Sunday, May 28, 2017

Emmas Birth Story

I had scheduled to be induced on her due date May 24th @ 8am because for several reasons I just didn't want her past her due date. I didn't want to be induced so I didn't plan it earlier then her due date to give her time to come in case she decided to show up on her own.
Tuesday the 23rd I finally was having contractions. And really struggled to want to walk around or go anywhere. Around 11 or midnight contractions started to become harder to breathe through and consistent. Because I was strep b positive they wanted me to come in sooner then later so if I was in labor they could get enough penicillin in me before she was born.
We had a lovely lady in our ward that we like to call our Oregon Grandma. She came over to stay while the boys slept and until Spencer could come back and get them.
I was 5cm and 80% effaced? So they admitted me. I was handling contractions well but I was game for an epidural whenever they could get me one.
We found out that why your legs go numb at the beginning is they give you two meds that jump start the epidural to work. Supposedly your legs are supposed to gain feeling after awhile but the pain should be the only numb part even if you press a button to get more pain meds. But for me if I ever press that button my legs go numb again. So for whatever reason i'm some rare case and we tried telling them that the same thing happened with the boys but they didn't believe me until I told them my legs were numb again. So I really can't feel even pressure down there all feeling is gone. But no biggie.
The hardest part for me was they don't let you eat anything but liquid things and I was STARVING and weak from lack of food so I was very emotional. Also we didn't have a good nights sleep the night before and its the middle of the night again and i'm not getting sleep.
She moved around A LOT so the machine was always making noise from her movements. Once I got the epidural it slowed down my contractions a lot at one point I was 7cm and fully effaced for awhile.
Since I couldn't feel my legs they had to help flip me when I wanted to lay on a different side. Around 9 or 10? they flipped me and a few minutes later the doctor came to check on me and I was wet so my water must have broke when they flipped me because I had been dry just before that.
They were going to give me Pitocin but the nurse said since my water broke she was going to see if my contractions picked back up on their own....and sure enough they did. And around 11ish I pushed 2-3 times and her head was out and she slipped out with the doctors help and she was here at 11:16am
LOTS of dark brown hair and just beautiful! I did almost cry a little bit mainly from it beings 12 hours and I was so weak and hungry and I had really finally had a girl lol
She was 8.1 lbs (biggest baby ive had) and 19.25 inches long
She is pretty chill but when she does not like something or is hungry etc she WILL let you know, she has a high pitch scream/cry......
Usually if you were strep b positive they make you stay mainly for baby for 48 hours thankfully they let us go around the 24 hour mark I never would of emotionally survived staying there another night lol
We all love her very much and trying to figure out the sleep schedules which has been a bit rough. During the day is pretty good but nights are a struggle. She is down to 7.7 lbs but they aren't worried. She's got chunky cheeks and dark eyes for now can't tell which color they are going to change to.
We pump, breastfeed, and formula feed until we figure out what we are going to work on. And every night I change my mind on what I want to do lol
The biggest trial for me is sleep if I don't get a fair amount I just can't handle life so Spencer and I take turns with her at night and naps during the day etc.
The boys have been pretty great for the most part just always have lots of energy. Grandma Nielsen comes June 1st and we are super excited.
A downside is its SO HOT in every room but the living room so its made nights harder.
Anyways I don't think I missed anything nothings huge but we did find out that the hospital was pretty packed with women in labor that if I hadn't of gone into labor on my own they would of moved my induction date :/ so thank heavens baby girl decided to get things going!

OOOh I tore about a 2? It's day 3/4 and I rarely take any pain meds and i'm seeming to heal fairly fast and nicely. My tummy is slowly going down and need to keep up on naps etc to feel semi normal but i'm pretty good and ready for back to normal life just with 3 kids instead of 2. She's a snuggle bug