Friday, July 29, 2011

Career Path

Thanks to my husband and a good night’s sleep last night I think I’m ready…
He has been telling me I need to figure out a career that I’m going to love. I complain about the job I have because of boredom. I am tired of sitting at a desk all day answering phones that barely ring and doing things on the computer just to keep me entertained. I have played. Spider
Solitaire WAY
too much and play it in my mind sometimes.
I should LOVE what I do but I realized answer phones just isn’t my thing. Sitting at a desk the whole 5 ½ hours isn’t my thing.
My wish is to do something I love and not be too busy or too bored. Just be perfect in the middle.
Things I’ve always wanted to do:
  1. Psychology of some sort
  2. Elementary Teacher
  3. Child care/nanny
  4. Photography
  5. Own a bookstore

I just don’t feel anything popping out to me right now. And 1, 2 are A LOT of schooling still to do.  Then 3, I have some schooling to take but not much, and some peoples kids drive me crazy so you would never know if you’d get lucky or not. Then 4 I love and you don’t have to go to school to be a professional, but I always struggled with understanding all of photography terms, then if you don’t get a lot of clients there won’t be much income. Now owning my own bookstore would be amazing BUT it cost money to start one up and we aren’t financially prepared for that.
What do I do?
Keep going to school somewhere until I figure it out?
Look around for jobs until I find one I like?
Stay at my current job as long as I can handle?

What I have started to do is pray for guidance in where I need to take my life/school/career.

I just feel so unaccomplished at work and there isn’t much I can do. I feel lonely because no one comes up to talk to me much. I go insane just listening to my voice. I love the people I work with. I ask for projects every now and then but it’s been kind of slow.

I mean I’ve always wanted to be a mom but we aren’t ready for that yet and that costs more money, you don’t earn income from being a mom. You get points for being a great parent and earn love but right now we need to save on money and get settled in and a little bit farther in our career choices. Some how jobs always seem to come up for me when I need them so I know something will click.
I am kind of thinking I need to go to school still but that would be expensive and we don’t want to take out a loan unless we HAVE to. I have two classes left at LDS Business College then I’ll be done in December.
Oh the joys of growing up! =] I just want to love everything about where I work and feel accomplished but not stressed. That’s probably everyone’s dream.
Wish me Luck, I’m not sure where to start.

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