He weighs around 16 lbs and 26 1/2 inches now in a size 3 disposable diaper.
He got his first full blown cold... When we did so we lost a lot of sleep.
He tries to climb up on everything
He shakes his head
He will randomly just smile/squint his face which is hilarious
He will reach out his hand if he wants more of something
He now has Cheerios and kixs for snacks
He is adorable as always but defiantly a trouble maker
He is able to open a few cupboard doors now and lift the toilet lid up and down.
Still doesn't sleep through the night maybe on a rare occasion he might
We go on walks at least 3 times a week
Still only has 2 teeth but is eating a little bit more solids. He still doesn't eat as much milk as I think he should but is drinking water too so he won't get dehydrated
He got a big boy car seat! I was going to weight until he got closer to the weight limit but his height was getting their faster. It's huge! But I love it and I think Isaac does too (don't worry it's still rear facing and I plan to keep it that way until he is 2)
The only thing I don't like is there is no shield from the sun but I bought him sunglasses I hope he keeps on and we will eventually get a window shield thing too
He waves hi
He shuts doors
He makes all sorts of new sounds an copies us sometimes
He is a wild child
He is finally sleeping a little better depends on the night
I'm now 23 years old, seems crazy how times passes fast
I am now a lularoe independent consultant! Which is super exciting and so cool. It's a really great team of girls to work with but it is a lot of work and I'm having a few doubtful moments. I'm really hoping I can do this but it's really easy to get down on yourself. I really want to step out into something new and give it my all but other times I think I probably shouldn't of taken the risk.
Prayers are needed.
So March I got two colds so OVER them but they love lingering and in the middle of the night when I wake up my throat feels tight and sore, annoying
I'm finally a little better from the stinkin colds and so is Isaac so we can rest our bodies now.