I need to start recording my late night conversations so I don’t forget the things that are said. I don’t like staying up late but sometimes you just get to talking and it’s nice to see other people’s opinions and converse. This time it was with Suki and Mary. Also, little bits from Spencer and my previous conversation over the weekend.
In life people never teach you that you will have connections with people of the same gender. Now this is starting to sound weird and trust me it’s going to be hard to explain myself. Let me first start off with I am not talking about being gay or anything like that. Basically we are taught you like or you love someone. My roommate Mary who is from Peru, speaks Spanish. In the Spanish language there is an in between word. It’s “te quiero” or as a verb “querer”. We really need a word like that. There are times when I see a person and I feel this instant connection of some sort. I will list some names weather you know them or not: Suki, Brittany, and Kate. I never knew why but I always felt like I wanted to be there friend. There are more but I never found of their names. I was talking to Suki about this and we decided that one reason I probably wanted to be their friends is because they have a personality I wish I had. When I think back on it they all act very similar.
Now I convinced Suki to be my friend =] but there wasn’t any luck with the other ones. They didn’t seem to care to get to know me. Which is totally fine but interesting how that all works.
A lot of people think your best friend is someone you have a lot in common with. That’s not true; it’s someone you have a connection with. Some of the best of friends are the ones that have very few in common with each other. There are your “best friends” that you have for a time because you needed them or they needed you at the time. It’s just a friendship for the season. A true best friend is someone that is always there for you and you are always there for them. You listen and try to help one another and are very understanding. And you are friends forever. Suki and I have our struggles but she has taught me a lot and I think I’ve done the same for her. She is a great example to me weather she thinks she is or not. =]
Next is about what Spencer and I were talking about one time and thoughts I’ve had since then. We were talking about the creation and how as Mormons we know we helped create some things on this earth. A lot of times people think the places they served on their missions are a place they helped create. They just feel a connection to the place. Then I thought the things we love in this world if maybe those are things we helped create. Like the flowers or mountains or rivers…. Then there are the déjà vu moments we have either with a situation or a place. I’ve always thought that’s because we’ve been there before either in helping create that place or were there before we came to this earth.
Now let’s bring humans into this. My mom and I were talking about how sometimes we meet people and can easily just strike up a conversation like we’ve been friends forever. Like maybe we knew each other in heaven, maybe we were friends up there. Then I thought how there are people on this earth that we don’t get along with very well. I wonder how we were with each other in heaven. I know we are very loving in heaven so it’s funny how you kind of so called “hate” a person down here.
What started off the conversation with Suki one night was something that was on my mind. Recently I have been seeing the world and people differently. Usually when this happens it’s because you’ve had a near death experience or saw someone having a near death experience. But nothing like that has happened to me or someone else that I know. It’s like my eyes are more open and I’m more aware of my surroundings. My friends seem different, in a good way.
Then I ride a bike to work every week day on a rode that is not seriously dangerous but weird people walk/drive through it. Lately I have notice how someone could easily know the path I take and they could do something bad to me if they really wanted to. It’s just every now and then but it’s frightening to think that in a split second I could get hurt. I would have had to walk and I wouldn’t be fast enough to get away from them. Now I ride a bike and I move faster but I am still open to harm. Next soon I will be getter a car and I will be more protected from danger. There are still car accidents but physical harm from someone else is last likely to happen to me.
I also have been watching people on Trax more. It gets me thinking on how they became homeless or why they act the way they do. What happened for them to be in their situation?
Things happen and I know I can only do so much and God is always watching over me and protecting me. He would never let anything bad happened to me if it wasn’t time for it.
My mom introduced me to this book called “The seventeen second miracle” By: Jason Wright

It was really interesting and another eye opener. Within 17 seconds you can change someone’s life or simply their day. You need to help someone in need or simply say hi to someone. In the split second you have to decide if you are going to help or not, the opportunity could be over. I always think about it in my head instead of offering right away. I remember one day a few semesters ago there was a man in a wheelchair by the crosswalk. He was struggling to get over a bump on the sidewalk to cross the street. Without even thinking (which is the best thing in these cases) I asked him if he needed help. He said yes please, thank you. It took simply about 17 seconds (that’s about how long crosswalks are timed) to wheel him over and to the bus where he needed to be. I had to cross anyways so it didn’t take me out of my way. (Even if it did there is nothing wrong with that) He said you are a beautiful girl, and thank you so much, you didn’t have to do that. I said no problem, and thank you.
Just a simple 17 seconds is nothing in a day but can change a life =]
Hopefully I will catch more of these moments to help someone and change their life. It will just make my life happier as well =]
On a random note I am going to change this HUGE project I was working on from Disneyland princess to psychology of some sort. I have to present it on Monday so hopefully I can change it all in time. I really love psychology and wish to someday take a class or two to learn more. =]