind lol
Things are getting organized :) it's looking more like our home it's crazy that we own a home!
It's a little scary being in a new place with all the new noises but I'm slowly getting used to it all
Tried Isaac in the bed. I lasted until 4am. He woke up every thirty minutes then every hour then every two hours once we put him in bed with us. Exhausted!! I just don't know why he isn't sleeping through the night. He is earn (not hot), changed, fed, burped, and has medicine. Maybe he needs a higher dose of medicine. I don't know
We did our last costco trip.... Sad to be done but if we ever need anything I know I can ask my mom or sister
And next time we are going to try winco!
Well I guess Isaac and I are driving with the in laws down to California Monday and then flying back Friday. In excited but nervous because it's the first time without spencer for traveling and sleeping. I really hope Isaac is good for me so that it will feel like a vacation.
We don't have internet until Friday so it's just a written post for now
Having carpet sure makes it feel more homey which I didn't feel with the hard wood floors
I defiantly need to be better with patience in all situations.
It's harder to be patient when you have lack of sleep because your baby can't sleep longer then two hours at a time at night. And seems to only sleep best when they are in bed with you (don't give me a speech on how babies shouldn't sleep in bed with you. It's my child and our decision)
I miss the days where he would wake up after 4 or so hours, I feed him and he fell back asleep for another 4 hours. I will take that back any day. I need rest.
I try to take naps with him but there are things I HAVE to get done while he sleeps and then I go to lay down and he wakes up.
He is taking better naps at least an hour now sometimes more.
Once we get into our house hopefully we can get on a better daily routine again and maybe then he will sleep better
I feel so scattered having things here and there but very soon all should finally be at our house
Isaac seems to laugh the most at night time. He laughs when we bounce him on the bed or when objects hit him in the face (soft ones don't worry)
He falls asleep almost instantly when I hold him in a certain position when he is ready for a nap or bed. I just have the mom touch. Other people can get him to sleep too but mine is almost instantly.
He is so peaceful when he sleeps
He loves being naked so each day we let him be for a few minutes.
When he is in his belly reaching for a toy he flips over onto his back lol not on purpose but I love it.
My wrists still hurt which haven't made moving very easy but pulled muscles take a long time to heal
The beginning of fall!! My favorite :)
We are getting everything moved in. Just a few things were left behind for now.
Now the fun if unpacking. I'm really excited but also nervous because this is the first time I will be living without my mom with Isaac. I know that's weird cuz most people are alone from the start and I know she is just a street away but I'm still nervous about leaving. So I will probably come visit a lot
Our ac and heater don't work sooooo it's 60 degrees in our house and I'm freezing!!!
We are missing a box of our things we have looked everywhere we can think of. I just don't know where it could be. It has some of our plates, cups, bowls and our microwave turn table (that's what we know we are missing)
And I go and lose the keys to our shed.... Nothing is in it yet but ah I don't usually lose things but lately I feel I'm losing my mind lol
Things are getting organized :) it's looking more like our home it's crazy that we own a home!
It's a little scary being in a new place with all the new noises but I'm slowly getting used to it all
Tried Isaac in the bed. I lasted until 4am. He woke up every thirty minutes then every hour then every two hours once we put him in bed with us. Exhausted!! I just don't know why he isn't sleeping through the night. He is earn (not hot), changed, fed, burped, and has medicine. Maybe he needs a higher dose of medicine. I don't know
We did our last costco trip.... Sad to be done but if we ever need anything I know I can ask my mom or sister
And next time we are going to try winco!
Well I guess Isaac and I are driving with the in laws down to California Monday and then flying back Friday. In excited but nervous because it's the first time without spencer for traveling and sleeping. I really hope Isaac is good for me so that it will feel like a vacation.
We don't have internet until Friday so it's just a written post for now
Monday, September 23, 2013
3rd month post
Soooo I forgot
to blog for awhile, life has been crazy so I will post the beginning of his 3
months and the end.
talking up a storm and the other video is him laughing from daddy
Beginning of 3
months old!
He chews on his pacifier strap
Also chews on both thumbs at the same time
He curls his feet together
He giggles a little but not a whole bunch yet
He is heavier and stronger
He drools even more... Bibs here we come
He is very alert
He grabs his pacifier sometimes
He tries sitting up in his carseat but can't so gets angry
Seems to be eating a lot more now
We've had some rough nights lately so im
He chews on his pacifier strap
Also chews on both thumbs at the same time
He curls his feet together
He giggles a little but not a whole bunch yet
He is heavier and stronger
He drools even more... Bibs here we come
He is very alert
He grabs his pacifier sometimes
He tries sitting up in his carseat but can't so gets angry
Seems to be eating a lot more now
We've had some rough nights lately so im
not a very happy camper. He squirms a
lot like he has gas but whatever we try isn't working.
And Monday night he fell asleep 4 times but wouldn't stay asleep for more then 5 minutes. Sooo I'm exhausted to say the least
We think he may be starting to teeth
He is about 12 lbs
It's crazy how you never think your gonna talk about their poop but you always end up doing so. For example his poop has been green for a few days and i read it can be a stomach bug and if it doesn't go away then to take him in. Other then that he seems fine though
I am so lucky to have this precious baby boy he means the world to me. It's crazy how I love him more each day.
He is always accomplishing something and I'm always giving him praise of some kind. It's so neat to watch them learn and grow
I especially love how they find their voice it's adorable all the cute new noises/sounds they make
If the USDA loan thing doesn't come in by the 6 th then we will be looking for an apartment instead somewhere else. We have to think ahead just in case and be happy for either option. It would be sad if we didn't get the house especially since we did all we were supposed it and it would be the USDAs fault but such is life. We will keep you updated
On a side note I never shared that spencer and my wedding photo made it into Kelly clarksons tie it up music video! It's awesome, go check it out!!!
I think I have mothers wrists they hurt from lugging a baby around all the time. My hands aren't used to twisting that way.
I also think I have a bruise inside around my right hip cuz I always put him on that hip.
I feel like I'm falling apart more after having a baby then during pregnancy lol
And Monday night he fell asleep 4 times but wouldn't stay asleep for more then 5 minutes. Sooo I'm exhausted to say the least
We think he may be starting to teeth
He is about 12 lbs
It's crazy how you never think your gonna talk about their poop but you always end up doing so. For example his poop has been green for a few days and i read it can be a stomach bug and if it doesn't go away then to take him in. Other then that he seems fine though
I am so lucky to have this precious baby boy he means the world to me. It's crazy how I love him more each day.
He is always accomplishing something and I'm always giving him praise of some kind. It's so neat to watch them learn and grow
I especially love how they find their voice it's adorable all the cute new noises/sounds they make
If the USDA loan thing doesn't come in by the 6 th then we will be looking for an apartment instead somewhere else. We have to think ahead just in case and be happy for either option. It would be sad if we didn't get the house especially since we did all we were supposed it and it would be the USDAs fault but such is life. We will keep you updated
On a side note I never shared that spencer and my wedding photo made it into Kelly clarksons tie it up music video! It's awesome, go check it out!!!
I think I have mothers wrists they hurt from lugging a baby around all the time. My hands aren't used to twisting that way.
I also think I have a bruise inside around my right hip cuz I always put him on that hip.
I feel like I'm falling apart more after having a baby then during pregnancy lol
Okay so now
towards the end!
He is just growing up so fast and I love him to pieces!
He is just growing up so fast and I love him to pieces!
He still is
not sleeping fantastic at night. AH its killing me but some how I always make
it through the day without a nap.
He puts
pretty much everything in his mouth. He CHEWS on his thumbs and puts his whole
fist in his mouth
I’m losing my
mind so I can’t remember everything that has happened.
Umm we got
the house, it was a CLOSE call but finally! It’s stressful but we are making
My parents
have been a GREAT help!
Lots of work
but we have it all painted and carpet comes tomorrow! Everything is in the
garage waiting for a spot in the house =]
I’m losing
weight, once I stop breastfeeding I’m probably going to gain like 40 lbs lol
I’m wearing
wrist things cuz my wrists are killing me. My knees are finally better but my
poor wrists now are killing me. We’ve had family visit here and there and that’s
been pretty fun.
I am the
primary chorister so that’s pretty exciting! A little stressful but most
callings have their moments.
The X Factor
is back on, so LOVIN that!!
picture of inside the house soon to come.
Isaac is my
joy, he has his cranky moments but he is getting longer and older every minute
and I just love him! His smiles and giggles brighten my life!
He does seem
to like to sleep on his side lately so we try that when he wakes up.
His acid
reflex medicine seems to be helping him and so he sleeps a little better at
night. Still no crib, I will try more once we are finally in our house.
He went swimming in the pool, he didnt hate it but he didnt LOVE it.
First day of
Fall, ahh love it autumn is my favorite season.
A lot of my
clothes are too big for me so eventually we will have a yard sale and then
maybe I can go on a small shopping spree lol
I will do
better at blogging once we are in our house and things have slowed down a
little bit.
oh yeah we took him to the doctor around 3rd month, he is 12 lbs and has a little acid reflex and some colic and he is teething soooo it explained some of his fussiness. SO he is on some medicine and tylenol for teething. oh snap!
![]() |
3 month picture (side by side with spencer and i later) |
his cute swim trunks |
look at his precious sleeping face |
sunday nap (picture taken by cynthia) |
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gangster |
in the miata with grandpa |
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bath tub nap |
our house! |
nerd! |
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pool time |
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scentsy buddies |
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walmart grocery cart ride |
chewing on both thumbs haha |
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Blue eyes
(I've probably forgotten some things and forgotten pictures oh well)
He moves his head back and forth while being fed occasionally
He cries bloody murder before bed almost every night which I'm starting to be okay with. As long as I've tried everything I can then I hold him to comfort him until he is ready to calm down. So now I don't worry too much.
He is close to giggling
He almost always has an explosion (dirty diaper) when my mom holds him, it's hilarious!
He sucks on his fists a lot
When he is sleepy he likes to play with our hands and he rubs his eyes now
I now put him down for naps every hour in a half to two hours and he only sleeps for 20-40 minutes
Always trying to sit up when he is laying down lol
When I try to take a picture of him with my phone he looks at it like what are you doing lol
He also sucks on his bottom lip sometimes
And is really good at holding his head up and standing
I bought him some teething rings, I'm trying to get him to stop sucking/chewing on our fingers but he likes it too much.
He loves to take walks with us
And he talks and talks sometimes and squeals
I never thought I would love his stretches but I'm starting to love those
Lately some things will make him SCREAM and just not sure why
1. When we sing happy birthday and then blow out the candles
2. We walked past ambercrombie and Fitch and he screamed I think cuz of the strong smell
3. Certain houses he will once we walk in and I think cuz it's new and most the time he gets used to it and then calms down but sometimes he doesn't
He had his first bad rash and thankfully butt paste made that go away
I got an app called the wonder weeks and its a must have in my opinion. Tells you when they will probably be fussy an for how long
Sorry it's been awhile I just haven't taken the time to blog cuz I haven't been in the mood too
We bought a blu ray player so that's pretty cool since our play station doesn't work anymore.
We've been to this restaurant called la jolla groves at gateway and they have great desserts!
I got a new phone... iPhone 4... It's okay but I should of gotten a different one or stuck with my original phone. But I wanted an iPhone so I would of been upset if I didn't get to try it.
I'm still pumping.... Occasionally we will do formula if I'm behind but not very often. Can't believe I've made it through 3 months of pumping. I either am gonna try to get him back to just through me or pump this whole child and next one work hard to keep them on just me.
It's emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting being a parent. Always trying to keep them happy and healthy and helping them reach their milestones. Your always doing something but I try to take some me time once a week to just get out of the house and take a breather.
But I also love it more and more and have those moments when I randomly feel overwhelmed with love for Isaac it's pretty awesome
I seem to keep losing weight but now im starting to eat a little more so hopefully that will help
I haven't really done good at starting to exercise or learn things but after we get settled in our house I plan to get Isaac and I on a better schedule
There are something's that I'm not gonna know how to do once we aren't living with my parents but we will manage
We have all sorts of fun and exciting plans for our house. Hopefully all of it works out. The soonest we can close is the 30th of this month. The latest is September 6th if the rural loan doesn't get done by then then we pretty much won't get the house. Soo hopefully all works out
I keep wanting to look for dining room tables and thing like that but until we get the house we don't have anywhere to put anything yet
I will take pictures once we paint and get some things settled in.
I have our paint colors picked out for the house finally and now deciding on carpet color
Our room: 3 light blue walls 1 silver/grey
Isaacs room: 2 light blue walls 1 light green 1 silver/grey
Spare room: 3 silver/grey walls 1 light green
Bathroom: 3 light purple walls
Kitchen: 4 silver/grey walls
Living room: 3 silver/grey walls 1 dark green/blue wall
Hallway: silver/grey walls
He moves his head back and forth while being fed occasionally
He cries bloody murder before bed almost every night which I'm starting to be okay with. As long as I've tried everything I can then I hold him to comfort him until he is ready to calm down. So now I don't worry too much.
He is close to giggling
He almost always has an explosion (dirty diaper) when my mom holds him, it's hilarious!
He sucks on his fists a lot
When he is sleepy he likes to play with our hands and he rubs his eyes now
I now put him down for naps every hour in a half to two hours and he only sleeps for 20-40 minutes
Always trying to sit up when he is laying down lol
When I try to take a picture of him with my phone he looks at it like what are you doing lol
He also sucks on his bottom lip sometimes
And is really good at holding his head up and standing
I bought him some teething rings, I'm trying to get him to stop sucking/chewing on our fingers but he likes it too much.
He loves to take walks with us
And he talks and talks sometimes and squeals
I never thought I would love his stretches but I'm starting to love those
Lately some things will make him SCREAM and just not sure why
1. When we sing happy birthday and then blow out the candles
2. We walked past ambercrombie and Fitch and he screamed I think cuz of the strong smell
3. Certain houses he will once we walk in and I think cuz it's new and most the time he gets used to it and then calms down but sometimes he doesn't
He had his first bad rash and thankfully butt paste made that go away
I got an app called the wonder weeks and its a must have in my opinion. Tells you when they will probably be fussy an for how long
Sorry it's been awhile I just haven't taken the time to blog cuz I haven't been in the mood too
We bought a blu ray player so that's pretty cool since our play station doesn't work anymore.
We've been to this restaurant called la jolla groves at gateway and they have great desserts!
I got a new phone... iPhone 4... It's okay but I should of gotten a different one or stuck with my original phone. But I wanted an iPhone so I would of been upset if I didn't get to try it.
I'm still pumping.... Occasionally we will do formula if I'm behind but not very often. Can't believe I've made it through 3 months of pumping. I either am gonna try to get him back to just through me or pump this whole child and next one work hard to keep them on just me.
It's emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting being a parent. Always trying to keep them happy and healthy and helping them reach their milestones. Your always doing something but I try to take some me time once a week to just get out of the house and take a breather.
But I also love it more and more and have those moments when I randomly feel overwhelmed with love for Isaac it's pretty awesome
I seem to keep losing weight but now im starting to eat a little more so hopefully that will help
I haven't really done good at starting to exercise or learn things but after we get settled in our house I plan to get Isaac and I on a better schedule
There are something's that I'm not gonna know how to do once we aren't living with my parents but we will manage
We have all sorts of fun and exciting plans for our house. Hopefully all of it works out. The soonest we can close is the 30th of this month. The latest is September 6th if the rural loan doesn't get done by then then we pretty much won't get the house. Soo hopefully all works out
I keep wanting to look for dining room tables and thing like that but until we get the house we don't have anywhere to put anything yet
I will take pictures once we paint and get some things settled in.
I have our paint colors picked out for the house finally and now deciding on carpet color
Our room: 3 light blue walls 1 silver/grey
Isaacs room: 2 light blue walls 1 light green 1 silver/grey
Spare room: 3 silver/grey walls 1 light green
Bathroom: 3 light purple walls
Kitchen: 4 silver/grey walls
Living room: 3 silver/grey walls 1 dark green/blue wall
Hallway: silver/grey walls
I LOVE his blue eyes |
He loves when daddy comes home |
i love this picture |
covered in daddys ties |
he loves taking baths, i wish i never had to take him out but you have to |
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
10 weeks
10 weeks old
We are doin formula every other feeding cuz I was stressing out cuz I couldnt keep up. So now I'm more calm and know he is getting enough and my extra milk I have been freezing or refridgerating.
He loves to chew and suck on our fingers.
It's so funny to watch he struggle to put his whole fist in his mouth.
He likes to stand and sit up more then lay down somedays
We tried to bumbo and he kind of likes it.
He watched some mickey mouse club house that was cute
So he eats now 4 to 5 ounces sometimes 3 so we are getting him the right amount now.
He has been scratching his face at night so I need to remember to put his gloves on. Lately he has a screaming fit at night for a couple minutes, I think cuz he doesn't want to go to bed lol
He still loves going on walks
And also now cries when someone else takes him from Spencer or me. And they can't calm him, I feel bad cuz its not that he doesn't like them he is just comfortable with us. And then they give him back to me and it takes me awhile to calm him down but he will calm down for me or Spencer.
He still slobbers like crazy.
He wiggled in his sleep and makes silly noises day or night. And gets up every 4 hours at night or 3. Sometimes 5 but not as much as he used to :(
I just love him to pieces.
We try to do more tummy time so we can strengthen the muscles he needs to crawl.
He eats from 6 to 8 ounce bottles now.
He will either help hold the bottle or hold my finger.
I tried the crib but I just couldnt do it yet. I hate to leave him in a room all by himself even though I can hear him on the monitor but he is getting to long for the bassinet
I've been trying to figure out paint colors for the rooms in our house. That's fun and stressful.
The earliest we can close is august 30th so im hoping its then not the 10th of September
I'm really excited but also really nervous to own a home. It's a big responsibility.
My ear is better not 100% yet. I can hear a little more and its not swollen and only hurts a little bit. In time I'm sure it will be 100% better
We are doin formula every other feeding cuz I was stressing out cuz I couldnt keep up. So now I'm more calm and know he is getting enough and my extra milk I have been freezing or refridgerating.
He loves to chew and suck on our fingers.
It's so funny to watch he struggle to put his whole fist in his mouth.
He likes to stand and sit up more then lay down somedays
We tried to bumbo and he kind of likes it.
He watched some mickey mouse club house that was cute
So he eats now 4 to 5 ounces sometimes 3 so we are getting him the right amount now.
He has been scratching his face at night so I need to remember to put his gloves on. Lately he has a screaming fit at night for a couple minutes, I think cuz he doesn't want to go to bed lol
He still loves going on walks
And also now cries when someone else takes him from Spencer or me. And they can't calm him, I feel bad cuz its not that he doesn't like them he is just comfortable with us. And then they give him back to me and it takes me awhile to calm him down but he will calm down for me or Spencer.
He still slobbers like crazy.
He wiggled in his sleep and makes silly noises day or night. And gets up every 4 hours at night or 3. Sometimes 5 but not as much as he used to :(
I just love him to pieces.
We try to do more tummy time so we can strengthen the muscles he needs to crawl.
He eats from 6 to 8 ounce bottles now.
He will either help hold the bottle or hold my finger.
I tried the crib but I just couldnt do it yet. I hate to leave him in a room all by himself even though I can hear him on the monitor but he is getting to long for the bassinet
I've been trying to figure out paint colors for the rooms in our house. That's fun and stressful.
The earliest we can close is august 30th so im hoping its then not the 10th of September
I'm really excited but also really nervous to own a home. It's a big responsibility.
My ear is better not 100% yet. I can hear a little more and its not swollen and only hurts a little bit. In time I'm sure it will be 100% better
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loves his mobile |
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bumbo cuteness |
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amazing blue eyes |
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mirror fun! |
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sitting outside on the tree stump |
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his cute announcement, it turned out great! |
Monday, August 5, 2013
Two Months Old
Two months old!
Thursday he was hungry so I fed him a bottle but 2 wasn't enough but I hadn't pumped more yet wo we decided heck why not try the old fashion way. And he latched and ate for like two minutes.
So we try here and there and he latched 3/4 times.
Saturday he ate for ten minutes! I was a proud mommy! I don't know if it will last cuz I'm constantly worried I won't have back up in a bottle if he doesnt latch.
He smiles more but still has fussy moments. I realized if I put him in his crib when he naps he sleeps better and longer so that's our new thing.
He goes to bed around 10 ish and sleeps until around 3 ish and then sleeps until either 630 or 830 :)
He likes tummy time a little better but still doesn't last long.
He likes sucking on Fingers like ours not just his own.
Almost every single time we lay him down to change him he screams. It's so frustrating but I know it can be normal.
We finally got his newborn pictures and so I made an amazing baby announcement!
Sometime we will try and put him in his crib to sleep....
We tried it once and after an hour he screamed. I just hate leaving him alone in a room :(
Monday was his appointment. He is now 10 lbs and 11 ounces. He was in the 50th percentile but now down to the 12th so it causes concern but he is healthy so if by his 4 month appointment he isn't bigger they will have to change something. He is now eating 3 ounces or more but I did read they should be up to 4-5 ounces. At least he is healthy.
He is now 22 3/4 inches long!
All looked and sounded well then came the shots :'( I hate being a mother in cases like this. I know shots will keep him healthier but the painful process kills me. I hate seeing him cry like that. It shows how much I love and care for him though.
Also his doctor is leaving so he will get a new one :( which I'm sad about because dawn Powell was a great doctor, hopefully this guy will be too.
Oh and can't do half formula half breast milk if I don't make enough because Isaac does not like the formula, he can tell the difference even if he is starving so that means I might have to start pumping more and making sure I'm making enough food for him. Oh boy
I have an ear infection, I have no idea how I got it. And it has messed up my jaw so now its hard to eat things. I'm putting drops in my ears until Thursday, hopefully when the swollen goes down it will put my jaw back together. So I'm kind of deaf in one ear which helps when he screams lol
Our closing date has moved to September 10th, ahh we are so close but so far away.
I'm still waiting to kind of feel back to normal but that may never happen lol
I could start working out again but I worry about it. When Isaac has a better napping schedule I will be able to plan my workouts a little better.
I have a list of things I want to learn and I'm really excited but not sure how to go about it yet and where to start.
I dont want to sit around and watch tv all day but its easier then keeping a house clean lol
It's harder to keep things organized right now since we are so close to moving and getting things a little better organized there. Sigh I'm bad at cleaning. I have no drive 75% of the time. Also the day is over before it begins sometimes. It's hard enough eating every meal. But I'm slowly getting better at that.
And need to do more church things as well.
We are surviving I think... Lol
I said I would add more pictures from last post since they were't loading but... that wont happen cuz i can't remember what ones they were, sorry.
Thursday he was hungry so I fed him a bottle but 2 wasn't enough but I hadn't pumped more yet wo we decided heck why not try the old fashion way. And he latched and ate for like two minutes.
So we try here and there and he latched 3/4 times.
Saturday he ate for ten minutes! I was a proud mommy! I don't know if it will last cuz I'm constantly worried I won't have back up in a bottle if he doesnt latch.
He smiles more but still has fussy moments. I realized if I put him in his crib when he naps he sleeps better and longer so that's our new thing.
He goes to bed around 10 ish and sleeps until around 3 ish and then sleeps until either 630 or 830 :)
He likes tummy time a little better but still doesn't last long.
He likes sucking on Fingers like ours not just his own.
Almost every single time we lay him down to change him he screams. It's so frustrating but I know it can be normal.
We finally got his newborn pictures and so I made an amazing baby announcement!
Sometime we will try and put him in his crib to sleep....
We tried it once and after an hour he screamed. I just hate leaving him alone in a room :(
Monday was his appointment. He is now 10 lbs and 11 ounces. He was in the 50th percentile but now down to the 12th so it causes concern but he is healthy so if by his 4 month appointment he isn't bigger they will have to change something. He is now eating 3 ounces or more but I did read they should be up to 4-5 ounces. At least he is healthy.
He is now 22 3/4 inches long!
All looked and sounded well then came the shots :'( I hate being a mother in cases like this. I know shots will keep him healthier but the painful process kills me. I hate seeing him cry like that. It shows how much I love and care for him though.
Also his doctor is leaving so he will get a new one :( which I'm sad about because dawn Powell was a great doctor, hopefully this guy will be too.
Oh and can't do half formula half breast milk if I don't make enough because Isaac does not like the formula, he can tell the difference even if he is starving so that means I might have to start pumping more and making sure I'm making enough food for him. Oh boy
I have an ear infection, I have no idea how I got it. And it has messed up my jaw so now its hard to eat things. I'm putting drops in my ears until Thursday, hopefully when the swollen goes down it will put my jaw back together. So I'm kind of deaf in one ear which helps when he screams lol
Our closing date has moved to September 10th, ahh we are so close but so far away.
I'm still waiting to kind of feel back to normal but that may never happen lol
I could start working out again but I worry about it. When Isaac has a better napping schedule I will be able to plan my workouts a little better.
I have a list of things I want to learn and I'm really excited but not sure how to go about it yet and where to start.
I dont want to sit around and watch tv all day but its easier then keeping a house clean lol
It's harder to keep things organized right now since we are so close to moving and getting things a little better organized there. Sigh I'm bad at cleaning. I have no drive 75% of the time. Also the day is over before it begins sometimes. It's hard enough eating every meal. But I'm slowly getting better at that.
And need to do more church things as well.
We are surviving I think... Lol
I said I would add more pictures from last post since they were't loading but... that wont happen cuz i can't remember what ones they were, sorry.
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this is kind of his new nap time place plus still bedtime place (he is getting too long for it) |
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the puppy he got from J |
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he likes sucking on our fingers lol |
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he smiles are adorable! |
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he is so precious when he sleeps |
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he likes looking at the sky |
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he looks so pissed lol |
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Happy 2 months! |
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he loves the mobile in his crib |
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we will be taking a monthly picture in this chair! (we dont have a newborn pic but htats okay) |
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My happy boy! |
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
California Trip!
I have noticed lately how easily having a baby can change your relationship with your spouse. We have a few more rough days then we used to but of course we fix what we can. I need to split my time. Well the baby needs my attention but I do need to listen and pay attention to my husband too. When we have more kids I'm sure it will get harder at times. We have good and bad days like every one.
Sorry if I repeat things I can't remember what has changed or is still the same.
Isaac has been waking every two hours or so at night ahhh let's get better at this buddy.
His schedule is very off thanks to our two road trips kind of back and forth. Which I knew would happen. Which doesn't help that I haven't been getting much sleep either so I've been kind of cranky :(
I can't wait until Isaac likes to play with toys. Except that means the diaper bag will be even more full lol
He makes lots of bubbles and drools when he sleeps lol
The doctor said with his yeast infection to use disposable diapers for a week. It looks like its gone and then you give hin a bath ans there is still a bright red spot (little but still there)
I'm so frustrated I want it gone and I'm tired of needing to give Isaac medicine for it.
He didn't do too bad in the car to california it was just a lot longer cuz we kept needing to stop for him but we eventually made it.
I know carseats are very important in safety but the trip would of been a lot easier if I could hold him here and there. Grr
Also I dislike the rule about putting the carseat handle down in the car cuz its a pain in the butt to put down. My wrists are sore from trying to push both buttons in at the same time.
My knees are killing me. I'm going to have to find stretches. I hope they heal soon cuz I'm feeling old.
In two weeks Isaac has been to Idaho, arizonia, Nevada, and California! Wow too bad he won't remember any of it.
And his first beach and camping trip
We went camping for a night. Isaac really didn't seem to mind, he was already cranky anyways. The bugs were insane but they never attacked Isaac which I was thankful for. We ate food and played some games. We took a walk and sang nursery rhymes around Isaacs first camp fire :) he looked at the sky more then the fire lol
He slept another fairly good night. In the morning we had heavy rainfall but took a small hike, he slept half the time. But we walked to a waterfall where they usually swim but this year there was barely any water but still pretty.
Then we went back hone and got ready to hit the beach. Traffic was terrible but we made it. Isaac seemed to like it but wasn't in love. I put his toes in the sand and water.
Then we went to walk around the la temple :)
Isaac has been doing fairly well on this trip, I'm very grateful.
Saturday morning we went to dennys with calzada and his little girl (who is adorable) and Desiree and her boyfriend.
We all had q pretty good time :) as always
Later we left Isaac with grandma and went out to eat and shopping. I got a dress... It's cute but doesn't fit perfect so now I'm regretting the purchase. I hate when that happens. The length is just barely right and the top part is too loose for my liking so I will need to pin it up.
Then we came back to watch some home videos of when Spencer was a baby. He does look a lot more like Isaac then I originally thought. I love it! Soon I will get a picture of me and Spencer as a baby and compare to Isaacs baby pictures.
:'( I don't wanna leave tomorrow. I hate when vacation ends.
Later that evening we went to some wedding receptions, which were all pretty nice :)
I got spencer to dance with me and I danced with Isaac :)I'm going to teach him to love dancing. :)
Then at 1030 he was OUT and didn't wake up until 540am. Which is so nice but I still need to pump cuz my breasts get too uncomfortable and then I say "he will probably wake up any minute" so I have trouble fallin back to sleep :(
Sunday we headed out to church for sacrament meeting then we had to say goodbye and we headed out with maryanne and Andrew back to Utah.
We played 21 questions and 2 truths and a lie over text while we traveled. Then we split up and has girls in one car and guys in the other car.
It was more fun kind of having more people to travel with. Spencer and I run out of things to say sometimes.
Isaac had a diaper explosion all the way up his back and all over hos clothes it was disgusting!
Around cedar city it was lightning like crazy! Pink, blue, and white colors. But it was beautiful and would light up the whole sky. Then it started raining really bad and we went back to our own cars. Around beaver Spencer and I stopped and got a hotel cuz it was crazy. But of course Isaac stopped sleeping good. Ah I'm exhausted and now have to try to get time schedules back to normal. Dropping off Spencer at work on the way back to tooele. Started not feeling very well and my left knee is killing me.
When all our trips are done and we are moved in our house I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself cuz it will be so slow but I'm sure I will love it.
Also need to start working out sometime cuz I think I'm starting to get belly pudge :'(
here are some california pictures and his newborn photo shoot. it wouldn't let me upload all the pictures so I will have to add some more later
Sorry if I repeat things I can't remember what has changed or is still the same.
Isaac has been waking every two hours or so at night ahhh let's get better at this buddy.
His schedule is very off thanks to our two road trips kind of back and forth. Which I knew would happen. Which doesn't help that I haven't been getting much sleep either so I've been kind of cranky :(
I can't wait until Isaac likes to play with toys. Except that means the diaper bag will be even more full lol
He makes lots of bubbles and drools when he sleeps lol
The doctor said with his yeast infection to use disposable diapers for a week. It looks like its gone and then you give hin a bath ans there is still a bright red spot (little but still there)
I'm so frustrated I want it gone and I'm tired of needing to give Isaac medicine for it.
He didn't do too bad in the car to california it was just a lot longer cuz we kept needing to stop for him but we eventually made it.
I know carseats are very important in safety but the trip would of been a lot easier if I could hold him here and there. Grr
Also I dislike the rule about putting the carseat handle down in the car cuz its a pain in the butt to put down. My wrists are sore from trying to push both buttons in at the same time.
My knees are killing me. I'm going to have to find stretches. I hope they heal soon cuz I'm feeling old.
In two weeks Isaac has been to Idaho, arizonia, Nevada, and California! Wow too bad he won't remember any of it.
And his first beach and camping trip
We went camping for a night. Isaac really didn't seem to mind, he was already cranky anyways. The bugs were insane but they never attacked Isaac which I was thankful for. We ate food and played some games. We took a walk and sang nursery rhymes around Isaacs first camp fire :) he looked at the sky more then the fire lol
He slept another fairly good night. In the morning we had heavy rainfall but took a small hike, he slept half the time. But we walked to a waterfall where they usually swim but this year there was barely any water but still pretty.
Then we went back hone and got ready to hit the beach. Traffic was terrible but we made it. Isaac seemed to like it but wasn't in love. I put his toes in the sand and water.
Then we went to walk around the la temple :)
Isaac has been doing fairly well on this trip, I'm very grateful.
Saturday morning we went to dennys with calzada and his little girl (who is adorable) and Desiree and her boyfriend.
We all had q pretty good time :) as always
Later we left Isaac with grandma and went out to eat and shopping. I got a dress... It's cute but doesn't fit perfect so now I'm regretting the purchase. I hate when that happens. The length is just barely right and the top part is too loose for my liking so I will need to pin it up.
Then we came back to watch some home videos of when Spencer was a baby. He does look a lot more like Isaac then I originally thought. I love it! Soon I will get a picture of me and Spencer as a baby and compare to Isaacs baby pictures.
:'( I don't wanna leave tomorrow. I hate when vacation ends.
Later that evening we went to some wedding receptions, which were all pretty nice :)
I got spencer to dance with me and I danced with Isaac :)I'm going to teach him to love dancing. :)
Then at 1030 he was OUT and didn't wake up until 540am. Which is so nice but I still need to pump cuz my breasts get too uncomfortable and then I say "he will probably wake up any minute" so I have trouble fallin back to sleep :(
Sunday we headed out to church for sacrament meeting then we had to say goodbye and we headed out with maryanne and Andrew back to Utah.
We played 21 questions and 2 truths and a lie over text while we traveled. Then we split up and has girls in one car and guys in the other car.
It was more fun kind of having more people to travel with. Spencer and I run out of things to say sometimes.
Isaac had a diaper explosion all the way up his back and all over hos clothes it was disgusting!
Around cedar city it was lightning like crazy! Pink, blue, and white colors. But it was beautiful and would light up the whole sky. Then it started raining really bad and we went back to our own cars. Around beaver Spencer and I stopped and got a hotel cuz it was crazy. But of course Isaac stopped sleeping good. Ah I'm exhausted and now have to try to get time schedules back to normal. Dropping off Spencer at work on the way back to tooele. Started not feeling very well and my left knee is killing me.
When all our trips are done and we are moved in our house I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself cuz it will be so slow but I'm sure I will love it.
Also need to start working out sometime cuz I think I'm starting to get belly pudge :'(
here are some california pictures and his newborn photo shoot. it wouldn't let me upload all the pictures so I will have to add some more later
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