Do you ever have days where you don't feel well it could be physically, emotionally, or mentally.
I find when I'm like either of those I start slacking or have been slacking on important things. When you feel miserable its hard to really want to do anything but binge on Netflix, pinterest, etc.
There are times you physically can't do much and that's okay.
But I was reminded of doing whats important even when you don't feel like it.
What I mean by this is saying your prayers morning and night and not just when you need strength to get through the trial but to also express gratitude for things. And to read/study your scriptures and be reminded that so many others went through tough things and they survived. And maybe even be thankful your not going to war and experiencing bloodshed and death (I know some people are experiencing this) And don't compare your trials to others because people are given what they can handle even though at the time it may not seem you can handle it. God knows us!
And then to put your device down or turn off the tv and focus on something different, if you have children, your children! Change up the routine a little. And especially be grateful and love your spouse.
Lastly don't focus so much on the ailment you are going through.
In the end I always remind myself "This too shall pass" and a friend reminded me of this quote "Life is to be enjoyed; not just endured"
Have a Heavenly Day =]