Monday, April 2, 2012

182nd General Conference

I should have written this blog earlier today because now I’m exhausted and I might forget something I wanted to say.

First off Happy Monday! Another week isn’t it so exciting. Lol

Friday night Spencer and I relaxed a little bit. We got a movie from Smith’s that has 10 shows on it and then some free baskin robins ice cream for me. We then watched a few of the shows while Spencer did some homework. That’s all I can remember we did but it is a possibility we did more but that feels like forever ago.

Saturday morning we slept in a little bit then got ready for the first session of General Conference!
*Boyd K. Packer- two parents for children, you make a creation of life
Life was never meant to be easy or fair
We learn far more from our children than we do from our parents.
Become as little children
Have time together as families, family time is sacred time.
We will be protected and blessed in this gospel.
Cheryl A. Esplin- reverence and wonder with each new child
Divine privilege to raise children with the help of the Lord
Teach them to understand repentance, faith in Christ, and gift of the Holy Ghost
Live what you learn “I am a child of God”
Donald L. Hallstrom- Eternal life
Who’s on the lord’s side who?
Active in the church or Active in the Gospel
Active in the Gospel means faith/repentance/covenants
  1. deepen understanding of deity
  2. focus on the ordinances and covenants
  3. unite the gospel with the church
Be fully converted to this Gospel
Paul E. Koelliker- Missionaries
Quest and responsibility of each of us
God gives us a patter in all things
Live the Gospel
Yield to His will. Christ center in how we speak, think…
Love one another as I have loved you
Be filled with His love. His arms are constantly extended to us.
Dallin H. Oaks- His life He freely gave. Offer sacrifice
Love and serve one another
What we can do on a day today basis (scarifies)
Visiting Teaching
The church it’s true so what else matters?
Women sacrifice to bare and raise children
Men sacrifice to serve his wife
Henry B. Eyring- All these things shall give you experience (trials)
God shall be with you forever and ever
Unshakeable foundation
Hard work
Patience (waiting)
Frame work (Gospel)
Serving God & others persistently
Act on Faith
I knew I had to do it so I just did.
Never feel alone or unloved

After the first half we got some Little Ceasers Pizza and cleaned up the house a little bit. Spencer was starting to feel sick so he needed to rest. =[
Then we got ready and settled down for the second half of General Conference.

*Jeffrey R. Holland- Don’t be envious to someone who received a blessing. (Jealousy) Pickle juice.
God is just and merciful
  1. Coveting and pouting does not improve your self image (be kind and grateful)
  2. Don’t dwell on old issues
  3. There is no problem you can’t over come (forgiveness)
You have not struggled past the divine love
Don’t delay its getting late.
It is not possible to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ reaches.
Robert D. Hales- How?
Prayerfully live our commandment
Let go of worldly thoughts to prepare for the sacrament
Recommend holder
Faithfully live the gospel and follow the prophets
Live within our means
“It might have been”
Don’t live your life in regret of what you did or did not do.
Follow our spiritual desires
David S. Baxter- You are never totally on your own
Information for single parents
Ulisses Soares- You can’t be wrong by doing right
Sowing in the spirit. Reap life everlasting
Our thoughts words and action (Christ)
Look for information from the Holy Ghost
Don’t give up
Stay on the Lord’s side of the line
Where do my actions place me
Quentin L. Cook- Tree of life
Family is important
What we are speaks so loudly
Praying with children is very important
2 Nephi 25:26
Faithful members should hold fast to the Rod
Scriptures are very important
Base on faith
Read scriptures together
Emphasis our Faith not our fears
Richard G. Scott- His wife Jenea
That is how revelation is received
Increase understanding of doctrine
Communication with our Lord is a scared privilege

Afterwards we got packed up and headed out to my parent’s house. It was WINDY! But we finally made it out to Tooele.
We ate some wonderful homemade pizza than the guys got ready to go to the Priesthood Session. My mom and I stayed a talked for a little while than went to Coldstone to get my free ice cream creations =] Delicious! So creamy. Then we went back to the house and watched this one church movie on TV until the guys got back.
We then watched a Law and Order show, I love those shows but sometimes they give me nightmares.

Then off to bed for the night. We both slept pretty well, Spencer did because he had medicine to help him. We think he had a fever and he was achy.

We woke up around 8 and ate some French toast and bacon for breakfast. Than got ready for the 3rd session technically 4th when you count the priesthood session of conference.

*Dieter F. Uchtdorf- Strained and broken relationships
Contention and revenge
We can’t be saved without the Savior
None is without sin
We are to forgive ALL men (and ourselves)
STOP IT! (Judging replace with a heart full of love)
Bumper Sticker “Don’t judge me because I sin differently than you”
Should we not forgive like we wish to be forgiven
Love of God should govern our minds
Pure love of Christ, Christ is our exemplar
It is easy to love those who love us
Love your enemies
Because God loves us we should love others
The merciful will obtain mercy
*Russel M. Nelson- Gratitude
We were created in his image
Water, food… are gifts from Heavenly Father
Family is the most important social unit
Thanks be to God
God loves all his children
Reproduction is another sacred gift from God
(talks about our amazing bodies)
(Big Bang)
Death like birth is part of life
1 spirit is so important
The spirit needs nourishment by eternal truth
Both givers and receivers should be blest
Christ doesn’t change but we must change (and the world is always changing)
Ronald A. Rasband- Born with limitations
Why did this happen to me
Turn to the great plan of happiness
This life is where we train
All the multitude go forth
Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God
Helping others
I will not leave you comfortless
Julie B. Beck- Relief society to strengthen Faith
Self reliant
“Daughters in my kingdom” Book
D. Todd Christofferson-
Teach doctrine
President Thomas S. Monson- Everyone is in a hurry/rushing
Pause for moments of meditation
For where your treasure is there will your heart be
Heaven lies in our infancy
Why are we here?
A time of testing- prove yourself
Run with patience
Endure to the end
The wooden boats had no propeller to guide them
Don’t float with the moving currents of life
“If a man die he will live again”
Death is not the end
Come home, unto me

During the break my mom, Spencer, and I played some Dutch Blitz, I sure have missed playing that game. Then we ate some popcorn and watched some of the in between shows. Then my parents went to practice a song with Sister Beagley and Spencer and I finished up laundry and floated our clothes. It was April Fools Day but we kept forgetting about it. Nothing much really happened. Then back to the last session.

L. Tom Perry-
Well you should it’s a great book-Book of Mormon
The savior is the great deliver
*M. Russell Ballard- Liohoni- GPS
Holy Ghost can help us when we are lost
Happiness directed to the home and family (service)
Preserve family values
Prosperity and education
Families work and play together
Life and happiness is more better in the gospel of Christ and family
More work in the home
Give children responsibility in the home
Marriage first than family
Trust the power of God to guide you
Husband and wife’s are equal
Use family resources in the church
Luke 15- to correct your course
O.Vincent Haleck- Fasting and prayer. Prosper
Faithful and devoted. Sacrifice
Emulate Him
Vision, courage to act
Let us see ourselves as the Savior sees us
Larry Y. Wilson- Right to use the priesthood
Don’t tale control over a person, unrighteous
Love and patience, cant force other to do right
Parents don’t take control of your children
Wise parents prepare their children to get along without them
Don’t make all decisions for them
Exercise Agency
David F. Evans- Let our children know that we love them.
Share the gospel
The worth of souls
The church is true
Ask who we can help and how
Act on promptings
Paul B. Pieper-
Remember that which cometh from above is sacred (means worthy/respect)
Neil L. Andersen- Come follow me
All things are possible to him that believeth
True disciple of Christ
I am a child of God
He is the Christ
He will do for you what you can’t for yourself
President Thomas S. Monson-
Heavenly Father is mindful of our challenges
Pray always and I will pour out my spirit upon you
Settle your disagreements
Ponder the truths you heard

It’s so bittersweet when General Conference is over. It’s kind of sad but I learned a lot. And this time I had an experience, I got and answer to my prayer. And I was overwhelmed with this feeling in my chest or aka the Holy Ghost. The spirit had touched me and I knew what I needed to do. I still must wait a little but I’m ready! =] (My answer doesn’t really matter to anyone else right now)

Afterwards we had yummy Roast Beef and mashed potatoes. Oh btw it snowed all during Conference on Sunday in Tooele. Yuck!
Then Spencer and I slowly got ready and headed back to Salt Lake City to complete a few things before getting ready to go to bed. We were both tired and kind of sick. But we made it to bed and slept pretty well.

I had a full work day today so I had to hurry and get ready in the morning.
Nothing to crazy happened today though. It’s just been kind of slow and I’ve been trying to keep myself awake.

I guess I should wrap this up! Can’t wait to go home and maybe take a nap or something! (Besides I do need to finish the dishes and put away some clothes but that’s it)

Have a great day!

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