Friday, December 2, 2011

Decemeber ongoings

It is December already!
Time sure flies by.
I’ve decided to make a countdown for Spencer for Christmas.
Day 1- Make our redneck Christmas tree
Day 2- Play any game he wants to play
Day 3- Spencer time or guy’s time and I can go out with some friends.
And that’s all so far I can’t give away too much or he will figure it all out.
But it will be really fun and I’m excited to do all I’ve come up with.

Other than that life is pretty much the same. I will be done with college in about a week in a half or like 4 classes.
He will have 2-3 semesters left then he will probably go to The U.
And he works at a different job now instead of an internship.
He does accounting stuff with the church.
I’m still working at
Conner Sport Court
as a receptionist. Which I hope to find a full time job next year but if not I don’t mind this job too much.
Just the normal boringness of it all.
Not a lot of employees come up to talk to me (which makes sense because I hope they are working) but I can’t leave my desk so I crave to talk to people face to face. There are days that are harder than others.
I talk to my good friend Channelle and hang out with her when I can.

I’ve lost about 20 pounds total this year but I think mostly muscle and not fat.
But a lot of people have noticed and compliment me, which makes me feel good. =]

But someday I WILL do even a little workout everyday. I’m so lazy in the morning. I don’t have to be to work until 1130 so why get ready for the day before 1030. I like my down time.
I’m slowly better at cleaning the house; I’ve learned a few things here and there. Occasionally I slip up and it will get messy. =[

Our Thanksgiving was fantastic with my family and we did Christmas as well since no one will really be around this year. We had a lot of laughs and full stomachs =]

Spencer and I are growing closer each day. It’s crazy how different you feel about someone after you spend so much time together. A good feeling is what I’m talking about. You start knowing what each other are thinking and just know what they will do or say. He is the most wonderful man, and I’m glad he is my eternal partner =]

This Christmas we will be driving with Andrew to California to see that side of the family. That will be nice since Spencer hasn’t had Christmas with them in about 4 years. It will be my first Christmas away from my family so it will be interesting. But we will make it a fun road trip.

Then on March 20, 2012 I am going to Kelly Clarkson’s concert!!! I am so very excited and hopefully Mallorie will go with me but if not I will try to find someone else. She is a really good singer and I LOVE her new CD so it will be fantastic.  =]

Thank heavens it’s Friday! I am finally slowly getting over this cold I’ve had since Thanksgiving break. =] Stephanie’s getting married in 15 days, crazy!

The time seems like its flying by but at the same time it seems like it going very slow. Especially when you’re waiting for a certain date like a concert or a birthday or whatever.

I want to go Karaoke singing sometime, I don’t think I’d have the courage to do it but I’ve always wanted to and hoped my voice would work.

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